My lust for Persona Q is through the roof right now. What will keep me from picking it up soon? I have no idea.
Holiday Shopping Edition
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![]() On 01/05/2015 at 07:49 PM by MrUniverse_ ![]() See More From This User » |
Hello everyone of Pixlbit!
It's been a long time since I've been on here. I hope everyone had a great holiday and New Years. Shopping during the holidays could not get any less crazy. So much stuff to buy and so little time for gaming! Anyways, I hope you all got great games over the holidays. There were so many great deals going on with stores, XBL and PSN. Let's get started with those recent pickups!
Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth: The Premium Wild Cards Edition
That's a long title to say. So during the holiday shopping time with my girlfriend, we decided to get each other early gifts. I picked her up something she's been having her eye on and vice versa. Luckily the GameStop store in the mall had this edition of Persona Q. I've been wanting to get just the game since it released. I was actually going to get it digitally but seeing the accessories this edition included, I couldn't pass it up. It was a bit pricy I will admit. Pricing at a crazy $80(for a handheld game?!) I thought. The main things that I wanted were the case and soundtrack of the game. That was already worth the extra $30. So my girlfriend just bought it for me and I was shocked.
Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
I'm not a crazy LEGO fan but I like playing the games. I passed Lego Marvel Super Heroes on the XB1 and bought it again during PSN's summer sale last year(still weird to think it's already 2015.) My cousin is a huge fan of LEGO and the games so I asked his opinion on it. Knowing him, he'll give me a positive answer. Luckily this game was on sale for $40 which was the max I would've paid for it. I would've waited for another price drop on the XBL store but it was actually $5 more than what the stores were selling them. I'm slowly playing my way through the game because there are just so many games I have in my backlog. But I like it so far.
Bravely Default
When this game released last February, I remember pre-ordering it and playing it for maybe 3 months straight. For some reason I grew tired of it. I needed to have more titles on my 3DS and I ended up buying more games for it and just never went back to BD. So I traded it in. Recently, KMart had a major price drop on a certain selection of games on each system. I price matched this game from their website at WalMart for $20. I doubt it will drop any further than that in the future. But I could be wrong. I decided to get this back because I started to play the demo again and started to unlock items for the full game. I haven't started on it yet because of Persona Q but I'll get back to it soon.
The TellTale Games Collection
This was a big haul. This game collection was on sale for $55 during XBL's holiday sale. Normally this bundle costs $110 so I couldn't pass it up. The games consist of The Walking Dead Seasons 1&2, The Wolf Among Us, Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones. I already passed the first season of The Walking Dead on PS3 and PS Vita, but I think it's a really good game to play through again a third time. I originally wanted to get only The Wolf Among Us because I only played through the first episode which was free. All of these games were on sale seperately but they were cheaper in the bundle. Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones season passes were also included in this bundle.
Bioshock Infinite
This game is still one of my favorites on 360. It was on sale for $5 so I couldn't pass this up. Especially since I bought the season pass when it was released and never played the add ons. So I'm playing through it again so I can bring myself up to speed on what happened and work my way to the DLC.
Splinter Cell: Blacklist
I found this game on clearance at one of my local Target stores. Surprised to finally see this on the clearance rack. I've played it before but I didn't mind going through it again for old times sake. Especially for the $5 price it had.
Watch Dogs
I bought this back when it was released. I got it on PS4 and passed it. I ended up trading it because Destiny was going to release. Amazon had it on sale for $20 so I decided to price match it at Target. I was surprised that two of my local Target stores didn't have any copies on XB1 and the one store I got it from only had one copy left.
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
Another game I bought on PS4 a while back. The only reason why I did is because whoever traded it in also traded it with the artbook it came with. So I picked up the used copy, played it for a few hours and returned it. Luckily I had an extra slip disc cover and just returned the disc. Probably a bad thing to do but I wanted the artbook haha. So I decided to pick this up again on XB1 during the holiday sale of course. $30 wasn't bad seeing as how Tomb Raider still hasn't dropped past the $20 price.
I knew this game wasn't that great, but last week Target was having a 50% off on discounted games. The store had a section on the wall of $15-$50 games that no one was buying and another cardboard shelf prop in the end cap of the video game aisle. Saw this game for $20. I thought it was a bit pricy but it was the Target edition of the game which included a Bank Heist DLC and a steelbook.
Killer Instinct
I'm not much of a fighting game player. My girlfriend is actually a fan. She used to play the Dead or Alive games when she was a kid and kicks my a** in Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. This was the phyiscal version which included all of the Season 1 fighters and a bonus Season 2 fighter. I never caught onto the Killer Instinct bandwagon so I didn't know that you had to buy the characters. One of my cousins loves fighting games and told me that you had to pay for each fighter or buy the bundle/season pass to get them. For $10 I figured why not. Maybe I can get into it or just have my girlfriend enjoy the game when she comes over.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus
I've been waiting for this game to drop in price. It's been on that discounted wall for quite some time. It finally dropped to $10 and I picked it up. It's basically the Ninja Gaiden 2 that was on 360 but ported to the Vita with some new content like costumes and weapons I believe. I passed that game on 360 a very long time ago so I don't remember the story of it. I'm liking it so far.
Gravity Rush
Even though this was a PS+ game for the longest time, I've been wanting a physical copy just so I can have one. I have enough room for the PS+ version but I don't have plus anymore so luckily I found this for a low price of $7.50. I was satisfied with it.
Shovel Knight
I saw this on Nintendo's eShop sale. I didn't have any intention of buying this when it came out but listening, reading and watching all these positive things about the game and winning some GOTY categories I just caved in and bought it. For $10 I absolutely do not regret buying this. Even though I already knew it was coming to PS4 and Vita, this game is just fantastic. I will buy this again for the Vita/PS4 because it just has that nostalgia of Mega Man and Castlevania with some RPG elements and grinding. This game is just fun for old and new school gamers. I would definitely recommend buying this now or in the future.
This holiday season was an alright time for gaming. Great sales but I wish some more games were dropped down. Let me know on the comments what games you have bought or played over the holidays/New Years. I hope you all have a great week. Happy gaming!