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Resident Evil HD Impressions

On 01/22/2015 at 10:32 AM by mothman

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I have to admit I was worried that this port would be a mess but for the most part I had nothing to worry about and at least one thing to be very happy about.

The game looks pretty damn good for a 13 year old Gamecube game and the wide screen presentation makes it look even better on an HD TV. No it can't compete with what current generation PCs or consoles are capable of but anyone expecting that must live in a world of unicorns and smurfs.

The one thing that makes me very happy is the addition of a control scheme that doesn't baffle the human brain. I no longer have to push the left analog stick away from me to make Chris walk towards me and when I push it left or right my character doesn't stand still and spin in either direction. Tank controls increase the tension be damned! Increase the frustration and use of profanity is more like it. Thank god I no longer have to fight the controls in addition to dogs and zombies.

The only thing that is still slightly annoying is that when the view changes suddenly due to the static backgrounds it has a tendency to disorient me and I wind up running back the way I came which can be hazardous to ones health if you happen to be running from a bunch of enemies.

When fighting enemies auto-aiming works pretty well in terms of hitting the enemy. Headshots are more a matter of luck than anything else and in my experience have occured about 50% of the time. The rest of the time I need to whip out the kerosene and burn the buggers to avoid their crimson headedness later on. I've only failed to do that 3 times but having a crimson head run up and punch you in the face makes you learn quickly. :)

The one thing I've found about auto-aim though is sometimes your shots connect when you don't appear to be pointing directly at the enemy.

Playing the game anew I quickly realized how much I'd forgotten like puzzle order and not filling your 6 slot inventory up with items you don't need until you've found an item box/save point room to drop them off in. Ooh look, shotgun shells, er, but I don't have a shotgun yet, let's leave them there for now.

The other thing is not saving unless it is needed. Playing a lot of RPGs I have developed a tendency to save frequently in order to avoid having to do things over when you die. You really can't take that approach when you have a finite number of saves enforced by your need for a typewriter ribbon in order to do so.

At the moment I'm pretty early in the game. I've just picked up the shotgun. I love the way the game tries impede your progress once you need to do something. A previously empty corridor  fills with Zombies who, lacking etiquette enter by breaking through the windows.

Now I'm off to kill a man eating plant and stuff a jewel in a big kitty's mouth. 

Hopefully I'll have time to play a lot more on the weekend. So far I think I'm getting my 20 bucks worth. 




01/22/2015 at 10:55 AM

This seems like the definitive way to play the classic RE.  I may indulge in the next few weeks, after I've had my fill of Borderlands The Pre Sequel.


01/22/2015 at 11:08 AM

I'd would have to agree there. It's the first time I've played a pre 4 RE game that didn't make me turn into a crimson head. :D

Matt Snee Staff Writer

01/22/2015 at 10:56 AM

this sounds awesome man!  I'd really like to play this.  But I'd be lying if I didn't say I'd be more excited for an HD RE2.  


01/22/2015 at 11:05 AM

I'd like them to do this for 0, 2 and 3 with the last two being the most difficult  since they were never updated from their original PSX forms even though they were released on GC as lazy crappy ports. At least 0 was already built on the REmake platform.


01/22/2015 at 11:01 AM

I have the Game Cube version, but I could never get past the crappy tank controls. I may have to get this now. Er, later, when I have disposable income.


01/22/2015 at 11:06 AM

It's so much more fun this way. :)


01/22/2015 at 01:49 PM

I might get this on Steam when it goes on sale. Maybe this time I'll actually finish it. I'm glad your enjoying it though Pete. From what I've read it sounds like they put some care into this remaster of a remake or WTF it is lol. Undecided


01/22/2015 at 01:54 PM

Yep, they didn't do a ton but what they did was all I needed them to do. I read some review of the PC version where the reviewer whinged on about some of the graphics looking muddy and whatnot and I guess I might have noticed it on PS3 if I wasn't too busy playing the game to pick apart the scenery. :D

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/22/2015 at 02:00 PM

I think the tank controls might increase tension if they didn'tmake me even more aware I was playing a game. 


01/22/2015 at 02:21 PM

It's just so unnatural.

I think it was originally the result of poor programming skills/decisions covered up for with the "increases the tension" bullcrap and then continued so as not to lose face and admit it was a stupid idea to start with.


