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The After Christmas Recap Sponsored By Quick Hits With Chris

On 12/29/2014 at 11:49 AM by goaztecs

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Hey Pixlbit! So how was that holiday? I know you guys/gals/little green men in space had a good time because I saw how many blogs and comments I am behind on and I think it doubled since the last time I checked this site (probably last week). I’m hoping everything went well with you good folks. Since it is a Special Monday after Christmas let’s cover a couple of items shall we?


The 3,000 Club

So Santa got me over the magical 3,000 mark, which means it is time for me to start taking pictures of my game collection. Hot damn this is going to take a while and I should save it for the Blog A Day stuff. We shall see. Anyways current count as of tonight is 3,002. Cool beans!


Chris’ Netflix Was Hacked

So last week I noticed my Netflix account was hacked. My main profile was in French, and there were a bunch of shows and movies I didn’t watch and a whole new profile. The kicker is that there was logins from England. After a couple of times of changing the password and taking to the online help they are in the process of logging out all 30 (YES THIRTY) devices that logged into my account. Hopefully tomorrow morning everything will be good and I will have a normal account. I also removed all the items that were on my account because I don’t watch Breaking Bad and a couple of random movies.



Christmas The Recap

So Christmas was fun. The family came to visit over the Weekend and it was fun to catch up, hang out, and spend time with the family. On Christmas Day we had the usual Christmas Lunch and it all began with me having this on all night


This has become my new Holiday Tradition. I like watching the KCal 9 Yule Log while they play bad Jazz Christmas music. Yup that is Christmas for me. Later on in the morning my big purchase for the holiday arrived and I was freaking excited!


Another new tradition I started last year of buying a pig is still going. This year my uncle wanted to split the price and for around $340 bucks we got what I call 65lbs of magic.


Oh I do love pig and it turns out the guy I bought magic from owns a restaurant and they also do other Filipino food items so we might be hitting them up for other family events. There was a ton of other good stuff but I want to highlight another favorite during the holiday season


Prime Rib!


The rest of the day was spent kidding around with the family, catching up, and enjoying tons of food. The next day my brother and his girlfriend came and we did more of the same (the pig however didn’t last).


So during all of that there wasn’t much gaming going on until everyone left. I spent some time with my new games, and played some iPad friendly stuff. I noticed that there was technical issues with Spider-man Unlimited where I wasn’t earning the items I unlocked like Iso-8 during the game. It sucks but what can you do. Speaking of technical issues c’mon Sony get your act together already. Geez, another system wide takedown? At this point Sony might as well give out free PS+ for a year for folks who have been with them since the original PlayStation.


Last night while checking on my Netflix Account I decided I was ready to give this show a chance


And after a couple of episodes I am freaking hooked! This show easily fills the void created by the end of Boss and The Newsroom. Heck this is a bigger version of Boss, and I get why Netflix outbid HBO for it. Such a freaking good show. I’m trying to not watch the entire first season in one sitting especially since right now there is really nothing on TV.


Another thing I watched was absolutely horrible was The Legend of Hercules on I think Showtime.


Holy cow this movie is bad. If you haven’t seen it, I could only imagine the writers were wondering what would happen if Hercules was in the universe where 300 met Gladiator with a dash of He-Man thrown in. All it was missing was Hercules shouting “Are You Not Entertained?”


With that, this entry brings me to early Monday morning where outside it is 28 freaking degrees. TWENTY-EIGHT! For you folks where cold weather is normal go ahead and laugh but damn for a place where 60 is considered dress up like it’s a blizzard, this is insane.


Oh yeah so I guess it is time to show you folks what Santa brought. I bought the family the pig, and gave out some stuff wrapped in boxes. I got some cool stuff. My brother and his girl gave me a GameStop giftcard where I picked up these cool games


I believe Killzone was my 3,000th game. I have NFS on the PS3 but I really want to finish it on the PS4, so that’s going to be my next game I’ll play a ton of.


And I added a game I’ve been looking for in Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom. I found it a month ago but I couldn’t justify the price. Since GameStop was having a Buy 2 Get 1 Free on used games I picked it up along with another game I wanted, WRC, and got Killzone Shadow Fall for free. I forgot to use my $5 off coupon and it expires today so I might go and give NBA Live 14 a try. I know the game is terrible but it's going to be around $13 after coupon so why not.


I got a couple of clothing items and a gift certificate at Macy’s but I wanted to share with you folks my new jersey


I have a new Current Clippers home jersey! I have the road red’s along with my old school Lamar Odom jersey so I’m happy to get a CP3.


I also have an Anaheim Ducks jersey that I ordered online because it was super cheap. It pays to check out the sale stuff the days after Christmas. The final thing was a freebie from Google Play


For someone who used to work for the Mouse, I was trying to avoid Frozen but it was free and I can’t turn down free music.


Well Pixlbit, it has been fun but I shall end our chat here. I have a lot of blogs to read and comments to respond to, and I’d like to enter 2015 with a clear message box. I also need to do my yearly backup of digital stuff. I need the space for all the 2015 goodness.


That’s all for now, more later!




Super Step Contributing Writer

12/29/2014 at 04:36 PM

House of Cards is so good. Sorry about the hacking, but holy crap 3,002 games. I don't think I've broken the 50 mark for physicsl copies and even with digital, I'm not sure how close I am to 100. 

I just downloaded Frozen and the first LotR movie for free on Google Play. Unfortunately, I too have eaten like a pig over the holidays and have set myself back health-wise tremendously. Being sick and staying indoors has not helped.


01/13/2015 at 12:20 PM

Holy cow House of Cards is so FREAKING good! I watched Season 2 over the weekend and hot damn! I'll most likely talk about it this Friday but after reading HoC Reddit page I missed so much I might have to watch it again.

3k is way too many games. I need to start taking pictures because that's going to be my start to Blog A Day this year. I saw LotR was free but I didn't jump on it.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

12/29/2014 at 06:01 PM

dude man, that's a freaking pig!  

sorry about the hacking.  I doublechecked my own to make sure everything was kosher.  I hate hackers.  I hate that they bring down game services, and steal credit cards etc. etc.  People are such jerks sometimes.  

Sounds like you had a good holiday!


01/13/2015 at 12:23 PM

That was a lot of pig. I was talking to my uncle yesterday and he said that was enough food for a much bigger party. Next year I'll get my order in early and get a smaller one.

Yeah hacking sucks. It is a pain getting everything straightened out, and the it happened right after the whole Home Depot thing where I had to pay attention to my card. Thank goodness I got a call that it was trying to be used in England. Pain in the ass!

Cary Woodham

12/29/2014 at 07:02 PM

I got the collector's edition of Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Remix on PS3, Sonic Lost World on Wii U, a few DVDs like The Wind Rises, a "Grunkle Stan" Fez hat from Gravity Falls, some gift cards, a Muppet book, and a Despicable Me Minion Fart Gun!


01/13/2015 at 12:23 PM

Sounds like the man in red was good to you this year!


12/30/2014 at 01:46 AM

I cancelled my Netflix earlier this year. I never have time for it after gaming, but I do watch stuff on youtube. Sometimes documentaries or old movies related to what I'm reading.

I want Killzone Shadowfall!!!


01/13/2015 at 12:24 PM

I don't watch a lot of Netflix and usually its either right before I go to sleep, or when nothing is on. HoC makes the membership worth it. That show is so good. 

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