Well Happy Monday to you good people of the Pixlbit Empire on this chilly (for us SoCal folks) morning. It is currently 40 degrees in my little part of the Internet and I am ready to catch you folks up on my quest to slim down Mount Backlog! Yes over the weekend two more games came off the pile of shame. Don’t worry I wasn’t speeding through any game, I was just finishing up on games I started way back in 2014 (and I think the other was started even earlier in 2013). So let’s get to it!
Before we start this goes out to all the haters who seem to love hating on the Dallas Cowboys more than rooting for their own team
Keep it up, its fun to read after Cowboys victories.
Ok so since I am trying to remove games from Mount Backlog I took two more games down over the weekend. One game I actually started a couple of years ago, but couldn’t finish because my original iPad couldn’t handle the last level, and the other is a game I already played through on the 360 but purchased again on the PS4.
The first game is this one
I made it a priority to play through because I spent real money ($1) on this game and I was so close to finishing it the first time I played it. The game isn’t very long and it relies on the user playing it multiple times to unlock items to upgrade your Batman. Of course there are also different skins you can purchase (not happening). I just have Arkham Batman and Bruce Wayne, I think I’m good.
What sucked me into this game were the touch controls because they were new to me. Swipe to punch/kick, tap to avoid being hit were the controls in an easy to pick up and play game. Gotham City was broken down into districts and each district had maybe three levels that were always made up of two levels of fighting 3 or 4 thugs, a more difficult level that was timed, and a boss level.
Graphically the game had the same character designs as the Arkham games, and the backgrounds were fine, nothing spectacular. What I liked was after leveling up you earned points that you could use to upgrade your character. Instead of playing levels I completed again I went straight through which at times made it a tad difficult because the enemies were stronger but they did have fight patterns, and if you figured them out you would be fine.
Arkham City Lockdown isn’t a deep game, but I think it lived up to the price in terms of enjoyment, and I will tackle the game again just to unlock more features for my character.
The second game I completed last night was this game
I don’t know what it is but I really enjoy the COD Ghosts. I liked it on the 360 and I don’t see much change in the PS4 version. You would think this time I would go after some of the special trophies attached to the levels but I think I only added one or two new ones compared to the 360 version. One trophy I did remember was the shoot 21 slot machines. I got 20 but couldn’t find the 21st one. I’ll look it up.
The game itself is typical FPS, with a crazy bad guy you must hunt through various campaigns in different environments. During this play through I was pushing myself to play 2-3 levels at a time to try and get over my dizzy spells when playing FPS games and I think it might be working. Yesterday I tackled the final four missions over the span of a couple of hours with a dinner break thrown in the mix.
The big question is whether I will go back and try and hunt those trophies down. The answer is I really don’t know. I might save them for later, or I will just forget about it. We shall see.
In other games I’m playing:
Easily one of my favorite Simpsons winter storylines not named Mr. Plow is this
Stupid Sexy Flanders! Oh Simpsons Tapped Out keeps me laughing.
Lego Batman 3 I am around 70% finished and I finally unlocked Poison Ivy, which will help me get some hard to find minikits. I was having problems with one of the gold bricks because to earn it you must get these tourists back to Bat Girl, but the damn people would get on the elevator. I even tried pushing them with no success. Finally I just jumped off and for some reason they followed. I do wish a lot of these little problems would be fixed because the Lego Movie Franchise is so much fun.
In order to keep track of what I want to play, finished, and bought I decided to not only update my status through various threads on Cheapassgamer but also keep a person note on Evernote.
I like Evernote for random note taking because it syncs to all devices including my laptop, which is good. I should also update my CD list but that’s a whole different blog. As for my Evernote useage it is usually for random thoughts and grocery lists (more grocery lists than anything else).
Well Pixlbit, I have a bunch of blogs to catch up on (guess who sounds like a broken record), so we shall end our chat right here. Good news however, I returned my NBA Live and got a game I actually like. Good times!
That’s all for now, more later!