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Mario Maker: The Possibilities

On 12/11/2014 at 06:56 PM by NintendoFanJon

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One thing I've taken notice of in terms of the Wii U is that Nintendo is starting to pull out all the stops. Amiibo is selling like the hotcakes analysts expected they would. Sales are starting to pick up, the games have never been more plentiful as the U is already sporting a vast library of different game genres, and future releases are leaving me that eerily familiar feeling of ''I see what you did there'' know the one you generally get from Nintendo when they announce all their major ips are hitting all at once...only to see a long drought of games not coming....I know you won't work this time...

Wait a say Kirby is coming....nope...not gonna get me. Oh Star Fox is a 2015 title you say Miyamoto...I don't believe my ears....Oh and Zelda too...well I....No, no no....I don't. There is nothing you can show me that'll sway my mind...


Damn it Nintendo! You fickle temptress! You had to do it. You had to lead off with Mario Maker. In 90 seconds you showed me something....That Nintendo could make a balls to the wall impossible kaizo Mario, and that this game is going to be a day one buy for me. When the original trailer first showed a year ago I was I'm beyond excited.

Yes I know there are still unknown elements. Nobody knows if level sharing will happen within the online community, nobody knows for certain if you can create your own worlds, secret exits, warp pipes, boss fights, etc. Only Takashi Tezuka and Nintendo know this...and they're keeping their cards close to their chest and a poker face gamblers would be jealous of.

Game explain had some nice insight into the aspects in the trailer analysis. And it certainly has me incredibly excited just because of the possibilities. I have stated before that making  a Mario game has been a dream of many Nintendo fans. Many have done so with the Mario Romhacks, kaizo Mario, Hell people made music back in the day with Mario paint. Now those of us with the imagination, but perhaps not the know how or tools can have that feeling. If levels are multilayered or even just'll bring out those who have ever had the desire to make Mario their way...and that is the greatest feeling of accomplishment of all.



Cary Woodham

12/11/2014 at 07:28 PM

I'm not as big into creation games now, but back in the day, I loved Mario Paint.  I like how Mario Maker kind of has that Mario Paint motif.


12/12/2014 at 09:39 PM

Yeah a lot of Mario Paint features are implemented in this game as well. It'll be interesting to see how it all comes together.


12/11/2014 at 08:42 PM

You beat me on saying that there'll be plenty of opportunities for creating Kaizo levels and all kinds of Plataform Hell.


12/12/2014 at 09:40 PM

Definitely. I think there was always going to be that thought, which is why I liked the new trailer so much. It's like Nintendo knows lol


12/11/2014 at 09:27 PM

I'm glad they mixed in other Mario game levels. I though it was like a DLC game with only Mario Bros 1 from NES. Looks like fun. I'd like to try out community designed games, but I don't know if it will have that capability like Little Big Planet?


12/12/2014 at 09:42 PM

I doubt it'll have what Little Big Planet had. I mean you can create a full fledged game in LBP.... I mean I would hope that Mario Maker becomes a thriving community of Mario fans and designers to be sharing levels, worlds, and crazy idea, but there's still that unknown factor.


12/12/2014 at 03:17 AM

Is it my imagination or has third-party devs totally dropped Nintendo. I've seen so few titles for either 3DS or Wii-U lately other than the few first-party titles. 


12/12/2014 at 09:45 PM

Nope it's not your imagination. 3RD party support is non existant on Wii U with hardly anyone developing for it save for maybe  a namco bandai title there or sega title here. Almost all third parties have jumped ship to the the other companies with Microsoft and Sony fighting over exclusives. The 3DS is better for third parties as the vita isn't going to take it over any time soon. and even with the mobile market the 3DS has the better hardware and is selling.


12/13/2014 at 04:16 AM

Can Nintendo survive on just their core titles? I really want more reasons to get a Wii-U. Right now I have only two, Pikmin 3 and Wind Waker HD.


12/13/2014 at 09:20 AM

You know I think they can. Nintendo has been in this position before with the N64, and while it may not have been as severe as it is now I think it's because they have the games no one else does. Mario still is a great series, the fans are still there, etc. I believe that Nintendo has another 2-3 years depending how they integrate amiibo and whether or not they bring out a grand, hd mario galaxy esque game to end it on a high note. 

Nintendo has the oppurtunities available. Even with say a Fatal Frame 5 limited state release or Rodea: The Sky Soldier surprise. I mean we stll have things to work with. I like how they are expanding Mario titles without Mario. Stuff like Captain Toad and Yoshi's Woolly World could expand it. We also could still see a Metroid, F-Zero,  or even a Punch Out surprise. I mean they have enough to keep the ship from sinking I just don't know if they will. I do expect a new system from them in 2-3 years though.


12/14/2014 at 03:28 AM

I got a Wii because of Virtual Console. Then lots of interesting stuff came out for it from all different developers. I've got two games I want for Wii-U, but there's no other feature about it that I really want. I think if they go to a new system and put the Wii-U on sale though, I'll likely get one.

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