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The Weekender 12/5/14 Edition

On 12/06/2014 at 11:14 PM by xDarthKiLLx

See More From This User » The Weekender!

Credit as always to the OG artist.  Though since this particular splash (it's kinda small...does that make it more of a droplet?) is plain, it's more a courtesy than a mandatory credit this weekend.

How've you guys been?  I'm good.  Did about half of Xander's xmas shopping yesterday; we got him a bunch of those Marvel figures that can be pulled apart and mixed up so that you get figures that can have the body of Wolverine and the head of the Hulk, or Iron Man, or Hawkeye...or the legs of Dr Octopus, the arms of Green Goblin, Thor's get the idea.  He's gonna love them.  He also asked for Iron Man themed we got him a couple boxes of the Marvel Super Heroes Lego sets.  One is Iron-Man themed and the other is Captain America themed.  Not sure why I hyphenated Iron Man.

He also asked for Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham and a Lego Star Wars game for his 2DS...those will be picked up a bit later, probably week after next.  Kid's crazy for Legos.

What Are You Playing?

I'm still soldiering on in Dragon Age: Inquisition.  It's a very good game, as you all probably know from the different posts here at PB.  I'm 21 hours in and I feel like I've not even begun to scratch the surface.  I read somewhere that it took a reviewer 90 hours to finish.  I may not be getting another Gamefly game til after New Years at this rate, lol.  I also gave Shadow Of Mordor a whirl tonight...that game also has quite a bit going on in it.  I'm curious as to whether the initial area is the only playable area in the game or if it gets bigger...anyone?  The Mordor that I'm looking at in my map screen doesn't seem very big at all.  It's enjoyable for sure, but as Inquisition is a rented game and I own SOM...I'll probably turn my attention back to Inquisition until I finish it.

What Are You Watching?

Myth Hunters s2.  I enjoy all that history-oriented stuff....makes me crave cable and The History Channel.

What Are You Reading?

No Easy Day and No Hero by Mark Owen.  Both books are written by one of the SEALs who participated in the op that saw Bin Laden deader than a doornail.  Both good books, I highly recommend them.  I finished up Kitchen was okay.  Bourdain sorta drags on a bit at the end, and the narcissistic tone of the book began to grate on me as I read.  A good read, but that's a guy I'd never be able to hang out with.  

What Are You Eating?

This weekend it's bbq'd chicken, rice and beans....probably some spinach artichoke dip and french bread tomorrow.

You guys??




12/07/2014 at 01:07 AM

I'm glad you got Mordor. I'm curious to read what your thoughts on it are since I really didn't like it and I seem to be alone on the internet with that opinion. The map you see when you start out is only half the world map and half the game. When you complete the story quests you will open a new map similar in size to the starting map with more story and side missions. I'm roughly 20 hours in and I don't feel like finishing it. 

Reading about the length of Inquisition deterred me from buying it. I just don't have time to play through another long ass game right now. So far, most of what I've read is that it's good. I'll eventually get to it. Just not now.


Mordor, Diablo3 Reaper of Souls
Resident Evil Novels
A lot of coffee and hot chocolate. It's the holidays. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/07/2014 at 01:56 AM

How long does GameFly let you keep a game before you have to buy it? Are you able to beat Inquisition before having to buy it you think?

Instead of watching, reading etc. I'll just go day by day

Thursday was a White Elephant Party where I got a DVD of The Notebook. Someone else was happy with my bargain bin book of Lady Gaga photos. Went to a bar and watched the Cowboys beat the Bears 41-28.

Yesterday I saw my university's men's basketball team (SFASU Lumberjacks) anihilate their contenders (Long Beach State 49ers) at home, to the tune of 74-45. Since they scored 60+ points, the local Raising Cane's had buy 1 get 1 free for all combos today. Also celebrated my friend's birthday and ate some homemade Mexican food and cheesecake a mutual friend made him. We played some Call of Duty: Black Ops II which I actually really enjoyed this time cause I was doing ok, usually with the second most kills slightly behind first. We were on the same team against some bots, since XBOX Live was not in this apartment. 

Today I ate some leftovers I was given of the Mexican food, read a couple chapters in my statistics textbook, watched Wisconsin get blown out by Ohio State 59-0, saw that the Dallas Stars won 4-1 against a team with a much better record (Montreal Candiens) and ate some Raising Cane's (gave the free box to someone else). 

Tomorrow, which is technically also today, is all about getting thesis stuff done, writing my final advertising paper and doing some more studying for my stats final on Wednesday. Speaking of Wednesdays, I saw the first episode of The Blacklist this past hump day. Holy crap that first episode escalated quickly. Already hooked. Good ol' Spader. 


