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Defending The Nintendo & Sega Sonic Deal

On 12/22/2014 at 01:29 PM by NintendoFanJon

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Well, I haven't blogged in a good while. A lot of interesting things have happened. I won't count the Mario Maker blog as that was more of a reaction piece to my already undying fan love-hate relationship between myself and Nintendo. Anyways, I wanted to discuss the Sonic Nintendo Wii U/ 3DS games...more specifically I was going to try and defend Sonic Boom... Key word here is try. But then I figured, why not all three games? So, without further ado, here goes nothing. Enjoy my musings!

1. Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympic Games

Well this really shouldn't count should it? That is the general consensus among people who thought that the deal would consist of three mainstream Sonic games. For those not in the know... Mario & Sonic have been competing in the Olympics since 2008 back on the Wii. It was met with some mixed reception and the games themselves are a bit to be desired. While this game is hardly the cat's pajamas or well any pajamas....there are plenty of positives.

It has plenty of characters and events- some good, some bad, Dream events are the real highlight of this game featuring fun games such as Snowball Scrimmage and Bullet Bill Sled Race. Snowboarding is the biggest higlight as the controls between steering, jumping, and other tricks you perform just feel right. I mean there is a lot of fun to be had with friends in this game with such great events like Roller Coaster Bobsled. At $20 or less, you could do worse.

Professional Rating: 6/10; Personal Opinion: 6.9/10

Professional Grade: D-; Personal Grade: D+

Suggestion: Worth a rental at least


Sonic: Lost World

Ah yes Sonic: Lost World is definitely the best of the three. Does that mean it's good? Honestly, I think this game gets a lot of undeserved flack. I really enjoyed a lot of things about this game. It's honestly the closest 3D Sonic has come to a well controlled platformer that it could be. Now that control has a learning curve, but honestly this game is still pretty good. I believe that this was an experiment to put a lot of elements that worked and throw some new and unique ideas into a game and see what stuck.  The problem is that was this direction...too new? In all honesty, I didn't mind that Sonic slowed down just a bit for this new game. Once again going back to the platforming and controls...once you get a hang of things, it becomes a blast...and it doesn't take that long to get that feeling of it just feeling right. 

Now there will be some people who look at the Super Mario Galaxy inspiration and that can't be ignored, especially on a particular boss fight that will remind you of the Bowser planetoid battles. I truly do think that this Sonic has some great level design, great music, and plenty of challenge. But at times, this becomes an inconsistency. Like I said, the controls take some learning to get a hang of and even after you do there will still be some issues. The problem I have with the game is that it tries too much and too hard for new things that wisp powers feel like an after thought. The Deadly Six  are a bit unispired and honestly a little too easy at boss fight sections. And I won't go into the story. Sonic isn't Shakespeare and never will be. Don't complain about the attempt at humor or lack of depth in the Deadly Six. It's a damn Sonic game...why are you expecting something grandiose? The stories even going back to the Adventure days weren't that complex or original. Give him a break for going back to simpler times of Eggman wants to make robots out of critters with a twist of new enemies. Plus free Yoshi/Zelda zone DLC and a NiGHTS inspired boss rush (with the Deadly Six Bonus Edition)...that's just great!

Professional Rating: 6.3/10; Personal Rating: 7.5/10

Professional Grade: D; Personal Grade: C

Suggestion: It won't be for everyone, so play the free demo on the eshop first. If you like it then it's worth a buy at $30, if you're on the fence then rent it as you can easily beat the game within a week or so. Personally, I enjoyed this game and I am one of it's few defenders.


Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric

Okay...this is it. I've been thinking to myself....How in the heck do I defend Sonic Boom? A game plagued by members and staff of the development team leaving, a rush to get it released in time for the TV show tie-in (which honestly isn't that bad too be honest...a good show for your 8-12 years old kids or nephews/nieces), and a review embargo that made everyone question just how bad it would be. And you know a game is being critically slammed and universally hated when you drop from a $50 retail title to $30 on amazon....a price drop I'm sure will continue to go down.

