Good on you for posting the positives. I don't know that I've ever played a game with an LGBT character (although Tingle makes me wonder), but I'm glad you connected with the character, or at least the way she was portrayed.
...And Now For Something Completely Different
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![]() On 03/13/2013 at 10:51 PM by Kayshire Cat ![]() See More From This User » |
I know yesterday I said I didn't want to blog, or talk or whatever, and I still feel that way. It's just that for the past I don't even know how long people have been talking everything that games do wrong regarding gender/social issues. No one seems to give a fuck about what they do right. So I'm going to add some positivity into all this negativity and you're going to like it dammit! (This blog contains minor spoilers for Atelier Ayesha, btw)
Atelier Ayesha has a character named Regina (pictured above), and the game makes it pretty obvious from the time you meet her that she's attracted to women. One of the first conversations she has with Ayesha revolves almost soley around how cute she thinks Ayesha is.
Now I'm not here to debate or discuss whether or not her portrayal as an LGBT character is done correctly I want to talk about how the other characters in the game treat her. They treat her like a normal person. No one gawks, no one tells her she's weird or immoral they accept and support her choices.
A scene after one of her quests has her boss suggest she find a husband to which she protests saying she would rather marry Ayesha. His response is that they'd make a good couple. No one laughs no one protests against they all go along and support the idea.
This might not seem like too much but seeing this in a game actually made me really happy. It's nice seeing my lifestyle treated like it's normal in any setting. I don't care if the characters are just goofy overexageratted anime stereotypes or whatever this geniunely made me smile and perhaps giggle a little since I like Regina and she's saying she wants to marry my in game avatar so you know.
Like I said its probably not much, but I think people need to stop looking at so many negatives in games and see the positives. Games CAN do things right they don't ALWAYS do things wrong. If no ones going to post articles about it I guess I'll just have to myself.