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New Years Update!

On 01/02/2015 at 09:41 PM by Blake Turner

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 Hi, it's Blake here, kickin it with some old school vibes and some funky fresh beats. I brought my bop it and am ready to chew some ass and kick bubblegum, and I'm all out of teeth. So I can't chew. So I'll suction some ass and kick bubblegum, because FUCK BUBBLEGUM!

Got Kicked Out - AGAIN!

 So, what have I been up to? Well, I got kicked out my place so my friend could let his stupid parents have a place to stay since they were homeless. Fuck them. Seriously, his parents are jerks. If I were him, they'd be on the street. I've known them since I was 4 and all they've done is steal from him and dick him and his sister over. They got put on a no rent list since they never pay rent, and then they rented a house in his sisters name and completely ruined her credit rating. It took her half a year to get that sorted out. So fuck them.

 This was like... a day after Bilby moved in with me, so we're back at my grandparents place until we find a place to stay. Luckily, we stole my brothers room while he was visiting his dad so I don't have to sleep in the loungeroom!

 This sucks for a multitude of reasons, but a smaller but also important one is internet. I recently started a guild in guild wars 2 with Asrealasitgets... which will have to go on haiatus for a while since I can't log in :(. Sorry buddy.

New Years!

So what did I do on new years? I got drunk and played cards against humanity, and it was fantastic. Bilby and I somehow managed to drink a full bottle of Southern Comfort. We then got breathalised since my friend had purchased one. I was 0.18. Bilby was 1.25. WE DRANK THE SAME AMOUNT! HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN?!

Game of the Year

So I've written out my top 10 games of the year and we've decided what Plus 10 Damage's top 10 games are going to be, so that should be up either next week or the week after. Either way, my list will be up soon!

 Future things from Blake

I might start doing a Plus 10 thing called "Games you might have missed" where I look for some more obscure games that, um, you might have missed. I've got two games I want to give a shout out too, so i might just give that a go.

 I'll probably do a top 10 albums list sometime too. That could be fun. And I'll continue my Understanding Metal Subgenres thing if anyone is actually still interested. And if you have any ideas for me to do anything else, let me know. I love stealing other peoples ideas!

That should about Do It! 

So shut up and have some Amon Amarth!




01/02/2015 at 10:29 PM

Wow Blake,

the getting the boot stuff doesn't sound like any fun. I'm not sure who I feel worse for, you or your friend. 

I'd imagine Bilby is smaller than you so that would explain the different BA readings. That or else you have a built in alcohol sponge.

About 40 years ago I drank a whole bottle of SC in my band's practice space. Woke up on the floor with the 2nd worst hangover I've ever had. I can't even smell the stuff without feeling sick.

I'm still interested in the metal blogs keep it up. Oh and I'm glad you and Bilby are still kicking. :)

Blake Turner Staff Writer

01/03/2015 at 08:24 PM

Bilby is actually barely shorter than me. It's not even noticable really unless you measure it. I think it's more that she hadn't eaten as much. And women are often get higher readings, I just didn't think it would be by that much.

 The problem with SC is that it's so easy to drink. It's like the male equivelant of a cruiser - it is essentially Lollywater, but fuck it it's awesome haha. I feel the same way with rum though, can't touch the stuff anymore. The smell reminds me of vomit too haha.

 And yeah, Bilby and I have been together for about 16 months now :)



01/04/2015 at 10:29 AM

Blaby? or Bilke?

Blake Turner Staff Writer

01/18/2015 at 05:41 AM

Personally, I prefer Bilke. Blaby is too close to baby for my liking.


01/18/2015 at 11:22 AM

Your havin' my blaby, what a lovely way of sayin...... oh god no.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/02/2015 at 11:52 PM

I'm really hoping neither of you drove anywhere, but glad you had fun. I wanted to get breathalized, but no one had one at the NY party I was at. Those are some shitty parents your friend has though.Look forward to all the other stuff. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

01/03/2015 at 07:10 AM

Of course I didn't drive haha! I had a lift.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/03/2015 at 08:10 AM



01/02/2015 at 11:53 PM

The only thing I did New Years was eat fried chicken. There was no time to get champaign or such.


01/03/2015 at 11:14 AM

Your friend's parents have failed at their role, no offense to your friend. But unfortunately, blood is thicker than water. At least you got your woman by your side during these tough times.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

01/03/2015 at 08:14 PM

Oh they have. Mainly his father though. He's an absolute cunt.

And yeah. Things aren't really that bad because this should hopefully be super temporary until I get my own place.


01/03/2015 at 05:14 PM

That amon amarth song is pretty great, Blake. I ended up staying in for new years eve/day, I mostly played dragon age origins and listened to The Sword.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

01/03/2015 at 08:13 PM

Staying it on new years can be great. It's something I should do more often, as going out on New Years holds so much expectation, but all th reality is is a crowded bar that you can barely move in and you sober up in the 2 hour line for a drink. Oh well.

 Dragon Age Origins sounds like a much better way to spend it haha!


01/03/2015 at 08:23 PM

A whole SC bottle is impressive.

I can drink a whole Hennessey fifth. Some call that a problem but I call it a gift.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

01/18/2015 at 05:44 AM

That is a gift. Use it well!


01/03/2015 at 10:52 PM

Sucks to hear that about your place. Really hope you can get another one. I'm looking forward to your list and everyone's else over 10Plus, since thanks to two of the staff I discovered the wonders of Risk of Rain.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

01/04/2015 at 11:37 AM

sorry about the troubles, man!  But I am excited to see your game of the year, you have great gaming taste!


01/14/2015 at 11:36 AM

Man 2015 had a rocky start for you. From what you described those parents moved passed the jerk stage and are camped out in the world of A-Holes. Hopefully the year gets better and you can get a place.

As for your topic of missed games, I would read that because if finding new games to play is always a good thing. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

01/18/2015 at 05:43 AM

Yeah they are. Worst thing is I rocked up there today to pick some stuff up and they weren't even living there. My old room is just their fucking storage shed.

 Oh well. The rest of the month hasn't been too bad haha.

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