12/07/2014 at 03:40 PM

Spader is awesome in Blaclist

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/07/2014 at 06:07 PM

Loved him on Boston Legal too when that was on and enjoyed him in Lincoln as the lobbyist. Looking forward to him in Ultron. I hope that makes him as big as he deserves to be. He's well-known if you love movies/TV, but I don't think he gets enough recognition from the casual audience.


12/07/2014 at 11:25 PM

I nearly forgot to answer your Gamefly question:

you can hold onto the game you've got out as long as you like, so long as you keep your membership paid-up.

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/08/2014 at 12:05 PM

Oh, nice!


12/07/2014 at 03:07 AM

Playing: Funny you should mention Legos... Been playing Lego Batman (the first one) the past couple of days. Finished the story and now going back to mop up.

Reading: Not much of anything. Still at the Old Forest Chapter in The Fellowship of the Ring.

Watching: Jason and I watched Gravity last night. I don't see what all the hype was about. Also been marathoning the current season of Hell's Kitchen.

Eating: Barber Foods Apple and Brie stuffed chicken breasts, rice, and green beans for dinner last night, leftovers tonight. I thuink I'll make a corn chowder tomorrow, and maybe bake some ginger snaps.


12/07/2014 at 03:38 PM

That chicken sounds divine


12/07/2014 at 05:33 PM

It is.


12/07/2014 at 03:17 AM

Playing: Still on Borderlands The Pre-Sequel and trying, and failing, to find time to play more of Ys: The Oath of Felghana on PSP. I want to get back to RE4 on Xbox and Silent Hill Book of Memories on Vita as well. Ah time!

Reading: V for Vendetta graphic novel. It's really great. Dragon Magazine back issues and about to start War and Peace on audio book.

Watching: All I'm able to watch after gaming is a little football on Sunday and various youtube videos my friend at work shows me every day. Today was people trying to become Super Saiyan by screaming a lot. LOL

Eating: Salads at lunch every day this week and I'm liking it. Tomorrow though? Think I'm getting a cheesesteak. Oh yeah!


12/07/2014 at 03:39 PM

Post pix of the cheesesteak


12/08/2014 at 04:39 PM

I almost took that pic, but I think I was feeling a little guilty about it. I had a stomach ache latter on, so I think I'm done with breaking my diet.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

12/07/2014 at 09:52 AM

last night I made mac n cheese for dinner and my parents had dairy queen which I don't like.  

I've been wrapping presents.  I like it.  IT's fun.  Going to wrap some more today during football.  

HAven't been playing much, had a stressful week.  But hope to get back to DA tonight.  


12/07/2014 at 03:34 PM

I had some mac n chi the other day w panko bread  crumbs  on top. See lists!


12/07/2014 at 12:10 PM

I just finished Murdered:Soul Suspect on PS4 and enjoyed it, it was kind of easy and short but the story and characters were great. I'm working on FF9 on Vita along side Don't Starve but I'm also thinking of starting Borderlands 2 on vita. PS4 wise I'm gonna continue DAI and work on Samurai Warriors 4 some more finally. 

I'm reading Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex and am enjoying it. It's the 7th book in the series and after it I'm gonna buy the final book and finish the series. I'm sad to be so close to the end but all good things come to an end....sometimes,lol.

I'm watching mostly youtube, haven't watched much tv actually.

Food I'm not to good diet wise but I'm not giving up which is the important thing. Gonna keep on trying.


12/07/2014 at 03:36 PM

My daily food intake has been lamentable. I need to eat healthier .

Cary Woodham

12/07/2014 at 05:35 PM

I had to work a day this weekend so most of my free time was shot.  I've been playing a new game called Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, which is best described as a "Cary" kind of game.  Aside from Pixlbit blogs and an episode of Gravity Falls I haven't seen yet, I haven't been watching or reading much of anything. 


12/08/2014 at 09:34 AM

I replied as usual yesterday but in the middle of my last sentence my browser shut down and I didn't have the energy to write it again. :)


12/10/2014 at 11:07 AM

If you like books like No Easy Day, check out Seal Team Six by Howard Wasdin. He talks about his time with the Seals starting from training to life after Seals. Its interesting. 

I've been playing a bunch of inFamous Second Son just roaming around fighting and eventually I will tackle another story mission

Last night I watched the trio of Masterchef Junior/Agents of SHIELD/Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (like I tweeted I watched for the articles)

Ate, hmmm. I had my favorite Chorizo Burrito from the local Mexican Food spot. I do this once a week. 


12/12/2014 at 02:50 PM

that's a busy weekend! I'd tell of mine but I'm was just too busy.

It just too me till thsi week to get caught up on your last week weekender!

Tis the season....

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