That Gotham by Midnight cover looks awesome.
Comics Run #3: To the Future!
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![]() On 12/15/2014 at 07:33 PM by V4Viewtiful ![]() See More From This User » |
By looking at the past few weeks of comics, I wrote this MINUTES before New Comics Day.
I've been too busy for games "" which meant I had to read "
" or sleep, which ever came first. the Christmas month is just draining, anyway lets get cracking.
Only one Marvel book this time and I was apprehensive about it too seeing as i'm not a big Spidey-fan anymore and I wasn't interested in Spider-verse and still am not. And this issue doesn't change that however with some nice art and snappy dialogue I can bare it just fine.
Morlun is a vampiric enemy who killed the Peter of 616 and forced him to resurrect is just going around killing off Spider-Heroes. Why? Apart from being evil and wanting revenge? I don't know or care but it's more fun than what other reviewers give it credit for.
I assume it's a play on titles as "Gotham By Gaslight" is a fine GN from way back, Ray Fawkes and Ben Templesmith vets of Dark and eerie stuff take on what is essentially Gotham's supernatural stuff.
Nothing exciting happens till the end but it has great build up and atmosphere. Gotham is known to have cults ghosts and all sorts of minor/major mysticisms and now we get to see a new take on old briefly explored tales.
The Art isn't for everyone as it is very abstracted and dulled out but it uses light and forms effectively.
This might be Manapul's strongest issue as it very fast passed but full of story. Anarky is at the centre of this one based on the Arkham Origins look rather than looking like V for Vendetta ad the Shadows love child circumcised by the Spanish Inquisition. So not as interesting looking but less ridiculous.111
Detective Bullock is still fun as ever and the to and fro from him and Bats is still classic, HIm misreading Bats intentions and Bat's pwning him once again. There was a nice divergence with the Mad Hatter which is both sad and well done not the interaction just the last words said to Hatter by batman that shows just how sad and insane the Mad Hatter is. The fact this is a Christmas Issue makes this comic soo good.
Book ends with a bang. Darwyne's Cover is just excellent
You may not know this series, which is a shame because it's one of the best books about mostly villain (not originally) that like Task Force X (The Suicide Squad) take on highly dangerous mssions of a dubious nature. Why the Suicide Squad is government sanctioned chaos this is more like a private operation by a mysterious oganisation.
This was great very fun, the dialogue was made me smile and it's a nice reintroduction to the nu Status Quo of the Secret Six, it's a shame Catman doesn't have his costume of old though. I'm interested in how they design him as we haven't seen him in full costume yet.
The art is mixed, at times it's great but often it's excessively "scratched" and kinda meld into each other but i'm liking the contrast and use of colour.
This Issue goes full Bleach with Demons and superpowered friends going at it which is essentially the whole issue though it's aready been linked to Buffy this is Bleach by proxy, just a little payoff for all the world building the ending feels random but nt bad.
This is really good we learn a little more about the main character (Rori's) abilities and the uniqueness of each of the power sets of the 4. which are akin to ther personalities.
Every time I look at this comic I feel that i should be wearing old 3d glasses, it pops that much for me Tola Lotay is a talented woman. Ellis stuffing his comic full of more Supreme lore and intrigue than Christmas poultry the pace and the panel organisation is wonderful.
I would only reccomend this after any of you read Alan Moore's Supreme because it's the best way to appreciatet let alone get what the hell is going on in this comic as it doesn't hold your hand.
This comic I think is comparable to Marvels, the marvel comicbook where Ben Ulrich a journalists documents the growing emergence of supeheroes and key events that happened in different eras of superheroes lives. his is more of a research Journal or retrospective investigation. I mean after heroes don't need to save the world as much and have changed it beyond recognition, what's next?
It's the Best thing ever.
Next week is Big!
So good people so good.
This is V saying "Look at my Big Bros. Xmas Present"