It's Contra in space
This radical arcade game was released in 1988, developed and published by Capcom. It was ported to pretty much every system out at the time. I'll be reviewing the Sega Genesis version. It stars two shirtless burly dudes who carry giant guns, but they can fly (take that, Bill and Lance). Coming out one year after Contra hit the arcades, it's not hard to see that this game is trying to outdo Konami at its own game. Too bad it fails big-time.

Unlike Contra, FW is not a run 'n gun, but rather a scrolling shooter. Your dude flies in the air (without a jetpack or anything), the screen scrolls, and you shoot like a madman. A robot-type buddy assists you by shooting in front or behind you. Here's the unique part: your guy can pivot around 360 degrees to shoot in any direction. Pretty cool, right? Yes, except the controls are very tricky. One button shoots, another button turns him clockwise, while another button turns him counter-clockwise. That means you have to move your thumb off the shooting button to make the guy pivot. Also, he usually goes the direction you don't want him to go because you can't remember which way he turns! Contra was never this confusing.
FW is certainly an oldschool game. Die once and it's Game Over. Luckily, shops will pop up in levels and you can swoop down to enter them. Here you can buy weapon upgrades, armor, potions, and extra lives! However, every time you purchase something its price will increase. So stock up on zenny (blue orb-like coins), which you can acquire from defeated enemies. The whole shop thing was a thing of the late '80s in which every game had to have some RPG elements in it, even if it was an action game.

The level design is pretty basic. Enemies will come at you in waves. Little robot things will come at the top of the screen in groups of five, then at the bottom. Lizard-like dudes will come at you with missiles. The good news is, you can actually shoot the bullets and missiles they fire at you, meaning you won't have to dodge everything. But that alone doesn't quite save the game.
The pivoting meachanic is really a pain. The problem is, it's not optional. Enemies will frequently come in from behind, forcing you to pivot, but take too long or turn the wrong way and you'll be taking some serious damage. Press the button too hard or long and you'll swing around really fast. I found it best to sit at the top of the screen and pivot slightly diagonal left or right, but enemies would still somehow come up right on me and I would over-compensate or turn the wrong way.

The bosses are also disappointing. The first boss (a giant belly button) is laughably easy; you just sit in one spot and fire, destroying any enemy fire that comes your way. The second boss (a dragon) is a huge pain. He somehow spits out bad guys who turn around and fire at you, meaning you have to pivot and shoot them, then pivot back to shoot at the dragon. Did I mention how difficult pivoting is??? Due to this, it takes forever to defeat Mr. Dragon, a huge pain. The third boss is a giant face who punches at you with giant fists. So, the bosses are really disappointing and uninspired (and not fun at all).
The level backgrounds are each unique, but the same thing happens in every level: bad guys swarm you and then the boss is a big pain in the butt. Believe it or not, the shops are the best part of the game. They have some very helpful things! There are some awesome weapon upgrades, potions, and extra lives! Too bad the rest of the game is such a pain. The game is also two player, so you and a friend can team-up and try to pivot together.

Final Verdict--2 Stars: Not Worth It
What a shame. This game wouldn't be so bad if not for the impossibly difficult pivoting mechanic, which is essential if you want to make it through. Your poor right thumb will just never quite get it right. But with bland level design and terrible bosses, Forgotten Worlds is doomed to be forgotten, and this is one sad game we won't want to ever remember. It's simply not fun, and fun is very important to me when it comes to video games. I don't like chores, and this game is nothing but a big chore.
No RGotW next week. Have a Merry Christmas!