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First Blog of the Year: Hobbits, Games and Uni

On 01/13/2015 at 10:38 PM by Alex-C25

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I was going to make this blog around the beginning of this month, but as usual for me, life and procrastination got the best of me. As I stated on my last blog, I went to Panama from New Years Eve to the second of January. Why so? There were actually much bigger plans for a trip to Orlando that my dad and her girlfriend were planning, but sadly an economic problem happened, so the only ones who could go to shiny Florida were the two daughters and son of my dads girlfriend (who also went to Panama, because they had to take the flight to Miami the next day). I didn't mind though, since i'm sure that will happen on another time and I've been to Panama before and I liked it. It was a very calmed trip, but I did manage to go to the cinema on the first day of the year and see:

Took a while, but finally managed to see the final film of The Hobbit trilogy and luckily in the 3D format just like the last two.

Thinking about it, this may be the weakest of the trilogy, if only because there was so much battle with not a lot of calmed moments like the others, or atleast that's what I felt. That said, this was a great film overall and a nice conclusion to this trilogy. Even if it isn't very faithfull to the book, doesn't feel like Tolkien in certain parts (which can be said for the other two) and some aditions didn't fit, I still enjoyed it for what it was and when you have some nice characters, great scenery, special effects, excitment and some heartbreaking parts, you have a me who had to hold on until the credits rolled just to go to the bathroom (yes, I did that).

There's a lot of good and bad things that have been said about this trilogy and wheter or not three movies were neccesary for just one book that is even shorter than the first LOTR, but for what its worth, I really liked this trilogy and abridged very well some of the moments to come from LOTR. Besides, atleast they put some dialogues from the book and they did kept the mayor deaths intact.

Just to finish, since I went to see it with my dad and he hadn't seen the other films, I repeated the first one with him using the 1 month free membership of Wii U Netflix. Still as great as ever.

Changing to gaming and speaking of Panama, I received some money on christmas that I decided to spend at Panama's City airport on games and also a headset since the one I bought on Belgium got damaged recently.

I've heard a bit of Fragile Dreams being a very flawed but interesting game and because I believe it may be becoming rare, I decided to take the chance and buy it. I'm having an interest on Atlus games so that why I picked the Devil Survivor remake for the 3DS, all thanks to jgusw for informing about it on one of his blogs. Tekken was reasonably cheap for a Wii U game over there and I remember having a blast playing Tekken before whenever I had an opportunity, so I also didn't miss a chance to grab it.

Flash forward to now, I also spent some money on Steam. I bought Vanguard Princess as part of the Anime sale on Steam and bought Frozen Synapse with its soundtrack when it was on sale recently and if you've seen my Steam activity, I tried the demo just to be sure I would like the game and turns out I did much more than I expected.

In another important news, i'm about to start University soon on the 19th of January. I'm not actually in my city, but on none other than the capital, living by my own in a residency. So far, I haven't created a fire, so that's a nice startTongue Out Okay, less joking, I feel like i'm ready to live by my own and even then, my parents said they would come once in a while to visit me and I have some friends living here. The residency is quite nice and i'm starting to meet the other residents, most of them going to my same Uni. I have my own room, where I brought most of my books, movies, DVDs, comics, music and games, and even got a nice small shelf with a television and all my three consoles (Xbox, Wii and Wii U), with a poster of Clint Eastwood protecting them.

That's all thus far this January. I don't have any witty or insightful speech about coming-of-age, so i'll leave here and say that you should expect a music blog one of these days.....



Casey Curran Staff Writer

01/13/2015 at 11:35 PM

Even though I enjoyed The Hobbit book, I have no interest in the trilogy. All three LotR movies bored me and I just want that small, whimsical adventure, not another giant trilogy to connect it to movies which I don't like. I understand LotR fans are all over it though, so I'm not going to throw a hissy fit though. There's people who don't like all of Marvel's continuity that makes me obsess over their movies and I have no interest in seeing them take a piss over something I love, so I won't do that to The Hobbit.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

01/13/2015 at 11:45 PM

yeah I kind of see the movies and the books separately too.  I like the movies, but the books are on this whole other level.  I miss Tom Bombardil too.  


