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Quick Hits: Another Year Older, Must Watch Stuff, And Randoms

On 01/16/2015 at 12:12 PM by goaztecs

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Pixlbit Nation, what is up? Happy Friday good people, hope the week treated you well and you are now ready to enjoy the weekend. So anything good happen? I became a year older, finished binge watching House of Cards, and other fun and crazy things but you’ll read about all that stuff later. Sound fun? Good, let’s get this started!


Chris Found A New Podcast

So while surfing through the iTunes Store looking for something new to listen to, I stumbled upon this show


I like Saved By The Bell and this podcast sounded interesting. I downloaded the eight epsiodes and so far two or three episodes in, the podcast is ok. I like how they make fun of the show but they do get off track a bit. I’ll give the eight episodes a listen, and see if it is something I want to continue with.


Other Podcast Stuff


I’ve been trying out a few different wrestling podcasts to try and keep up with what is going on in today’s wrestling. I’m still looking for something good, and if you have a favorite let me know.



I’ve been listening to the Adam Carolla Show for a while now and at the start of the year Adam mentioned that he fired News Girl Alison Rosen. It was a shock and I liked Alison but it is Adam’s Pirate Ship. Adam remained quiet, and Alison took it stride, but after reading the theories and comments on the Adam Carolla Reddit page where even Adam’s wife Lynette answered some questions. Earlier this week Adam aired some dirty laundry that made Alison look like she wasn’t a team player. I’m not taking a side because most likely both sides did something and it is what it is. I’ll still listen to Adam, and even though Alison’s fun Thursday gang is no longer allowed to be part of the show, I’ll still listen to Alison’s Thursday podcast (I’m not really a fan of her Monday interview podcast).


Chris Watches A Bunch Of Stuff


Cowboys vs. Packers

Twitter and Facebook were buzzing with “That was karma” posts because apparently it is a big conspiracy to move the Cowboys through the playoffs. I guess casual viewers have very short memories because there have been bad calls in every season. It happens, it’s the human element. When Dez’s catch got called back, I was mad, but I get that bad calls happen. I’m not going to freak out about it. It happened, and I’m not going to blame whether the Cowboys won or lost on that catch. There were a number of other factors that decided that, not just one play.


The Ducks vs. Buckeyes in the National Title Game


This game should have been good. The high powered Ducks offense who took apart Florida State vs. an Ohio State team led by a 3rd String QB who beat Alabama. I usually have a rule of rooting against the Heisman Trophy Winner but this time I wanted to see the Ducks finally get their win. Yeah that didn’t happen. The Ducks couldn’t stop the run, and the high-powered offense once again got hit in the mouth and shut down. Congrats Buckeye fans


If this shirt shows up at the Nike Outlets I’m buying one.


The Monday Night War

This is one of the big reasons why I bought the WWE Service. This show takes a look back at the mid to late 90s when the WWF was in a battle with WCW. This was also the heyday of my wrestling viewership in college. Monday Nights were all WCW and then I switched over back to WWF when the Nitro product when to the dumpster. I got to watch a taping of Nitro on the SDSU campus (during the time that Sting would show up in the crowd, and when nWo was huge. Also GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG!), and got to see a taping of Raw and met Chris Jericho.




Shameless is back! Last season I lost interest but this season I’m hoping to stick with the show.


The Challenge: Battle of the Exes II


So the girl pictured is Jemmye and she is scared of ketchup. During one of the events the competitors had to lick peanut butter off a window to reveal numbers to a padlock. Jemmye made a comment about why are people having problems with peanut butter. Yeah says the girl who fears ketchup.


Ok so the next show is going to contain spoilers. Because of this I’m going to black bar the text (we’re going for the redacted look) and if you want to read it, just highlight it and you’re good to go!


Oh I binge watched Season 2 of House of Cards and hot damn this show is freaking great! There are so many similarities to Boss but I’m glad this one is more national than being in the political world of Chicago.

Season 1 I thought was great because of all the setup, and planning of Frank Underwood and his goal of getting revenge. There was a lot of foreshadowing that I missed but thanks to Reddit there was a lot of “Oh Snap” moments. All of Franks moves ultimately positioned himself into the role of Vice President.

The Second Season seemed to drag a bit with the exception of Zoe’s death but picked up and in the end there was this big reveal which was freaking awesome! There are some characters that I wished were used a bit more. I felt Christine was a strong character who was forced into taking a bigger role especially after the death of Russo. I would have like to have seen her join Frank’s group in some role or if anything work with Claire. I didn’t like how Freddy’s storyline just ended but it was best considering you can’t have a president showing up at a hole in the wall spot for ribs. I have a feeling that Jackie Sharp is going to be the one who takes down Frank with Remy by her side.

