My apologies in advance if anything in my blog is even mildly offensive - I'm a bit drunken.
Sottish Coffee FTW
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![]() On 01/22/2015 at 12:12 PM by xDarthKiLLx ![]() See More From This User » |
Hello one and all!
I'm sure you've noticed the absence of my recurring Weekender blog. Well, hell...I apologize for that. I've just been plain lazy, no other excuse for it. I'll get it going again, rest assured.
Now that the platitudes and apologies have been dispensed, lemme get to the real meat n taters of the blog, THE UPDATE.
-I've been playing a few different games, and have thus far completed none of them. I've decided that in 2015 it's less important that I complete a game than I'd emphasized to myself in the last annum. That being so, I've experienced a whole helluva lot of Far Cry 4, Shadow Of Mordor, and a tiny bit of Ar Nosurge. I've also been quite smitten with Suikoden, which Ive been playing on my little PSP handheld.
Come to think of it, I think my son has done more gaming than I have so far this year...he's beaten 3 games on his 2DS, and has since taken over my PS3 in the evenings with his newfound obsession with Minecraft and Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. Yes, a 7-year-old enjoys and LOVES playing Blood Dragon. This kid....he likes to kill the animals for bait and then set Blood Dragons on the allies located in the fortresses I'd liberated in my game last year. Yes, I know....he's a nutter. He laughs like a tiny evil genius when he sees the Blood Dragons attack the "white guys". Being as he's half Mexican, it still throws me a small curveball when he says that, as my Mexican wife simlply cackles whenever he expresses his joy at killing his allies.
I'm currently awaiting the arrival of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! in the mail via Gamefly. God Bless's afforded me the freedom of playing the newest PS3 releases sans making an actual purchase. Granted, most of the games I've gotten in the post from Gamefly I'd purchase (especially you, DA Inquisition)....I simply don't have the time to play all that I'd readily purchase. Hell, I still have a copy of Assassin's Creed Rogue that I'm less than 15 hours into...I'm just waiting for a rainy day, I guess. I tend to dig into my physically owned library when the getting-of-other-ganes is slow.
- The wife assented to me purchasing a PS4 this year. However, I'm going to wait for the release of Bloodborne, so as to maximize my use of said console. See, I know when I buy the 4, my son is going to get the 3 in his room, and I still have something like 91 unfinished games on the 3. I'd really like to play through at least 10-15 of those games prior to engaging the new gen of consoles.
Yeah, right.
-Scotch whiskey is easily killing on Irish whiskey. Trust me, I've been drinking quite a lot of both since I stopped smoking weed back in July of last year. Am I an alcoholic? I dont know, maybe. Do I enjoy it? You bet your sweet ass. Do I care if you judge me? HAH....fuck you, if you wanna judge. I drink the GOOD SHIT. =)
-Work is alright. I do prep, I do line cook, I wash dish 1-3 times a day, I do truck unloads and stocking, and I'm the manager's general go-to man. My manager told me the other day that I'm "indispensible" (sic). Probably didn't spell that right. Whiskey. I'm making around the same amount of money I was at the machine shop and there's almost NO RISK of dying by getting wrapped up in a lathe. Plus, I fed good food every day. Plus, I work the same hours as my wife. I'd say I've taken a LATERAL step, as opposed to a step back.
Restaurant work kinda sucks....but I also feel a lot closer to my co-workers than I did as a machinist. These people depend on me, and I depend on them, and management depends on me. It's far more of a family than it was as Grimmway. I get around 5 hours of overtime a week, and at my current wage I can easily buy the things I love at that rate.
The way it works in my family: I put in 40 hours for the family. Anything over that (provided we don't have any overdue bills) is MINE. That equals games, new bandannas for work (yes, I wear a bandanna like a pirate rather than those stupid-looking Chili's hats) or movie purchases.
- I just started reading A Cook's Tour by Anthony Bourdain. What can I say; I love literature and TV that is based on food. Food is my favorite.
-Been watching Duck Dynasty. Don't care what you think about it, these are my people for sure. I served in the military, I've been raised around rednecks. When I watch it, I'm reminded of my departed parents and other family members.
