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Random update 1-16-15

On 01/16/2015 at 07:17 PM by Ranger1

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Soooo...I've been without internet since Dec. 15th. Money's tight and something had to go. My friend (and landlady's son) Michael ran a line over to the cottage, so now I have internet access at home once more. I just have to be careful not to stream too much stuff because of the usage cap.

Anyway, it's good to be back. I've been using the time without internet to read, game, and watch some of the many DVDs and BluRays in my personal collection. More on that later.

Christmas 2014 was a bust. It was spent dealing with family issues in New Hampshire. My mom was sick again, there was lots of drama that I'm not going into here, and it basically sucked. Luckily, I got to go to Jason's dad's after I got home and that almost made up for it. Christmas presents were horribly devoid of gaming goodness, but I did get a $30 gift card to Bull Moose Music from Jason's youngest brother, and an awesome Firefly hoodie from Jason's parents.

New Year's was a quiet affair, Jason spent the night and the plan was to watch Lawrence of Arabia. I made it 20 minutes into the movie and crashed, waking up at 12:15, long enough to tranform the futon from couch to bed and wish Jason a happy New Year. In my defense, I'd been battling some virus, plus dealing with the effects of stress from Christmas. I had more fun the following weekend at my friends' annual 12th Night party. There was music and song, good company, and Fred made a concoction called "A Yard of Flannel" from a colonial recipe. It consisted of warm ale, rum, eggs, sugar, and nutmeg. It was pretty tasty, and had a kick like a mule. Good thing I was spending the night! Apparently, most colonial taverns in New England had their own recipe.

And now the random bits you've all been waiting for!

Reading: In the past month, I've read quite a lot. The first two books of the Tarzan series (there are 24 in all, and I've got the whole collection), A Devil in the Details by K.A. Stewart (urban fantasy ala Jim Butcher's Dresden Files, just not quite as good), The Skull Mantra and Water Touching Stone both by Eliot Pattison (mysteries set in Tibet), Tea With the Black Dragon by R.A. MacAvoy (an oldie but goodie found during the basement/garage salvage job. It's kind of a mystery, kind of an urban fantasy), A Wind in Cairo by Judith Tarr (another old favorite salvaged from the garage/basement - fantasy in a historical setting), and Black Robe by Brian Moore (about a Jesuit priest in Canada in the 1600s trying to get to his new assignment. I didn't really care for it, but Jason recommended I read it. It was also made into a movie).

Watching: Watched the first two seasons of Third Watch, the first three movies of the Sharpe's series (Sharpe's Rifles, Sharpe's Eagle, and Sharpe's Company), Die Hard, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (both of those for Christmas, obviously), Season 11 of NCIS, all three seasons of Veronica Mars, The Dark Knight Rises, and I'm currently half-way through rewatching the first season of Agents of SHIELD.

Playing: Finally played Batman: Arkham Asylum. I'll do a Late to the Party blog on that in a day or so. Michael came over and played some LBP Karting with me, which was fun. Played some Mod Nation Racers, as well as PGR 3 and PGR 4 (I was on a little bit of a racing kick for a while). I got all the steel medals for PGR 3 and started playing through to get the bronze medals. I didn't care as much for PGR 4 as much as I did PGR 3 and lost interest rather quickly. I also sampled Yakuza 3, Red Dead Remption, and LA Noire without getting pulled into any of them. I just wasn't in the right mood, I think. Now I'm replaying Lost Odyssey because I want to. I finished it once, so this time I'm cruising through with the strategy guide to see if I can find all the treasures this time.

Listening: Haven't really been listening to much lately. I tend to listen to music the most when I'm driving, and I haven't done much of that other than my frantic trip to NH and I forgot to bring music in my haste to get out the door.

Well, that's it from my little corner of the 'verse.




01/16/2015 at 07:43 PM

Hey Tami! Good to hear from you. I was just wondering where you'd gone. If I wasn't so far behind in games I'd play Lost Odyssey again too. I'll never forget my wife coming into the room and asking me  why I was crying. I'd just finished reading one of the dreams. The writing in those is just brilliant.