But here is how I will defend Sonic Boom...I have to erase the part of my mind that remembers years of previous Sonic games. I have to travel back in time and become 8-12 years old. And I have to ask my 8-12 year old self...Would you play and enjoy Sonic Boom? Now I cannot do any of those, but I can ask my nephews...the target audience this game is aimed at. And you know what? They think this game is awesome and fun. Of course, they also enjoyed the werehog sections of Sonic Unleashed (which many felt ruined the game) But since this game is clearly aimed at small children and not me I have to take it at that approach.

Sonic Boom is not the worst game ever. I've played a lot of crappy games and Sonic Boom can't be as bad as Ninjabread Man. But it's not a good Sonic game. It's very average, slow paced, incredibly easy (there are very forgiving checkpoints and I'm not even sure if there is a life counter like in most Sonic games), the music is not very good and for this being a Sonic game that is least Sonic 06 had the music, combat and characters all feel boring and similar, simple puzzles, and finally it just looks bad. With frame drops, glitches (though not as bad or hilarious as Soinc 06) and just jagged looks like a game even the Wii would laugh at...well maybe not that bad, but you can see the point I'm making. However, 8-12 year olds will simply love this game and that is what matters right? After all they are the target audience.

Professional Rating: 3.2/10; Personal Score: 4/10

Professional/ Personal Rating: F-

Suggestion: Unless you are 8-12 years old or you're the world's biggest Sonic fan who would defend even his poorest games (and even then this might push you towards the looney bin) don't buy this game. Heck, don't even rent this game. The demo is free to play if you are curious, but even if this were to fall into a $20 or less bargain bin...I still would be questioning whether it's worth it...I would know...after all I bought it at $30....Thanks a lot Amazon! Seriously...I love Amazon. 

Amazon Review Biased Opinion: USE THEM! GET A PRIME MEMBERSHIP! I LOVE YOU AMAZON!!!!!!!!




Super Step Contributing Writer

12/22/2014 at 04:25 PM

Ummm ... what if I'm 7 though?


12/22/2014 at 06:34 PM

You'd still be fine. I put 8-12 as the demographic because I''m not a demographic expert lol. I just know 6 is asking a bit much because it would be difficult for them and teenagers 13 or older would be bored or hate it lol.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

12/22/2014 at 07:02 PM

damn, Sonic Boom must suck.  


12/22/2014 at 11:00 PM

It's not that it sucks, well it does suck. However, there are far better Sonic games and far better platformer games. It's playable...I'll give it that.


12/22/2014 at 07:35 PM

I actually remember having quite a lot of fun playing the first version of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games with friends. Never tried any of the games after that.

I'm set for a Wii U this December, so i'll get Sonic Lost World someday. I'm fine if it's Sonic Galaxy, since I love Super Mario Galaxy.

As for Sonic Boom, atleast that one is a spin-off, so there's not a lot of damage to the "core" games and from what i've seen, the cartoon looks pretty hilarious. The reception of Sonic Boom makes me wonder if it was better to have the cartoon first and think latter for the videogame.


12/22/2014 at 11:06 PM

yeah Lost World gets a bad rap I think and it's compared to Galaxy a lot which I feel is unfair. Galaxy is great and Sonic Lost World is fun too, but it takes more from Generations and Colors which I think is great, and it adds new things too. Some good, some bad. I also agree the cartoon is pretty good. I think the problem with Sonic Boom is that the game was supposed to tie in alongside it and that it was clearly rushed. 

Cary Woodham

12/22/2014 at 08:11 PM

I haven't played the others, but I did review Sonic Boom.  I don't think die-hard Sonic fans would like it, but I didin't think the game was THAT bad.  Granted, it's not that good either, but I still think it was somewhat playable.  Like a cross between a Sonic game and Jak & Daxter.  At least the Sonic Boom cartoon is better than the Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures show.  What they did with Knuckles still cracks me up, though.


12/22/2014 at 11:10 PM

Well Boom was made by former Naughty Dog developers so I guess that's why it feels like Jak & Daxter lol. I'll admit it's playable, but it is far from a polished product in any sense. A shame since the show is pretty fun. It's like a reverse Pac-Man. The Pac-Man games were pretty decent and the show is awful while Sonic Boom has the bad game and the show is decent. We need one that is both...perhaps it can be the upcoming Mighty No. 9?

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