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Says he's glad we're not talking extracurriculars

On 01/19/2015 at 12:56 PM by Super Step

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Deflategate a trending story the next morning. 

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! Apparently, Selma is free for students today. Might see if I can get in on that, since mom just asked if I wanted to see a movie today anyway. 

How've you all been? I came home to Dallas for my older brother's birthday party. Was fun. Lots of food. Not necessarily a good thing on my low calorie, low carb, high protein diet, but I've been doing my exercises and getting at least 15,000 steps in the past few days. Even did the first day of Couch to 5K yesterday after my normal cardio workout. It was easier for me I think cause I'm really not starting out from the couch (though my focus is usually weights, so cardio does tend to be a bit more challenging), but we'll see how things go. I couldn't resist, since I'm running my first 5k the Saturday after my birthday in 9 weeks and the program itself is nine weeks. The 5K is to help raise money to fight multiple myeloma cancer, which took the life of a coworker's family member recently. Couldn't have happened to a nicer person, so even if I'm unable to go (unlikely) I'd be more than happy to let them keep the fee. My birthday is March 23, with the 5K happening the 28th. 

There were also lots of kids at my older brother's birthday party, his friends'. Guess that's what the makeup of a party looks like when you turn 31. He doesn't have any, but he and his girlfriend were at least joking about having some. I want kids at some point, but seeing how exhausting they can be made me remember why I'm gonna wait on that. I turn 25 this year and I'm nowhere near where I thought I'd be at this age, but I should have a Master's by the end of the semester, so that's a milestone I can look forward to. 

Didn't get any gaming OR reading in like I planned, but that's what happens when all you do is enjoy company and relax. Well actually, I'm reading Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Search right now and damn are these graphic novels good. So great to finally get the story about Zuko's mom and the way they involve Azula is just great as well. Word of the day for these comics is great! These comics really feel like an organic continuation of the original series. Currently nearing the end of Part 2, originally released as just the second comic and will have read the whole thing by the time I comment here most likely.

They are expensive graphic novels though, at almost $50 a pop, so I might ask for the next one for my birthday. I wish I had remembered my older brother saying he found it at a Barnes & Noble in Fort Worth's Hulen Mall and not just the Hulen Mall part, since there's a B&N much closer I could have checked first. That and I had no idea stores outside of the main complex were still considered part of the "mall." That directory had only two stores listed for books and both were actually jewelery stores! It did say "books and collectibles," but still. I never would have had to get stopped by the lady selling dead sea salt cosmetics either. She was very nice and kind of flirted with me, but disappointed after she did the spiel and I couldn't buy anything. Thing is, I told her a couple times I was good and tried to walk away, but she aggressively insisted I come over. I hate dealing with salespeople. I feel so bad when I can't help them, but also feel annoyed by their aggressiveness. I just like to shop for things by myself. Honestly, approaching me with your opinion on what I should buy is one of the best ways to get me to leave your store ... kiosk, whatever. I think that's why I only lasted a day as a door-to-door salesman. I felt the pain of people who hated me at their doorstep. 

Caught the football games. Thought it was a sure thing the Packers were going to the Super Bowl until that onside kick came out of the Packers' hands and went into the Seahawks'. Until that moment, we were basically just watching Packers wind down the clock. Oh well, at least it became a game at the end. LOL at the "12th man" though. So many memes cropped up of Seahawks fans leaving early. I think Bill Burr might be right, the real 12th man might be the architect of that stadium.

And of course, the Patriots just flat out beat the living shit out of the Colts. Looked like last year's Super Bowl. Even Peyton Manning's former team can't catch a break. This morning, they said the Patriots may have deflated their footballs to make them easier to control. Not sure how true that is or how much impact that would have really, but PLEASE just tell me we're not talking about some controversy after the Super Bowl. This week was SO CLOSE to being free of all that. 

Tomorrow is back to "school" for me, though the only reason I'm even going back to the physical campus is because I have two jobs and an apartment there. Really need to start looking at doctoral programs and post-grad-grad jobs. 

How are you all spending this three-day weekend? Assuming it is a three day weekend for you.




01/19/2015 at 01:06 PM

I watched both games yesterday. I think the deflated ball thing is just sour grapes, personally, and I would say that no matter what team was in question. I don't see how something like that could be overlooked by the refs at the time.

As for how I'm spending the weekend...same way I spend most of my time these days while unemployed. I'll be doing some cleaning and tidying here soon, and taking the vast amount of recyclables to the recycling trailer down the road, and I hope to get a run in today if it isn't too icy.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/19/2015 at 01:46 PM

Apparently, the refs weighed the ball during the game, which would pretty much mean they should have decided then. I think the whole thing came about from some sports guy's Twitter posts. Iunno. I doubt that alone would be responsible for 45-7 and Luck has a losing history against the Pats anyway.

I hate when it gets too cold for me to do my runs. Then I get hot and take off layers. Then I get cold again. Sucks.