Anyway I'm just starting my playthrough of Suikoden II now that I have a decent Suikoden save to import.

I'm not sure what I'm going to read next. I'm about 60% of the way through the first volume of the Sandman graphic novel and I'm bound and determined to finish Curse of Chalion but I keep pushing it aside. Read a little bit of the first Afterlife with Archie but it's pretty dark. Not that I mind dark but this is Archie!


01/16/2015 at 07:52 PM

There are so many games I probably should be playing instead of replaying Lost Odyssey, but I figure: it's my time, I can do what I want with it. And yeah, those dreams...

I almost started Suikoden, but it looked so crappy on my HDTV, that I decided to wait until I get a space cleared for my old CRT TV. I was pretty close to having that until I had to bring a load of stuff home from NH.

Cary Woodham

01/16/2015 at 08:12 PM

Well good to hear from you again.  Hope things get better.  If you lived down here in Texas, I'd invite you all over to play all my new games and things!


01/16/2015 at 08:38 PM

Thanks, Cary! If I lived in Texas, I'd take you up on it!

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/16/2015 at 08:42 PM

Glad to hear the holidays were not a total bust. 

You got me beat by a mile in reading, though I am glad to say I've read three books (one being a graphic novel) since Christmas: Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Promise, The Fault in Our Stars, and Killing Lincoln. Next up, Divergent and maybe something by Neil Gaiman, and The Search if I can get a hold of it. 

Is that the first time you've seen Dark Knight Rises? And now I'm bummed I never watched Christmas Vacation per tradition, seeing you watched Die Hard

Look forward to your thoughts on Asylum, it's my favorite of that trilogy. I almost bought L.A. Noire during Steam's winter sale, but decided not to buy too much more on there unless I know I'll play it right away. 

The station I manage is still down until (hopefully) next Tuesday, so I've been listening to NPR in the meantime 

Great to hear from you1


01/16/2015 at 08:55 PM

Naw, I saw Dark Knight Rises in the theater when it came out and I've owned it for a while. I think that might have been the third time I've watched it. I forgot to mention that I watched Casino Royale again, too.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

01/16/2015 at 09:39 PM

hey my friend Gregg has been reading Edgar Rice Burroughs too.  We've been talking about pulp stuff like that.  

Glad to see you're back on the internet.  It ain't the same without you!  

That Flannel drink sounds insane.  I don't usually mix eggs with alcohol, but I guess it can be chill!


01/16/2015 at 10:00 PM

I love ERB. By modern standards, the books aren't that well written and are horribly non-PC, but they're just so much fun to read. In addition to the entire Tarzan series, I also have most of the John Carter series and all but two of the Pellucidar series. I also love the Doc Savage books by Kenneth Robeson, which were written a little later than ERB was writing. I had around a hundred of those at one time (hopefully, I still do).

Matt Snee Staff Writer

01/17/2015 at 12:37 AM

I've heard of Doc Savage but have never read any.  I love pulp.  

I have some of the Carter books but haven't read them yet.  Love the old covers.  


01/17/2015 at 03:34 AM

I've been watching this Pulp Fiction docu on youtube [ ]. It's really great and showcases the very first Tarzan story in a collection that is now super rare and very expensive to own.

Good to hear from you btw.


01/17/2015 at 11:48 AM

Glad to see you're back!  This holiday was hard with my dad being gone, but my 2 year old son finally learned about presents and looked for them whenever we went to someone else's house (even if they weren't for him lol).  It was good to see him so excited.

Agents of Shield is pretty good, especially after the Winter Soldier tie-in.  I watched a few episodes of the new season and it looks like they're introducing more characters from the comics, which is cool.  I wonder if they'll ever make it to the big screen in either their own movie or cameos in Avengers or whatnot.  It still feels separate from the cinematic universe, probably because they haven't found an infinity stone lol.


