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GLaD 13: Sonic CD, Random Thoughts, Waxing Lyrical

On 03/14/2013 at 12:47 AM by Super Step

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Bing Image Mad Libz: Jake Gyllenhaal and Fergie get "Fergilicious" with each other on the floor of The Sisitine Chapel ("fergilicious" being an old Biblical term for "passionate fornicating," loosely translated from ancient Hebrew and later replaced with the term "knowing" by the The Council of Nicea), which eventually leads to the birth of the next Pope. Rather than choose a traditional Pope name, like Francis or George, as is customary when coming into the papacy, she (yes, she) decides to call herself Pope Metal Sonic the First. When asked why she went with such a stupid name, she responds, "I played a lot of Sonic CD on my phone as a kid. Deal with it," giving photographers a duck face and then doing that thing where you stick your tongue out, and place it between two fingers to mimic cunnilingus, like all the hip kids do. 

Everyone is disappointed with the immature Pope, and really misses Pope Zelda the Third. Let's take a look at a game in the past that caused such a bad future for the papacy of 3015.

Sonic CD is like any other Sonic title, minus one simple gimmick: time travel. You can hit markers that read "Past" or "Future" and get Sonic going fast enough to travel to the past (top left) and destroy Robotnik's robot generators, thereby improving the future (bottom right), or simply stay in the present (top right), or go to a bad future in which results if you fail to destroy a level's robot generator (bottom left). As an added bonus, once you destroy the machine in the past, enemies disappear in that time period.

On the Android/iPhone remake,

Tails becomes a playable character once you've completed the game as Sonic

Of course, you can also go a more traditional route, and, after collecting 50 rings in a level, jump through the big ring at the end, destroying the UFOs in the special stage you enter to earn a Time Stone. Get seven Time Stones, and you will automatically get a good future for all stages you encounter after your accomplishment.

Still, if you fail to destroy the robot generators while you collect the Time Stones, your boss battlles will continue to be set in a bad future until all seven are collected.

Sonic CD is not the most challenging game in the Sonic franchise, in fact I think I've beaten it more than twenty times with Sonic and Tails, because I go to the app on my phone quite a bit when I'm bored. This doesn't mean that I'm growing a vagina, and becoming Pope when I'm a hundred and twenty five years old, but it does mean the game is optimal for gamers who want to relax and have an easy time just running through a simple platformer. Even the apparently infamous battle with Metal Sonic takes only basic memorization and reflexes to complete, and the final boss is a cakewalk compared to the hardest part of the game, which is simply getting to the final boss ... which, to be fair, can get frustrating, but it's still not a daunting challenge so much as an irritating one based on precision timing.

Metal Sonic is not impressed by bouncing and "ping" noises

While it is cool that there are so many different backgrounds and songs for each stage (both the appearance and soundtrack of the levels change when you travel through time), and I'm sure there are Easter Eggs hidden in the slightly different level designs of the different time zones, it never made the experience feel all that much more substantial to me, and it is a short game, with my average completion time being about thirty minutes, give or take. There's only seven stages, each with two zones, and one boss stage; most normal zones can be completed in well under three minutes, and boss zones in under one.

Sonic is somewhat femininely taken aback by your surprise his games go by quick

Still, it is a fun, relaxing distraction, if an insubtantial one, and one I don't regret paying my $5 for, especially given the extra features for the remade version available on smart phones, like being able to turn on both the Japanese and North American soundtracks, having Tails as an unlockable character, an Extras menu where you can listen to the music and sound effects outside of gameplay, and improved in-game graphics and FMV cutscenes. Speaking of which, while the Japanese soundtrack is my preference overall, you gotta love the North American intro, which constantly pops up on Pixlbit V4Viewtiful's game music blogs.

Joe Step is impressed by good ol' cheesy 90s video game music

And now, let's move from corny lyrics to ... arguably cornier lyrics, depending on your disposition, in today's

Waxing Lyrical Wednesday!

Now since I spoke of Gotye's "Somebody That I Used to Know" last blog, I feel more or less obligated to bring it to you today.

Gotye - Somebody That I Used to Know

Now, the music in this skinny, presumably lonely, and incredibly naked Australian man's breakout hit is fantastic, don't get me wrong, but I'm pretty certain the lyrics are what got it to its number one position on the charts all those weeks. Why? Because it's a painstakingly detailed account of a break-up that can also be broadly applied to pretty much anyone in junior high or older that's lost contact with a loved one under non-ideal circumstances. 

