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Natural Doctrine not broken just very Hard!!

On 12/01/2014 at 09:16 AM by leeradical42

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 So after hearing alot of people saying this game is broken, unbeatable etc I decided to research this a little more and I found plenty of people who beat the game. Its just a very very hard game that may not be for everyone but at any rate this was the best explanation I found.

Natural Doctrine is a very interesting strategy game in the same vein as Fire Emblem, but with a few twists.Characters move on grid based map, enemy line of sight had to be on point for a successful attack, two squares are needed for advancement—that sort of thing. These are all variations to the standard formula, but Natural Doctrine takes strategy much further.

The main difference between other strategy role-playing games and Natural Doctrine heavily lies in the game’s  excruciatingly gruesome learning curve. There are so many rules and regulations to follow, just trying to explain it is exhausting.

For starters, using certain abilities will allow you to use other nearby characters to join in on the attack or take some other action. However, using another character before their official move in the round will cause this to be their “official” move instead. Therefore, it is best to leave characters that can rally troops until later so that they can allow those that have already taken their turn to have another go. While tedious and confusing in nature, these tactics are always the keys to victory. However, the game doesn’t do a great job of explaining these setups as the actual learning process for this particular part of a battle turn takes around 7 or 8 hours into the game.

Part of that is the game’s fault for being punishingly difficult; you can die most rounds if you leave someone in the open to be targeted. The tutorial also takes the blame for not emphasizing it enough. I know for a fact that the game did go over these tactics, but it didn’t seem so life or death at the time.

Magic, and certain special moves, can only be performed by using a finite pool of resources that is constant throughout all levels. This makes resource management a potential problem if you overuse it but I always had plenty of it throughout the whole game.

The first 4 to 5 hours of Natural Doctrine is contrastingly enjoyable thanks to the ease in difficulty and the somewhat bearable story. The story revolves around Geoff and friends as they battle monsters and save the world. It’s interesting enough to where I didn’t ignore it but it won’t be winning any awards for originality.

As far as my playthrough, the party was never overwhelmed by scores of enemies and I could generally take out the next enemy whose turn was next before they could use it. Then, everything changed. For a few missions in a row there were either traps or triggers that released 15 or so enemies onto the field, ensuring death; tricky ‘escape sequences’ where the whole party had to run away; or a combination of the two that made Natural Doctrine almost infuriating.

At this point, I was tempted to quit playing, but after the first few hours of generally good fun, I wanted to see where this all would lead. There had to be something here.

After one horrible situation where the party ended up in an erratic formation after a surprise enemy ambush—which also forced the objective to change to ‘run away’—the next mission changed things. It was a standard ‘fight the enemies’ map with no surprises, but things started to click. It was here, almost 8 hours into the game, where I started to fully understand the linking of turns and possible movement patterns to take advantage of every round. By the end of the following mission, I had it mostly figured out and was using these tactics every single time I moved a character. It was like finally solving a Rubix Cube. Everything had become clear. Sure, the game was still difficult but I could now ruthlessly attack the opposition in the same way they targeted me.

And you know what the most important thing was? It ended up being a tons of fun.

It’s still hard to ignore the harsh road to that point. Natural Doctrine requires constant, intense strategy with character positioning, with when and who they attack and an assortment of other battle-related setting. This is layered on top of a multitude of class specific moves and rules. For example, certain attacks and buffs will let you link to everyone else in the party–which is supremely useful–while others will only let you link with those close by.

Knowing when to use certain characters out of order so that they will be used more often in other characters’ turns is great but… you probably get my point by now. This type of thing isn’t super clear or easy to convey nor remember. Maybe this video of me playing right around the time where I was figuring this all out will help.



Super Step Contributing Writer

12/01/2014 at 11:48 AM

I think in many cases it comes down to reviewers just not having the time they need to delve into a game, so something so hard for so long is just going to infuriate them and lead to a bad score. 

Nick DiMola Director

12/02/2014 at 10:51 AM

That's definitely a part of it. Also, there's something to say about games that don't have the appropriate learning curve to ease you into the depth of its mechanics. In my opinion, that's indicative of a poorly designed game.

While it wasn't my favorite, Knights in the Nightmare, for example, had extensive sets of tutorials that explained every facet of the game ahead of jumping in. While its methodology was awkward, and quite frankly, boring, I at least understood the complexity of the mechanics before getting started, which enabled me to succeed.

If you can't teach the player how to be successful when you have a very complicated game, you can't expect them to appreciate what you've built just because it's there. That inevitably leads to poor review scores because something's not right.

Also worth mentioning, most big sites aren't reviewing games for the niche, they're reviewing them for a general audience and a game like this is not meant for the general audience, which also means lower scores. People who are seriously into these games should really check out an RPG specific site as they are more than likely going to give it a review that aligns with your particular tastes.

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/02/2014 at 12:17 PM



12/02/2014 at 08:52 PM

And Joe you are right its like I told Nick if you cant give it a non biased and fair reveiw then leave it for the sites who will spend the time and play it and nick summed up the game perfect you cant play it if you dont have clear instructions on how to play it especially a deep game like this.


12/02/2014 at 08:42 PM

And Nick this is Very true I think you hit the nail on the head the poor tutorial is the problem here yea it shows you the jest of it it doesnt explain the depth and complexity of the game this games tutorial just sux and if you figure out how it works its awesome but most people are not going to stick with it just people like me who really like these cult following strategy games will actually figure it out and by the way I am getting better but the game is hard, but the reveiws in my opinion if your not going to do a non bias reveiw and be honest with all facets then dont reveiw it leave it for mainly rpg or strategy sites and by the way Nick thats why you do such an awesome job with pixlbit because you explained this the way the reveiwers should have instead of saying its a broken game say it like you did the games flawed due to a lack of information on how to play lol!! Thats why I thought Chris Yargz would be great at it since he likes the genere but thanks for clearing that up thats why im a dedicated gamer on this site because you do a awesome job here thanks.. Wink


12/02/2014 at 12:23 AM

Sounds deep, and I like deep.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

12/02/2014 at 05:18 AM

VERY VERY VERY hard.  Tongue Out


12/02/2014 at 08:46 PM

Yes snee but Nick hit the facts awesome it doesnt explain how you have to play to succeed its all about the link system especially the defending links and man that first boss was a doozy huh lol!! Tongue Out


12/02/2014 at 10:01 AM

the Gamefly community slammed this game.  I think I'll stay away from it as far as a rent goes.


12/02/2014 at 08:49 PM

Darth definitely a game you would want to buy and its affordable I got my copy new for $30 but you can get it around $20 used and in a few months cheaper then that unless it does like Cross Edge and has a very limited run.


12/06/2014 at 10:59 PM

ive seen you playing it on the friends list....i may have to give it a go.  Crushing difficulty?  Card based?  I could probably get into that....


12/07/2014 at 10:26 AM

Im about 11 hours in and have yet to see any cards but supposedly there in it.


12/09/2014 at 02:32 PM

It makes me wonder if this is classic "phantasy star" hard or "wizardry" hard in either the unforigiving or unnecessary hardness.

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