01/18/2015 at 10:17 AM

I've been a huge fan of Agents of SHIELD from day one. I'm just re-watching at the moment while waiting for the hiatus to be over.

Does your kiddo have more fun with the boxes or does he actually play with the presents inside, too? My dad used to say that when they're that age, you could just wrap an empty box and they'd be just as happy.


01/18/2015 at 06:12 PM

He's equally happy with both I think.  He loves his toys, but he doesn't always play with them like he's supposed to.  Give him a box of crayons and he can spend hours just putting the crayons in and taking them out of the box.  He likes to pull his toys apart and put them back together (or make me do it lol).


01/17/2015 at 01:28 PM

It's too bad Christmas was so stressful for you. I'm glad New Years' turned out to be much better. For my part, Christmas was pretty good with my PSTV and New Years was all right. Drank egg nog fortified with rum and set off a couple of packages of Black Cats left over from the 4th of July. My birthday, on Tuesday of this week, however, was very stressful for reasons I might go into later.

My reading has consisted of Stephen King and a reread of an old favorite, The Clan of the Cave Bear.

Good, as always, to see you check in.


01/18/2015 at 10:19 AM

Happy belated birthday, Andrew! Oh, wait, I actually got to wish you a happy b-day from the library on the day of, didn't I? Sorry it's been stressful. I can't read Stephen King, gives me nightmares.


01/17/2015 at 03:18 PM

Sorry to hear about the family drama. That type of shit is why I stay away from my blood relatives.


01/18/2015 at 10:20 AM

Thanks. Yeah, nothing like family drama to ruin a holiday.


01/19/2015 at 07:00 AM

One of these days I'll play Lost Odyssey.  I bought that game many years ago and only play it for a hour.  


01/19/2015 at 07:41 AM

Well, if you'd stop played Mass Effect for a few minutes, you might have time, lol.


01/19/2015 at 03:38 PM

Right now, I'm playing Dragon Age 3.  I'm 110hrs in.  I hadn't played ME in over 6 months.  But, I was thinking about starting it up this morning. Laughing  If I wasn't so deep into DA, I would be playing ME right now.  I'm a sick man. Embarassed  

Tell you what, I promise not to play Mass Effect until I play through Lost Odyssey.  Now, I have to play Lost Odyssey.  I want to play it and I've been putting it off for too long. Cool


01/19/2015 at 05:22 PM

OK, well how about I finish this play-through of Lost Odyssey and my next game I play is Mass Effect? We can hold each other to it.


01/20/2015 at 12:43 PM

Deal. Cool


01/19/2015 at 03:29 PM

I play a lot of the same games over and over all the time. I'm still playing stuff I played in the 80s lol. So don't worry about Lost Odyssey. It'll be interesting to read what you think of Arkham Asylum. I got Arkham City during the Steam holiday sales, but haven't gotten to it yet.


01/19/2015 at 05:24 PM

I don't feel bad. It's my time, it's up to me how I want to spend it, and right now I want to spend it playing Lost Odyssey, lol.

I loved Arkham Asylum. Working on that blog entry about it now (well, not right now, but you know what I mean).


01/30/2015 at 02:18 PM

family issues on holidays is never a non energy drainer. i'm still recovering from mine!

I finally got around to Agents of SHIELD. I can see why it lasted like it did. I just wonder how they'll continue the series after the events of Captain America: The Winter Solider.

I want to play that Batman game too but I keep holding out in getting it sincde I now see they bundle both Arkham Asylum and City in the same package now. One day I shall, one day...


01/30/2015 at 04:44 PM

Agents of SHIELD is still keeping my attention. New plot twists, some new characters, and the continuity is kept.

If you can get the Batman games in one package, I say hold out. Are they both the GOTY editions?


02/04/2015 at 10:50 PM

Yes they are. on PS3 all the GOTY content is on the disc. Not sure about the Xbox 360 if it's an install disc or DLC code.


02/05/2015 at 12:21 AM

Definitely hold out, then.

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