It's pretty much the ultimate break-up song, with specific and detailed accounts of former happiness, and the cold, barren nature in which it all ended. I particularly like the line, "you can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness, like resignation to the end, always the end." Now, I'm lucky in that most of my romantic relationships have ended in friendships, but don't act like the first time you got dumped by someone you were on cloud nine with, you didn't at least once say "fuck it, might as well give up now." And if not, there's a certain truth to what he's saying with "I don't even need your love, but you treat me like a stranger, and I feel so rough." Being hated is easier than being ignored oftentimes; at least if an ex gives you the stink eye every time you meet, there's a certain satisfaction in knowing it was significant to her/him too.

But is any of that why the song did so well? While it's eloquently delivered, it's hardly a new lyrical concept, after all. Partly yes, but what puts it over the edge is that it contains both perspectives: the dumped, that feels betrayed, and the dumper that feels annoyed at still having to deal with this whiny naked man that kept referring to himself as a chameleon and painting himself into the wall.

After all, when contact is lost, that's typical, but you might be wondering what the hell this guy did to have his ex "collect her records and then change her number." Seems a bit extreme. And that's when Kimbra comes in and verbally bitch slaps him for being such a gigantic pussy, recalling "all the times he screwed her over" and cutting him off because she was sick of "reading into everything he'd say" and reminding him that he wouldn't be hung up on her still if he was over it, as he said he was.

"I'm sad cause my baby left me" and "get over it, asshole" are pretty common lyrical themes, as is the break-up song in general, but when combined and given such pointed lyrics, the song is given a universal quality it wouldn't have with only its music. It's almost like the break-up song equivalent of horoscopes, and some day James Randi's disembodied Futurama head will play it for a class of college students who swear it describes their break-up to a tee, even though it was written years ago, about none of them.

Of course, while "Somebody That I Used to Know" has multiple verses with differing lyrics, sometimes choosing just that one phrase that works can be effective.

Rihanna/Calvin Harris - We Found Love

I am going to get sooooo much shit for this; or I would, if Pixlbit weren't such a tight-knit community, but I know you all, deep down, want to tell me what a jackass I look like putting this in a blog celebrating lyrics.

Hear me out. Do you remember a damn thing she's saying aside from yellow diamonds, something something, and that chorus line "we found love in a hopeless place?" No? Me neither. So again, why the hell would I put this on a blog about lyrics? Because with that line, I hear something transcendent in a way. Let's face it, the economy being where it is, coupled with a sense of disconnect and failure for a lot of people, has led to a need for human interaction among all the disappointment, giving "we found love in a hopeless place" a similar universal horoscope-esque appeal to ... well, at least me. Maybe the rest of you didn't find solace in finding a girlfriend when a hundred or so jobs rejected you post-college, and you found yourself back in your parent's house, with only a year of managerial experince and a Magna Cum Laude BA degree to show for your hard work, which kind of defeats my "universal" point, but it meant something to me dammit! Tongue Out

Anyway, it's not so much that the line is amazing on paper, it's that it changes the tone of the song completely. Hearing that music on its own, I hear two things, one is "phone commercial," the other is "Six Flags commercial." With the lyrics however, it's like I'm transported to a different world, one with heightened emotions and textures, colors. Good music for me is often a transcendent experience, which is why I keep recycling that word; it's just the perfect descriptor for an other-wordly sense of emotions, and once that line is added to this song, that's what I get out of it. Neither that line nor the music are great in their own right, but once again, we have combination of two things, in Gotye's case perspectives, in this case music and lyrics, providing a much better product and experience than what could have been had the combination not been made. 

And since I'm going with the themes of combinations, transcendence, and lyrical importance, allow me to repost a song from an earlier blog that combines what I think is a pretty good rock instrumental with lyrics that describe the transcendent experience music can provide me, and in doing so, becomes a transcendent experience all its own.

Three Days Grace- Break

Now this is a good rock song, at least in my opinion. The bass hooks me in, the drums are tight, the guitar comes in at just the right time to complement the vocals, which are melodic while being passionate and given a certain edge.It's simple, even the guitar solo isn't very complicated to a lot of what's out there, but it's damn effective.

It only gets better because of the lyrical theme. The words themselves are basically different ways of saying the same thing, but when that thing is "when life leaves a bag of flaming shit on your doorstep, know you still have an avenue or outlet that can transport your mind to a better place," I take that as the perfect metaphor for music in my case, especially heavy music.