01/14/2015 at 10:21 PM

Noted. Like Snee, I also take both trilogies separate from their books and I really liked them by what they are what they bring, even if they are not acuarate at times.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

01/13/2015 at 11:46 PM

congrats on your new place, man!  That's exciting.  Be careful though, living alone can make people psychotic.  Tongue Out

I always wanted to check out Fragile Dreams.  


01/14/2015 at 10:22 PM

Nah, i'm sure i'll be fine and not get crazy by living alone, that gnome at the corner says so....


01/14/2015 at 03:08 AM

I was just looking at Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker coming in March. I guess it's an enhanced version of DS2. I played one of those games and found it difficult. I still like them though.


01/14/2015 at 10:24 PM

I'm not very familiar with much RPGs, but at the same time i'm always interested in trying new things. If I like Devil Survivor well enough, perhaps I may buy the sequel.

Cary Woodham

01/14/2015 at 07:31 AM

I never could get into the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit stuff.  It all looks the same to me.

Enjoy college while you can and make the most of it.  It won't last long.

Fragile Dreams is a weird game.  I got Tekken Wii U cheap, too, only because I wanted to dress up characters in Nintendo outfits.  Didn't want to pay full price just to do that.


01/14/2015 at 10:26 PM

It can be argued for the movies, but trust me that the books really differ from each other.

Yeah, I do hope to make the best out of my time in collegue. I'm quinda excited about it.


01/14/2015 at 09:52 AM

I bought Fragile Dreams a while back and I really like what I've played. I have yet to finish it though. A lot of that has to do with the horrible loud noise the Wii makes when it is playing a disc. It's louder than the fan on my PS3 and that's saying something.

Devil Survivor Overclocked is a great game. I sold my physical copy and bought it digitally when it was on sale for 15 bucks.


01/14/2015 at 10:26 PM

Never had a problem with that noise to be honest.


01/15/2015 at 07:44 AM

I actually should get a new one.


01/15/2015 at 07:19 PM

Or maybe just get a Wii-U while you're at it. It plays Wii games and supports wiimote and nunchuck.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/14/2015 at 11:20 AM

I liked the movie overall, probably my second favorite in this trilogy. I like the book, but I didn't mind a lot of the expansions, really. I just wish he'd have left the HFR crap alone, as that makes everything look fake to me. It still looks pretty, but everything is clearly moving faster than it should be and it gives it that "off" effect of certain TVs in big box stores. 

Anyway, congrats on the whole coming of age thing! Cool


01/14/2015 at 10:29 PM

I think my favorite from the trilogy has to be the first or second film. I did like that HFR thing and got used to it by the time the second film rolled, although I don't know how it compares to television.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/15/2015 at 12:04 AM

Not all television looks like that, only when the TV is set so that its frame rate is higher than the content on it originally was, which creates an effect I personally find dizzying and annoying. But to each their own. I just really hope that isn't the wave of the future the way Jackson and Cameron want it to be. Granted, Cameron is mainly wanting to use it for CGI stuff I think, which might not look that bad. 


01/14/2015 at 04:16 PM

I'm not gonna bother going see the last Hobbit movie in theatres. Only because I'll be buying it once it comes out on DVD. I did the same thing with the second one, and don't regret it. The Hobbit is a very special book to me and I've probably read it at least ten times. I didn't mind the changes though.

Good luck with having your own place! Freedom! Yeah!!! Cool


01/14/2015 at 10:33 PM

You can't go wrong with the third film if you liked the other ones. The third film concludes very nice the trilogy.



01/30/2015 at 01:45 PM

I have yet to watch the other two hobbit movies given how I was pulled out of them by the aforementioned additions the movie put in. It just seemed odd that they would put in extra scenes in the movie when thoese events didn' thappen in the book at all.

I've been meaning to get Fragile Dreams. sounds like a nice game to try out in one of my Octoberween blogs. Perhaps one day.

Congrats on your new living area. Not starting a fire is still a good thing. some don't even make it that far..,.


01/30/2015 at 03:04 PM

Heh, I didn't mind the additional scenes and some of them are taken or inspired by other middle earth texts from Tolkien. You should atleast give the first movie a go.

Glad to see my apartment hasn't succumbed to fire and either way, that gnome in the corner told me it would be a bad idea.....

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