01/22/2015 at 05:20 PM

Being aware you're playing a game and feeling tension are not in opposition to each other. The tension comes from the presence of a fail state, your vulnerability and the threat that the monsters pose, combined with the mood created by the audio-visual assets. I'm just speaking of general game design though. Tank controls are not necessary to create the tension effect in this game.


01/22/2015 at 05:23 PM

You are absolutely right there. The environment, the sounds and the fact that you know that something is eventually going to come through that window at you are plenty.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/22/2015 at 07:40 PM

For me, they absolutely are in opposition to each other. Obviously, on some level I'll be aware I'm playing a game, but the more attention gets drawn to that fact, the less I'll be able to suspend my disbelief. Maybe "opposition" isn't the best word for it, but something like that will lower the overall effect for me because it gets in the way of my suspension of disbelief in a big way.


01/23/2015 at 07:25 AM

I understand that wonky controls can pull you out of the experience and I kind of thought that's what you meant anyway.


01/22/2015 at 03:53 PM

Sweet, I just put it on my wishlist and I hope to maybe buy it on a good promotion.


01/22/2015 at 04:18 PM

I'll probably try this version on one of my retro weekends. Thanks for the advice about saves and not filling up your item slots too. I'll remember those.


01/22/2015 at 05:33 PM

Capcom were already accomplished programmer by then. Rather, I think the tank controls were their input solution to dealing with movement in a game where the camera orientation is different on every screen. Not that that makes them less cumbersome for some people. I accept the idea that controls in a video game may require learning, like controlling any other system or a vehicle. Maybe RE isn't the game that is right for that, but the rewards outweigh the inconvenience imo.

I think you've pointed out legitimate flaws though, and your defense of the save system is full of understanding, unlike the pro reviews I've read.  They don't review what the game is, but what it's not compared to what they think it should be, which is a totally different kind of game then what Capcom intended.  I'm getting tired of the notion, put forth by reviewers and their readers who don't think, that all games that fly under a certain genre label should conform to the same spec in level design, control scheme, save system, etc. Besides RE2, other survival horror games did not replicate the specific design of RE1. And even RE2 started the series going away from that.


01/22/2015 at 06:33 PM

I get what you're saying regarding the tank controls and the camera as I do find it a little awkward when the angle switches but my brain is just not wired for tank controls. I did better with RE 4 because of the over the shoulder view but the earlier games, the second Parasite Eve and Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare I just gave up on.

Strangely enough I made it a fair way in Alone in the Dark and Code Veronica. Resident Evil 2 I kept dying trying to walk by the zombies on the first couple of screens. Even though I knew exactly what to do my brain had me hitting right or left instead of up more often than not. I was like a big zombie Gyros turning round and round. LOL

Yes I know they were probably competent programmers I'm just lashing out because I don't like what they did. :)


01/23/2015 at 12:45 AM

I would suggest maybe not killing all the zombies you see if you don't have  to in order to conserve ammo. Plus, if you don't burn the bodies with the lighter and fuel after killing them once, they will respawn as crimson heads which move around much faster and will give you a bigger headache. Also, I think Jill is the easier mode. Have fun!


01/23/2015 at 07:21 AM

Oh I've been burning bodies unless I get in a head shot which as I mentioned I'm getting about 50% of the time. The crimson heads will actually punch you. Punching zombies, who knew.

Chris isn't too hard really.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

01/23/2015 at 05:21 AM

This is getting purchased tomorrow. Btw: I went back and played Silent Hill 3 on pc, and that game looks amazing! It looks like it could have come out in 2010! Must have been something about them times.


01/23/2015 at 01:57 PM

The only issue I've had with RE HD was an odd file corruption error message that popped up telling me to re-install the game. It happened just as I got out of the house and made it to the NSEW puzzle involving the two headed dogs guarding the locked gate. The moment I tried to enter the gate I got the pop up.

I was able to make a different save point sooner to that level and all seems fine from there. Stil it would've sucked if I was trying for that "no save" trophy for the game.

Tank controls I'm starting to get use to. It helps that I played RE4 HD recently before this. I still switch back to tank controls now and then during tense moments. Still nice to see Capcom trying to update the game in sublte ways that help enhance the experaince. So far best $20 I spent for two copies of the game.

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