I can’t wait for Season 3, and I’m wondering how in the world are the writers going to take down Frank and Claire. It’s crazy how close they came to have everything blow up in their face, only to come out of it with even more power. Also you have to love a character that plays PS3, and got excited when he saw a PS Vita.


Chris Is Another Year Older


So I celebrated my birthday and it was cool. I got some cool presents and ate good food. I didn’t have a party, which is always nice. After watching both seasons of House of Cards I really needed a plate of ribs


I went to a local BBQ spot and I got my plate of ribs. They weren’t as good as what I imagine a plate of ribs at Freddy’s would be but they hit the spot. I ordered a full rack and didn’t finish. It was still good.


Birthday Pickups!




I was given this game. I don’t know much about it but it looks like a fun multiplayer game, kind of like that Carnival game I bought on the PS3. I won’t buy a Kinect anytime soon but I hopefully I can play this game without the sensor.


On a trip to GameStop to use a giftcard and a birthday coupon (thanks GameStop) I bought these games


I also had an interesting conversation with the employee (he was a nice kid so I didn’t take any offense)

Employee: Halo 4, you should get an X-Box 1 and buy the Halo collection

Me: With this game I already have all the Halo games, and I don’t really want the 1

Employee: But you get all the games on one disc

Me: Yeah but I already have all the games (I also spent a little over $20 getting all the Halo games)

Employee: But the collection is so much better

Me: I’m good


Why buy a bunch of games I already own just because they’re in a cool tin? Anyways I got these games along with this one


I missed it when it was $10 new.


I also got a PSN Card so I added some goodies to the PS3


I downloaded the Green Arrow DLC for Lego Batman 3. It is part of the Season Pass I bought with the game. I think it added half a dozen new characters to the game. I also bought the DLC minifigure


From Batman Beyond.


I picked up two games from the Playstation Sale that I did not have or in one case it isn’t offered on the Vita but I have it for the PSP.


I never finished GTA VC Stories on the PSP, but I’m excited to play through it on the PS3.


I bought some Capcom pack on the PSP for this game only and was bummed that it wasn’t available on the Vita. I bought it on the Vita and watch when the Vita II will be announced this game won’t be available.


This final game I picked up is one I’ve been waiting for since Reddit has been posting pictures of it


WWE Immortals is basically a WWE skinned version of the Injustice Tablet game. This isn’t a big surprise because Netherrealm created the Injustice, and Mortal Kombat games. If you played the Injustice Tablet game than you know what to expect and jump in and play. I really enjoyed these games and once again, if they would charge $5 or 6 bucks for this game I would buy it just so I don’t have to go through the tablet model of limiting play through of games based on depleting energy.




During the Birthday Celebration I went to the local mall, which means a stop at the mom & pop music store. They seem to constantly get some new stock, which is good. This stuff is from the Buy 5 for $1.99 wall get 5 free


Yeah that’s a Paris Hilton CD. Her one single is pop goodness and there is no shame for it being on my iPod

I have a thing now where I need to collect all of Jessica Simpson’s discography. I’m not a huge fan but I think I can finish off the set of studio albums.

This CD I bought for $4


70s pop goodness


Since Pop Music is the theme I bought these two from Target*

*Quick tangent: I went to one Target by the mall and they apparently do not carry new CDs. I went to the one buy my house and they stock new CDs. Here’s the kicker, the one that didn’t still has a music section, while the local one has a mini section.

I bought the deluxe version of the Meghan Trainor CD and Ella Henderson. I guess Ella was a contestant on a singing show in the UK. A couple of the songs I listened to wasn’t bad so I’ll give it a shot.




I got a Lego set for my Birthday and I really like it because this is a Batman Figure I want because he’s smiling. He also builds in black and sometimes very dark gray pieces.


Other Birthday Goodies


I bought a case of lightbulbs and the big ass pole that changes lightbulbs. After two replacements, I want to replace more lightbulbs.


And I have a new pair of sneakers


I passed on the Air Max 90 Infrareds during my last trip to San Francisco and I thought about getting one made on Nike ID. I got these as a gift and I am stoked. I like the shoe model and the colors are cool.


I now have two pairs of sneakers that are Maize and Blue.


Before we end our little chat for the week, Teemu Selanne had his number retired by the Anaheim Ducks


Its awesome to see Teemu have his number retired but I would have like to have seen his banner be in the old eggplant and jade

Alright Pixlbit it has been fun but I must be off to run some errands before the weekend starts. I should go try out the other rib joint by the house. Have a good weekend Pixlbit!


That’s all for now, more later!




Matt Snee Staff Writer

01/16/2015 at 03:48 PM

I like that REM album, "Monster".  It's fun.  

that conversation you had with the gamestop employee is pretty funny.  Where do they find those guys?  

Happy birthday man!  Hope it was a good one!


