I'm saying damn you Nintendo as well, since they keep coming out with games I want, but I wish those games were on a system with more third party support. Damn.
Comics Run #5: I'm working too hard so I'll Upadate!
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![]() On 01/16/2015 at 06:25 PM by V4Viewtiful ![]() See More From This User » |
Like seriously. I barely had enough time to enjoy my hobby (that would be hard regardless but now I have a reason), between overtime at work and sleep I had no time for a lot, I recently just hung out with a friend I haven't physically seen since November.
Anyway, to better things
Spider-Man 2099 #7
Fun as the Spider duo ( Miguel and Steampunnk May Parker, survivors of last issue) do a living autopsy on a duplicate of the Vampiric villain Morlun as they briefly trap him in an energy field to find a way to kill him.
I've mentioned before that i'm less than happy of the Spider-verse crossover but Peter David has made this rather enjoyable, as it's nice to see a Spider-man's talent in action as well as the tech of the era by bring back one of the most 90sist characters ever. Punisher 2099 who dispatches a Morlun (yes that's correct) with ease.
I would say the colouring is... a little off but the overall art is nice
This comic features un released or un drawn stories by Peter Milligan and Grant Morrison fefeaturinghe art of Joe Quesada of Marvel fame and the Allred's.
I haven't read this yet.
I can't and I don't want to.
My issue came sealed in plastic and, well. We're all nerds here, NRFB. I'll get an exposed copy but till then you'll have to wait. From the pages i've seen the art is excellent
Last issue had our heroes in a class taught by a demon nun. We get to see Jim Corrigan's Spectre when not in costume and the way he vanquishes the ghost is very clever.
Ray has done an excellent Job writing this, showing the extent of Spectre's powers while gaining a new cast member which makes total sense to have. And Templesmith brings his dark tones and obscure imagery to typical effect. It's another great Batbook.
It's nice for Batman to feel like Batman again and it wouldn't be Batman without him grimacing, which is what we get on the first page.
The issue talks about the effects of Anarky erasing people credit and legal history and future consequences, the debate of "if you have a clean slate would you change"? Matches Malone makes a welcomed appearence the slightly bad thing is instead of Bruce using a little make up to disguise himself he uses advanced tech, I mean it makes sense but part of his talent an being a master of disguise is using a little to make a complete illusion but that's just me.
The lead up to the ending is masterfully done not in a one and done ind of way but away that introduces a signifcant character and gives it's presence a narrative purpose. I always wondered what would happen if Batman was caught in the camera phone age, well now we see!
Hollywood Crrime has never felt soo good. Wait for the trade as it deserves a bulk read.
I've been a fan of these two for years and im yet to be disappointed. It's funny how the artist (whom i've met) keeps putting himself in his work, always gets a giggle out of me.
from the first issue? Scinicle X-men, a Telepath finds a particularly special telepath to join his group superpowered beings. from the first issue I see it's potential ad it gets the obvious darkside out of the way by the end as it takes a logical extreme. It seems like a deconstruction of the typical formula and though that's all been done to death, the fact that these aren't "heroes" gives it a bit of leeway with me, so expect some more from me.
I like the art, detailed and identifiable. I haven't read an Eric Stephenson comic in years but it feels natural to me, the dialogue I mean and a San Fran setting is a nice little detail. So i'm interested.
Well work is killing me, i'm a part timer doing full time hours which would be bad if I didn't feel I wasn't making some contribution to the company. From November to now i've been doing extra hours to keep up with the holiday season. However things have died down we are due are range and promo change which means cleaning and advertisement replacements, hey it has to be done.
I help the Branch manager with his presentation as he was having trouble with Excel I feel dupped into doing it but it allowed me to dust off skills I hadn't used in what is probably years and he seemed appreciative so i'm okay with it.
My super store has an audio department (well a section of TVs) which I manage and one of the company reps who issues demo and display changes came to visit, we where one of the few in the country to have a particular demo in place when I entered the company and so I provided feedback on the graphics, the equipment etc. I liked the guy and I learnt more about the rational on how the company works. Who knows, maybe my feedback will be significant? I already was featured in a company training mag (not that you could tell it was me) one day I could be an important figure, Ha!
Well after the life shattering events of not getting my Major's Mask New 3DS XL, I had to settle for the regular one with the Special edition case, bundle (with Necklace and poster I think) and Skull Kid Statue. Life Sucks! (till I get the Zelda changable plate).
Young Link is apparently in Hyrule Warriors now with means Masks and Fierce Deity! I need to get it now.
I've got a quote for a New gaming tower to be built under £900, I want it specifically for Arkham Knight but there are a few wicked games on the horizon Maybe I won't be able to eat out for a while (or buy underware) but at least I can play games with full specs
I suck at Tekken.
After a week of practice I have lost the keen skill of my youth, I got a Pre Owned Tekken Tag 2 Wii U edition 2 or so weeks ago, I played it and I was amazed at how bad I was... But then it has been several years. I wonder if there's an old bearded gaming master in the mountains somewhere...?
The Wii arcade stick works BTW.
I might do an anime list in the Future, Movies, series weapons, that sorta thing many of our games and iterestes are linked to it and I feel we don't share that enough. I might start with series.
April seems to be the release date for Xenoblade Chronicles X, cool.
Cour, I wrote more than I expected too but I had a lot to get off me chest and two blogs seemed unnecessary.
This Is V saying "Damn You Nintendo!"