01/19/2015 at 02:23 PM

It's not so much the cold that bothers me as it is the footing. I'm pretty comfortable down as far as 16 degrees, which is so far the coldest temp I've run in.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/19/2015 at 04:34 PM

I just catch cold easily. All that Wisconsin blood my parents gave me has worn off over the years I guess. 

But yeah, the slippery ice would be a much bigger factor for me too, especially since my cardio days are all about hill sprints!


01/19/2015 at 05:26 PM

Yeah, footing is a huge deal because I don't run on the road, I run on the woods trails. Easy to fall and get hurt out there if I'm not careful. And when it's above freezing, all the ice on the streams becomes unsafe and I don't really trust this one bridge out there...

Matt Snee Staff Writer

01/19/2015 at 01:21 PM

only the patriots would cheat on a game they would have won anyway.  Tongue Out

glad you're enjoying your Avatar books.  I miss reading graphic novels. I have a couple of Daredevil ones I've never read that I've had for five years now.  Just never been focused enough to sit down and read them.  

Yeah I'd like to have kids too, but it looks like I'm gonna be a late bloomer on that.  I really want to have them someday though....

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/19/2015 at 01:48 PM


I almost forgot about Daredevil. Looking forward to that Netflix series. I got Flash as a result for a personality quiz and I might want to start watching that show or reading his comics as well.

And I'll have kids when I win the lottery, so I can ensure they don't get all my money. Wink

Matt Snee Staff Writer

01/19/2015 at 01:52 PM

i hear  that show is pretty good, but I haven't seen it yet.  


01/19/2015 at 03:57 PM

I wish manga and graphic novels weren't so expensive. There's a lot of series I'd like to get into, but some of those series go on for forever. When I first started reading manga I'd just sit at Barnes and Nobles and read the whole thing lol. Good luck with the 5K and "school"!

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/19/2015 at 04:35 PM

Yes ... "school." lol

Cary Woodham

01/19/2015 at 06:51 PM

I had to work today unfortunately.  I've been a little under the weather lately so it was extra hard.  But at least i have a job!  Good luck on your 5K thing!

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/19/2015 at 07:06 PM

Sorry to hear that. Thank you!


01/20/2015 at 01:21 AM

Been thinking about a Masters in English. I'd love to go back to school; just not sure what I want to do with it; can't justify the expense if I don't know what job I'm getting with it. But, I would go just to be in school and study. I love that. I mean, I kind of do that now, my own studying, but it's not official or gets me a degree or anything. . . I really got to get a life.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/20/2015 at 12:06 PM

Yeah, that's why I'm thinking of getting a doctorate. I like research to some degree.


01/20/2015 at 11:31 AM

I do like how every week there is a new NFL controversy that people just want to hold on to. Balls that needed more air, refs who seem to be on Jerry's payroll, etc. As for Seattle and their "12th Man" aka the Miami Heat fans of the NFL, yeah its all about the stadium's design. I like the Seahawks but their new fanbase gets way more attention than it deserves.

The best part about parties is the food. Its fine to eat like a madman, just don't do it every day.

I never realized how expensive those graphic novels are. I always thought $20 maybe 30 at the top end but $50? That's crazy.

Ooh doctoral programs. Do you have any preference on schools? I was joking with a friend after watching The U Part II on ESPN that we should go to grad school in Miami just so we can say we graduated from The U. 

The three day here was a bit lazy. I visited an out of the way Target to see what Lego that had left on Clearance, and hit the mom and pop music store to buy more CDs in bulk. Other than that, it was a lazy weekend. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/20/2015 at 12:08 PM

The $20-$30 ones are shorter. The reason these are $50 is cause they have almost 200 pages of content. 

I am thinking UNT, but not sure they have a doctoral Mass Comm. program. Maybe they have straight up Communications though.

Funny you should mention Lego, some parents were talking about how they're too damn expensive now. 


01/20/2015 at 04:56 PM

No weekend for me as I just started collegue.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/20/2015 at 06:02 PM

Hey, it's my first day back! Welcome to the club.


01/20/2015 at 11:44 PM

I really wanted to see Green Bay move on for once instead of Seattle, but the way that game ended was incredible. Seattle definitely earned it with that ridiculous overtime win. Patriots I couldn't care less about, and that game was really boring. I'll root for Seattle in the super bowl just by default.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/21/2015 at 12:44 AM

Yeah, I pretty much have been knowing I'd be rooting for the NFC regardless once the Super Bowl came around. Something about AFC football I just don't like watching as much. Still, I don't care that much either way and if Pats win, Rangergirl's happy. 

This is the first NFL season I ever followed the whole way through and it's been a ride. Hoping my Cowboys can go farther next year.


02/04/2015 at 12:58 PM

if I was a college student I'm not sure I'd go watch Selma. Seems to much like yet another guilt movie.

sounds like you had foun with the birthdays. Good time too.

$50 for a graphic novel!?!?! Ouch!

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/04/2015 at 01:01 PM

How many pages are graphic novels usually though? The ones I'm talking about are over 200 pages long with some sketches and extra insight from the writing and artist teams in the sides of the pages. 

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