He could just as easily be talking about drugs, given the vague lines about "when you can't stand the way this place is, take yourself to higher places," but to me, it's relevant to how in the worst times in my life, music has been my spiritual connector of sorts, taking me to higher planes of existence through the emotions I'm given while listening. Would it work well without the music? No. Is the music a huge reason I like it to begin with? Yes. But it would not stand out as much as it does if it did not describe so perfectly, albeit simply and somewhat vaguely, the reason I turn to Mother Music in times of trouble.

In the next entry, I'll try to find more specific lyrics to talk about, but I thought it was important, starting out, to show how even the simplest lines can add a great deal of emotional depth to a song.

And now, some random thoughts:

Gary the Gnome thinks it's a bit late to be posting a blog;

Gary can shut it, I got it done before midnight

- I had plans to go to the Grimaldi's Pizzeria after 5, but my friend had to cancel cause she was sick; oh well, had a big spaghetti dinner at home and watched Skyfall again cause my parents wanted to see it. They fell asleep, but I enjoyed it.

- Sorry this blog is so late, a lot of my time has been spent attending to Clinger, as he is constantly crying for something at all hours of the day. Luckily, he goes outside during the day, but I think he's in pain, and he won't accept my food and water offers. I don't think he's getting much to eat outdoors either, as his teeth are old, his front paws have no claws, and he looks skinny. Yesterday he bled on my comforter. Hopefully, we can try again to inject him with saline solution, so that he's not dehydrated, but we'll see how long we can hold him down for that. He's constantly crying either in pain or for attention, so I'm not sure how long he'll last. Today, I couldn't find him outside, and wondered where he went, almost hoping that he had gone off to go to sleep on his own, so that I wouldn't have to do it or be there to see it. I'm going to try everything I can, but with a fifteen year old cat, I'm not hopeful. Good news is we found an old picture of him jumping feet in the air after a ball.

- I need to catch up on my video subscriptions and reading Catching Fire, but more importantly, I need to find a second job if work doesn't pick up soon; problem is I've looked and not found much, even recently, but I'm getting very antsy from not working; I have my workouts and stuff around the house to do, but I'm not going to feel content until I have my own place and lots of work to do. Trying to make the best of it.

- Speaking of work, my mom painted the bathroom in the kitchen and it looks a lot cleaner now. I'm glad to see all that newspaper and stuff gone, finally. I offered to help, but the bathroom is a pretty tiny space, so mostly I just ran errands to the hardware store, and helped her unscrew things. Made me feel a bit useless, but that's not much to complain about.

- I recently updated my twitter account. I was embarassed by my old @genresrforposers handle, so I was glad to find out how simple it was to change to @joemikestep. If you want to know what I really look like, I updated my profile on here with that information.

- I might start a Google Blog about more serious things. Don't worry, I'm not leaving Pixlbit, I just want an outlet where I can talk about current events and stuff that's not really "fun" or relevant to gaming. I like having this blog as a place to just relax, and I don't want to disrupt that with some of my more serious and possibly controversial thoughts. I'll give the link out if I actually wind up doing it.

That's all for today, how are you guys doing?



Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/14/2013 at 02:12 AM

I'm doing pretty cool.  It's eleven here, and I still have my window open, so it's warm, it's nice.  

Sonic CD is a great game.  I have a lot of good memories of playing it.  

I followed u on twitter.  I'm trying to be a more active twitter user.  

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/14/2013 at 03:49 PM

I might not be as active as you, I just figured it would be easier to give status updates from my phone if I changed some things around. 

It's been quite lovely here as well, still enjoying my walks, although I think all that spaghetti did add a couple pounds, sadly. Lol


03/14/2013 at 07:52 AM

Sonic CD I must find! I know it's out in a collection. The big one they released that had them all in one. Great song by Gotye! Will be back later today to listen to the others.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/14/2013 at 03:50 PM

I just have it on my phone. I wish Android/Google Play would make the original trilogy available on my phone. 


03/14/2013 at 09:18 AM

I had Sonic CD. Now I need to find out what I did with it, or go get another one.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/14/2013 at 03:52 PM

If you have a smart phone, it's just $5, if you want to play it at home, I'm sure it's on Amazon or in a collection, like smartcelt was saying.


03/14/2013 at 11:46 AM

Thanks for the shout outCool

Loved this game growing up, never finished it though. My nephew kinda embarrased me the other month he was able to do a running start dash, a move i had been unable to do (and forgot about) in years Embarassed

Anyway i ='ve always prefered the western songs maybe it's a cultural thing but the Japanese intro certainly put me off, i couldn't stop laughingTongue Out

Though the Japanese was a bit more lively overall both where well made (though i think the western one wins because they managed to add vocals Laughing)


Super Step Contributing Writer

03/14/2013 at 03:53 PM

I found a version of the Japanese song with lyrics, and it sounds pretty good, but the instrumental version that came on my phone doesn't make me laugh, it just bores me....


