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Random update 1-26-15

On 01/26/2015 at 09:35 PM by Ranger1

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Getting ready for the storm here in Maine. Not too concerned about it - I have plenty of food, lots of books to read, I ran all my errands, rescheduled my massage therapy appointment, went to Portland and hung out with Jason for the afternoon, and bought a couple of new games with my Bull Moose gift card and the store credit I got for selling some DVDs to them. And last night I stocked up on hot chocolate, chips, and french onion dip. I'm good to go! I'm a little annoyed with myself after taking the DVDs in. I sold seasons 1-4 of Bones and was planning on selling seasons 1-3 of Supernatural. Everything went well until the store clerk went to check the discs for season 2 of Supernatural and said "Do you know this case is empty?" And lo and behold, it was! I bought it used off Amazon a couple of years ago and never even opened it. Like I said, annoyed with myself for not checking when I got it, and now it's way too late to do anything about it. Anyway, I picked up Batman Arkham City GOTY edition used and Tales of Xillia 2 new and still have a couple of bucks credit left.

Oh, and some photos from the race finish here, courtesy of Maine Running Photos.

Playing: I may finish Lost Odyssey, or I may decide to play either Arkham City or ToX2 next. Depends on how I feel in the morning (and if the power stays on).

Reading: The Lions of al-Rassan by Guy Gavriel Kay.

Watching: Same series as last week. I'd love to have an all-out watching marathon of a whole bunch of stuff, but with two of us sharing the internet, I don't want to risk going over the download cap by streaming too much stuff.

Listening: Need to pull out some good music for cleaning the house to. Pat Benetar and Carleen Carter are both good for that.

See you after the storm, Pixlbit Nation!



Blake Turner Staff Writer

01/26/2015 at 09:57 PM

Congrats on the race! But wow that sucks about Supernatural. Dick move, Amazon user, dick move.

 How is Lost Odyssey? I've seen it around a lot, but I haven't enjoyed a JRPG since the PS2 days...


01/26/2015 at 10:49 PM

Thanks, Blake. As for the DVDs, I have only myself to blame for not checking the case when it arrived. But yeah, it was a dick move.

As for Lost Odyssey, I really enjoyed it. It's linear, but the story is good and the characters are interesting. Not the usual spiky-haired teeny-boppers, they're mostly older (the two little kids are the exceptions). Maybe my favorite RPG of the last generation. The dreams/memories part is amazing - part interactive novel, part incredible story telling. I also really liked the ring mechanic for battle - battle is turn-based, but you can equip rings that give you varied abilities, as long as you time the button press right as this circle is narrowing around the picture of a ring on screen. If you time it so that the circle matches up exactly, you do more damage (or the special ability is more sucessful, like the pickpocket ring which enables the "steal" ability, as long as you time it right). You can craft different rings as you find the various parts you need (usually dropped by monsters after a fight or found in chests, or sometimes you can buy them from merchants).


01/27/2015 at 02:01 AM

Gotta pick me up some Lost Odyssey sometime.


01/26/2015 at 10:17 PM

In Virginia where I live I think it's snowed once this winter, and that's using a generous definition of the term lol.


01/26/2015 at 10:50 PM

Yeah, but that's Virginia. It's not supposed to snow much down there. This is Maine. This is supposed to happen. I don't get the mass hysteria myself.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/26/2015 at 10:29 PM

Stay warm! Congrats again on snowshoe race.


01/26/2015 at 10:52 PM

Thanks! As for staying warm, not worried. If the power goes out, we'll hook up the generator so the two houses have heat. I have a two burner camp stove, a flashlight, and lots of candles. We're good to go.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/26/2015 at 10:55 PM

"We" ... "candles" ... well, then. I'll leave y'all to it.


01/26/2015 at 10:58 PM

Nothing so exciting, I'm afraid. Jason turned down my invitation to weather the storm here, alas.

Cary Woodham

01/27/2015 at 06:51 AM

Be careful in the snow!  I wonder if you could put snowshoes on and train in it?


01/27/2015 at 07:38 AM

I'm actually planning on trying for at least a walk in it, but only if the winds die down. We're having 60+ mile an hour winds at the moment, and the woods get a little dangerous then. But we'll have around two feet to play in when it's all over Laughing.