01/19/2015 at 12:37 AM


I remember listening to a song here and there from Monster but I don't think I ever sat down and listened to it. Hopefully I like it when it comes up on the iPod playlist.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/16/2015 at 06:22 PM

My favorite wrestling podcasts were Stone Cold's and J.R.'s for a while. 

Didn't know that about Allison Rosen. I liked the girl on before her too (who I always theorized got fired for being too liberal around Adam lol). 

Cowboys v. Packers was not decided by one play. That does not lessen my hatred of how that rule was interpreted. That is all. 

I wish the Oregon-Ohio St. game had been more of a classic. Oh well.

Since you mentioned it, Chris Jericho has a pretty good podcast of his own. 

Freddie was my favorite HoC character. The fact Frank plays Playstation does not endear me to the brand. I need to rewatch those seasons or read a Wiki so I know whose names are being thrown out in dialog scenes. lol 

For some reason those ribs and slaw looked like lava cake and vanilla ice cream when I was scrolling back from your blog to my comment. lol Happy birthday!

The kid might be told by his boss to sell those collections. I wouldn't pay for "remakes" that have some odd reviews around them either. I would like an Xbox One though. 

Nice Batman Beyond and .... smiling(?!!!) Batman! Nice shoes! Nice light bulb changer and seemingly big space to change it in! 

Congrats to the Ducks guy and Happy birthday again! 


01/19/2015 at 12:44 AM

I like the Stone Cold podcast, mainly the Thursday unfiltered one. Chris Jericho one is also pretty good but I think with Stone Cold I get enough wrestling content. I don't think I ever listened to JR's but I'll give an episode a try.

Oh Teresa Strasser, she was fun. I think she left the show because she was moving to Arizona. That's when Adam was doing auditions for the news girl spot. I forgot her name but I think her last name was Gold. She was my favorite out of the bunch but I thought Alison did a good job. Its a shame the behind the scenes stuff had to come out.

House of Cards likes to throw out a bunch of names like Game of Thrones. I had to Google a couple of them at times just to put a face to the name. Freddie was a good dude.

I don't fault the kid, he was doing his job and he was nice about it. This was the store that for the most part get great service (with the exception of one AHole who freaked out when I didn't want to buy a game because they left the Club Nintendo codes in an open new game). I'll most likely buy that collection...when it hits $20 and I will buy then buy an X-Box One.

And Thanks! Appreciate it!

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/19/2015 at 03:03 AM

Ok. House of Cards is nowhere near as bad with the list of names as Game of Thrones from what I've read of that series, which is basically the first chapter of the first book. lol


01/19/2015 at 12:48 PM

Its not, but GoT does like to kill off characters in bulk. You have to get through that first book. That one was the toughest for me. 


01/16/2015 at 06:28 PM

I've listened to the Bayside Podcast before. Guilty pleasure. 

Is battle of the exes 2 new or are you just catching up with it? Ketchup? Seriously? 


01/19/2015 at 12:47 AM

That is such a fun podcast. Their description of Slater's hair being oil covered Ramen had me in tears, it was so funny.

Challenge Battle of the Exes II just started and this week will be episode 3. Yeah Jemmye is scared of ketchup. We found out about that in a previous challenge while she was arguing with Knight (the guy in the picture) he threw ketchup on her and she freaked out.


01/16/2015 at 07:34 PM

Happy belated, Chris!

I dunno, was anyone seriously expecting the Cowboys to win at Lambeau in January? I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention to that game, we were having dinner at Jason's parents and I was being social instead of glued to the tube. All I know is that the Pats/Ravens game was a real nail-biter.


01/19/2015 at 12:49 AM

Thank you!

I figured it woud be a close game but they were undefeated on the road this year, with a big win in Seattle where except for two plays they shut down the Seahawks. Seahawks vs Pats is a good matchup, with tons of storylines: Pete vs his old team, Tom Brady's 6th Super Bowl, the Legion of Boom. It's going to be good.

Cary Woodham

01/16/2015 at 08:09 PM

Happy Birthday!  Have a power pellet!

I was sad the Cowboys lost, but I like Green Bay Packers cheese hats.


01/19/2015 at 12:50 AM

Thanks! and yay for power pellets!

I do find those cheese head hats kind of fun. I should have bought one when I was in college and the Super Bowl was in town. 


01/17/2015 at 03:08 AM

These sales guys at Gamestop. Really makes me hate going there.


01/19/2015 at 12:52 AM

For the most part, the GameStop folks here are really laid back. Every once in a while I'll come into contact with one that really wants to push product or is just annoying. This kid was new and was probably trying to make a sale, and he was nice so it was no biggie


01/19/2015 at 02:24 AM

I've met really cool Gamestop people too. I just hate it when I get the "upsell guy".


01/18/2015 at 03:40 PM

Belated Happy Birthday Wishes!


01/19/2015 at 12:52 AM

Thank you, much appreciated!

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