03/14/2013 at 03:17 PM

I miss Pope Zelda the Third. I wonder how much people miss the alleged pedophile pope...

I've always wanted to play Sega CD. It was never put on Sonic's UGC and I got pretty burned out on Sonic games after that. CD seems pretty different than the rest though and $5 doesn't sound too shabby.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/14/2013 at 03:55 PM

It's not really THAT different, mostly it's just that there are palette swaps of each level by time traveling, and I'd argue the 3D bonus stages are more fun than in other Sonics. Also, FMV cutscenes. 


03/14/2013 at 03:57 PM

Ah, Sonic CD. Decent game, but I never got too involved with it..... 

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/14/2013 at 04:20 PM

Yeah, its worth lies in its replay value more than anything else, partly cause I don't have to focus on it much and can still get through it.


03/14/2013 at 03:59 PM

Love the blog, great sense of humour. :)

I bought Sonic CD on 360 I think but the "I think" part of that should tip you off to the fact that I haven't played it.

Oh and if I were pope I'd want to be Pope John Paul George Ringo.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/14/2013 at 04:22 PM

I'd be Pope Fifth Beatle, just to piss you off. Tongue Out Just kiddin'.

I think you'll have fun if you play Sonic CD, the "I think" part just means it depends on your mood. It's not too challenging, so it might bore easily, but as a relaxing distraction, it works wonders for me.


03/14/2013 at 04:40 PM

Then you'd be Pope Brian Epstein or Pope Apu. LOL

I'm pretty sure it's on my 360 because I've got tons of space on that drive and jack shit on my PS3. I better go look.

 oh and I should add my well wishes for your kitty and my three cats, Mouse, Skunk and Haggis send their best wishes too. :)

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/14/2013 at 05:12 PM

Thank you. Smile

Unfortunately, it's not looking good, as I think I may be performing an act of mercy tomorrow. The poor guy had trouble walking, even after we injected him with saline earlier, and I feel cruel letting this go on. Frown Clinger appreciates all the kind words though. I'm sure he'd get along great with Mouse, Skunk, and Haggis. Smile Best wishes to your cats as well, whatever their moods and health may be.


03/14/2013 at 05:22 PM

You need to do what needs to be done. We had to have our oldest Siamese put down in August and it tore me up. Nothing I can say will make it any easier but in the end we realized we were thinking about ourselves and not about him. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/14/2013 at 05:28 PM

Yeah, we had to put our other cat, Darby, down a while ago. My mom and I were pretty ardent about telling my dad she needed to be put down, she was a skeleton with a giant tumor on her neck.They put her down while I was off at college, and said she went peacefully, I was just glad she was out of her misery.

In Clinger's case, I've tried doing everything I can because he didn't seem to want to go; now though, I'm convinced from his constant cries that he doesn't want to spend any more time wobbling around and bleeding out. I'm going to be really sad, but at least I feel like it's something for him, as opposed to something I'd be doing to him.


03/14/2013 at 04:08 PM

I was not a Genesis guy, so I mostly missed out on the Sonic games. I did enjoy the Mega and Gems collections on the Gamecube, but I guess I never really saw what all the fuss was about with the 2D Sonics. I also enjoyed Adventure and some of the other 3D Sonic games, too. CD was alright, but I just don't see why this title is regarded as awesome. The Gotye song is pretty cool tho. Hope your cat gets better. =)

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/14/2013 at 04:27 PM

We never had Genesis, either, and I know what you mean about 2D Sonics, I didn't really get it either when I played the Gamecube collection. I played them through emulation later on though, and got hooked. I don't get why CD gets such high praise either. Personally, I think the original trilogy offers a much better challenge, and for me they're more fun, but oh well. I have Sonic Adventure 2 on Gamecube, I like both Adventures cause the Sonic/Shadow segments are very fun, I just wish the jewel hunting wasn't in those.

Thanks for the well wishes for Clinger.