PS - I don't give a fuck what you think of Phil. He's entitled to his opinion.
Hey there you are, I was wondering what happened to the Weekender.
Man kids and Minecraft. If Minecraft combined with Disney's Frozen, the developers could buy a small country. Congrats on the future purchase of the PS4! I like that you are waiting for a game, and to catch up on some PS3 titles in the meantime. I kind of wish I would have waited a week or two to buy mine but it is what it is.
No judgement from me about your love of scotch. You worked hard, you relax the way you want to. It sounds like you do a lot for your job but its good to know that you have a bond with the people you work with. I think having that bond with your coworkers alone gives this job a step up from your previous job.
I've never seen an actual episode of Duck Dynasty. The only thing I knew of Duck Dynasty was the daughter being on Dancing With The Stars. They family seemed like good people. As for what the Grandfather (I think he's the Grandfather) said, that's his opinion. I'm ok with folks having different opinions, that's what makes discussions so great. I don't like it when folks try to push their views on others. Those people I can't stand.
I like the odd single malt sctoch myself. I never developed a taste for Irish but then I've only tried Old Bushmills so what do I know.
Indispensable oooh you were so close. :)
I love food based TV too and Bourdain, especially since he's buddies with Josh Homme of QotSA and a Ramones fan.
Not a fan of rednecks but if you're part redneck I'll have to make an exception. :P
nice to hear from you man!
-- my brother loves that Bourdain show. we were watching it while he was here for xmas. All that Bourdain guy does is drink and eat fucked up shit. gotta respect that.
--I'm probably gonna get a PS4 in the spring too. Looking forward to Witcher and Batman more than Bloodeborne, which will just kick my ass.
--yeah i drink more now that I've quit weed too. it's aiight.
- your son is awesome!
Hope to hear more from you! Ain't the same without the weekender... and BaD is coming, you know!!!!
Personally, I hate Duck Dynasty, but that's just me. No judging those who do like it. And I, too, come from redneck stock.
Jason told me if he wins the lottery, he'll buy me the console of my choice. As I don't think he plays the lottery, I'm not gonna hold my breath, but it's sweet he thinks of these things. As to my choice, PS4 would win at the moment.
Oh, I do so love single malt Scotch! Laphroaig, Lagavulin, Oban, Talisker, yeah, I like Scotch.
Did you ever read Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain? Never order fish on Monday is the only bit I really remember, not that I would order fish, anyway. Not a fan of fish or seafood. And yes, I really do live on the coast of Maine, lol.
Nice to see you again :)
I don't ever watch Duck Dynasty so I don't care one way or the other, Phil is entitled to his homophobia and other bullshit opinions he may have on the subject. We all have dumb ideas about certain things I'd assume.
I prefer Call of the Wildman when it comes to those kinds of shows. The turtle man is my favorite. LIVE ACTION! That show always makes me smile, he seems like a really funny and sincere dude.
When I'm not doing homework I've been playing New Vegas mostly. Getting really close to finishing it.
Blood Dragon was probably the most fun I had in a game last year, excluding the Souls games.
I'm still a bit trippy about the fact that I played and finished them all in a single year. Multiple times, except for Demon's Souls. That game....that game punished me for making mistakes.
Easily the best game of the three, though. You can feel the despair in that one.
May I ask why you stopped smoking weed? You don't have to if you don't want, I just recently quit as well (well, by recently, I mean a year ago) and I just find it interesting.
I've never tried Irish Whiskey... sounds delightful.
Also... what's this about phil?
I stopped after I'd lost my machinist job, back when I was injured last year; it showed up in a drug test I had to take prior to returning to work.
It's been about 7 months now since I stopped, and I don't miss it.
I guess Phil made some sort of homophobic or racist remarks, though I'm not sure about specifics
Damn that sucks man. It sticks around for ages. I gave up because it was expensive and I didn't need it, but also because when I was coming down it made me feel depressed. Like, I'd get high with a few mates and afterwards i'd feel down for like days. Plus, doing it at college can get you expelled.