I thought that by organizing a list of games I was interested in playing would be a good way to experience them all in a timely manner but in hindsight, I think it was a bad idea over all. The good thing is that I was able to spend more time with each game than I normally would have, and discovered games I normally wouldnt play. The bad thing is that I didnt like a couple of games, triple A games, long games, and I didn't enjoy the time I spent with them. I feel like I wasted my time actually. I had such a bad time in fact that I went back and started playing games I know I enjoyed. This backlog is what caused my desire to want to stop gaming and a reminder of why I just cannot trust mainstream game review sites. I've gone off on mainstream game reviewers in the past, so I wont do it anymore. I just find opinions from enthusiasts on forums, youtube and blogs to be more honest sometimes and just as valiable. I think it's time to let go of the game reviewer as god and accept more opinions from the community as well.
I'm not a games reviewer. If I was I think this game list approach would have been useful to get through deadlines or whatever, but I can see how playing so many games in such a short time would make everything seem monotonous. I defnintly became more nitpicky and critical of minor issues when otherwise I would have ignored problems. I won't mention the games I was playing, even though I feel like an honest opinion might save someone money, someone like myself perhaps. Giving a negative criticism of a darling franchise will just descend into a flame war, and I just don't feel like fighting.
A short story...
I was watching a twitch stream while someone was playing a really popular game. This gamer has similar tastes as mine, and he seemed kind of bored with the game--it wasn't clicking. I told him I didn't like the game that much and I recommended he play another. He clearly wasnt having fun, well the chat room which I thought was dead awoke and descending on me like a mob of zombies for criticisizing a popular game. It got so bad I had to leave. I revisited the twitch stream again tonite, and the gamer was playing that game I suggested and he was enjoying it a lot more than the previous one. We were talking about it in chat and thought it was GOTY worthy. I'm glad I suggested a game for someone that might have never wanted to try it. For the record, this gamer frequently asks viewers for suggestions, but my god the chat room wanted to murder me. It was worth it though. In the end.
I don't know what happened in gaming this year, but god forbid you have a negative criticism or feeling about a popular thing before trolls come after you to shut you down. I thought gamers were cool? I thought games were fun? I don't know what happened to the game community that it got so mean and gross suddenly?
Anyhow, I went back and started playing Star Wars the Old Republic MMO because it's just fun to run around with a lightsaber and kill all the things. Plus, I have Star Wars on the brain since that trailer a few weeks ago. I'm also playing Hotel Dusk and Pokemon Diamond on my old DS. My god these games are so good! SO Good!
I don't know what to do about the backlog now? In the end, I was supposed to write/blog about these games, but honestly I don't like writing bad things about games. If I think a game sucks, I just wont write about it. It is game of the year time however, so I feel like a few playground fights are incoming and inevitable.
Oh, and this game is great...