03/14/2013 at 06:44 PM

This is such a good blog I had to return. You made an excellent point in the Rihanna portion. So many people limit themselves when it comes to music. They refuse to open up to any form except what is around them. What friends listen to,what is on TV,what the radio dishes up. Lot of it is crap,but they don't know any different. So they allow themselves to become encased in boring,mindless drivel. Like you said,good music is transcendent. It can take you to another place. Take you away from this dismal place our country finds itself in. I was listening to a song today that can do that for me every time. It was Boadicea by Enya. It's off the album The Celts. When I hear it I feel like I'm in the highlands of Scotland. Haven't been there since I was a very young boy. But it can take me back. Three Days Grace is a damn fine band that I do like. Your point about lyrics rings true. They can touch you the same way the music does. Empathy? Knowing someone else has been through the same stuff you deal with. Powerful and potent words can do it. That is exactly why I don't get hip hop. Not to bash it,there are hugely talented people making it. But why not use a good song to convey emotion,or perhaps even a point? Some hip hop artists do this and do it well. But they are few and far between.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/14/2013 at 07:50 PM

I'm glad we agree on the transcendent nature of a good tune. Smile I'll have to check out that Enya song, I really like "Only Time" by her. I didn't realize she was Irish until I just now opened Wikipedia cause I was curious about that album name. Thanks for helping me learn something new today! One of my friends is doing her Master's in Scotland, and the pictures she post always make me jealous. And I like Three Days Grace a lot as well. I've been hearing they're in need of a new singer. I hope it all works out.

I've actually grown fond of a lot of hip hop, though. Recently, Macklemore has done a good job at being "about something" with songs like "Same Love," "Starting Over" and hell, even "Thrift Shop," goofy as it is, has a good message about brand clothing and the importance of fiscal frugality.

I've also run in to good stuff from Childish Gambino, Immortal Technique, and some really good stuff from the 90s, like Mos Def "Mathematics" and Black on Both Sides as a CD in general. Biggie has some real good songs like "Juicy," and Tupac's "Changes" is one of my favorites. There's also stupid crap like some of Lil Wayne and Drake's songs (though they have surprisingly poignant lyrics from time to time as well), but I enjoy the stupid as well as the songs with something to say; if I didn't, I'm not sure my tolerance for 80s hair bands would be so high. lol There's another genre that had its ups and downs in the lyrical department, in my opinion, but the music is always fun to me.

I think you might enjoy the Rap Critic; both for his bashing of rap at its worst, and his exposing it at its best. I don't expect you to have the time to watch necessarily, and if hip hop's not your thing, it's just not your thing, but watching his show helped ease me into the genre, so figured I'd share it. Of course, there's a good chance everyone I just mentioned is on your "few and far between" list and hip hop just won't appeal to you (I'm not sure I'll ever warm up to certain genres, myself) generally, but to each their own as I'm fond of saying when it comes to things like this.


03/14/2013 at 11:00 PM

When it comes to "rebounding" after break ups I suck. Both times I lost exes it took me a couple of years to recover. After that I was pretty numb and eventually began to appreciate single life! (And it's weird how a stigma is placed on "being single" as if it's abnormal or the worst thing in the world to be.)

I definitely can relate to "Somebody I used to know" but I'm glad I've moved on from the majority of the grief I used to feel.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/14/2013 at 11:17 PM

At least you had exes. In junior high I was just being a bitch about a girl not dating me. haha

I started dating a lot more in college, but let's just say, I know what the single life feels like. It's pretty much the majority of my 19 years outside of college. haha


03/15/2013 at 10:19 AM

As always, an interesting assortment. Liked the first and last, not crazy about Rihanna.

Sorry to hear Clinger's getting worse. The question you have to ask yourself is "is his quality of life good?" When I took my first dog in to be put to sleep, I was a basketcase. My vet sat on the floor with me and told me that part of the contract we make with our pets is to give them the best life we can, and that part of that contract included deciding in the pet's best interest when it was time to let them go.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/15/2013 at 01:09 PM

We put him to sleep this morning. It was the right thing to do, and they were very nice about it, only charged for the office visit.


03/15/2013 at 02:09 PM

Sorry for your loss, Joe. I've had to make that decision three times now, two cats and dog. One of the hardest things I have ever had to do.


03/15/2013 at 04:20 PM

Sorry for your loss. I've been there....know how hard it is. We've been through that process 5 times thru the years. It's really sad when a pet passes before their time. They deserve long and happy lives just like us. And it never gets any easier the more times you go through it either.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/15/2013 at 06:01 PM

It really hit at the clinic, it hasn't hit quite as hard again yet, but thank you for the comment.

In his case, I don't think it was before his time; he literally could not move on his own, so I think it was his time to go. Still not easy, but I take comfort in that at least.

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