01/27/2015 at 11:02 AM

Glad to hear you are prepared. Watching all the coverage got me worried about how safe you are in your "cabin in the woods" . Keep us in the loop.


01/27/2015 at 11:20 AM

Peter, you have to ignore the media hysteria. It's just another Maine snow storm. We get a couple like this every year. And it's a "cottage in the field". Heck, the power hasn't even flickered and I'm actually thinking about strapping on my retro snowshoes and taking a jaunt around the neighborhood later. I love snow storms!


01/27/2015 at 11:33 AM

"Cottage in the field" that's not scary at all. About one step away from "Little House on the Prairie." I'll call you Laura from now on. :)

Seriously, glad everything's ok. It was funny though that this time it was official weather people who started the hype and not the media.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

01/27/2015 at 11:36 AM

did u play the first Xillia?  I got about a third through it.  

How much snow did u get?  Is it still snowing?  Snow snow snow?  


01/27/2015 at 11:42 AM

I did play the first Xillia. Really enjoyed it, played as Jude.

Hard to tell how much we've got, it's drifting like crazy with the high winds. And yes, still snowing. Supposed to go on all day and maybe as late as midnight. It started a lot later than I thought it was going to - still nothing when I went to bed at 2:00 this morning (I stayed up waiting for it and finally had to give up and go to bed).

Matt Snee Staff Writer

01/27/2015 at 12:19 PM

I liked Xillia.  But I had played Graces through the year before and was a bit burned out on Tales I think.  I think I'm gonna play through Abyss on my new 3DS when I get it, and then eventually, Xillia.  


01/27/2015 at 08:17 PM

Is the storm over? Everything ok over there? Now I'm hungry for French Onion dip lol. Dang it! Tongue Out


01/27/2015 at 08:33 PM

Nope, still going. But it looks like it might be winding down. It's really not the huge deal the media has made it out to be. Fewer than 400 homes without power across the whole state, which is nothing compared to most regular snow storms. I just hung out at home, made a huge pot of chili, and invited my friend Michael (who lives next door) over to play some games.


01/28/2015 at 11:10 AM

Good stuff and thanks for sharing pictures of the race. Hope you are staying warm and it sounds like you are all set for the storm. Your DVD situation sucks. I can't believe folks would do that. 


01/28/2015 at 03:18 PM

We were nice and cozy. I made a big pot of chili and watched the snow blow sideways. The cat's fascination with the blowing snow was also entertaining.

And yeah, I'm annoyed about the DVDs. It wasn't Amazon, though, because I looked through my past orders and I didn't buy them off Amazon. I think it might have been Bull Moose Music that forgot to put the discs in the case when I bought it. Either way, lesson learned to always inspect the goods immediately after buying.

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

01/28/2015 at 03:15 PM

If you decide to play Arkham City, let me know how you like it so far.


01/28/2015 at 03:19 PM

I'll be sure to do that, Jamie. I loved Arkham City.

Also, did you know that my dog's name is Bandit?

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

01/30/2015 at 11:00 AM

Oooo, I didn't know that :-)  What kind of dog is your Bandit?


01/30/2015 at 12:11 PM

My Bandit is a mutt. The vet and I both think chow-beagle is a distinct possibility. I've had him for almost eight years.

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

02/02/2015 at 11:11 AM

That's cool.  Mine's a full Maltese.  Cute little guy.


01/28/2015 at 06:50 PM

I have had that same issue before, I bought a bellydance workout dvd from second hand seller on amazon and got a empty case. I also bought a world of war craft expansion that was marked new on condition but yet the code was used. I pretty much try to avoid second hand sellers now days. Of course I just paid a 100 to stay with prime a whole new year so best to make use of it. Hope everything is going well for you!


01/30/2015 at 12:13 PM

It turned out I didn't buy that season from Amazon after all. So it must have been Bull Moose, because that's the only other place I buy used DVDs. Lesson learned - always check for discs before leaving the store in the future.


02/06/2015 at 11:33 PM

Enjoy your latest bout of New England Patriot


02/07/2015 at 09:04 AM

I will, thanks!

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