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The New Year so far...

On 01/05/2015 at 01:37 PM by C.S.3590SquadLeader

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Is really harshing my positivity, for one.

Not only have I caught my brother's cold, I've been having trouble sleeping (more than usual anyway), and I might've gotten caught up in an attempt at a blacklist.

Apparently someone thought it'd be a good idea to reveal the member lists of certain Facebook groups in some half-hearted way to shame/expose people, one of which was one I'm a member of. The whole thing seems to have backfired for the most part, with even more people joining said groups, and even if it didn't just the fact that someone thought this was a good idea is maddening.

Also I relearned that the moment I think, say, or type out "I'm never doing x", there are certain instances where I just start the countdown clock to my inevitably doing it anyway.




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