Speaking of idiotic stories where a lot of nonsensical jargon is thrown around I don't know how I survived through Final Fantasy 13 with my sanity intact. That's cool there's split screen here though. That always makes me think of Goldeneye on N64. We had so much fun playing that with four people. Sorry Blake. I really don't know crap about Halo lol.
Playing Halo 4 - And Enjoying it?
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![]() On 01/27/2015 at 09:10 PM by Blake Turner ![]() See More From This User » |
Guys, hold onto your butts, because I'm enjoying a Halo game. Yes, me. The guy who blames everything that's wrong with the fps genre on this series. Me the guy who can't stand playing FPS games on a controller. Me the guy who hates XBOX and eats your children. Ignore that last part... that hasn't actually happened...
I started playing through Halo: Anniversary because my brother bought it, and I enjoyed it, but it annoyed the fuck out of me because of how much it reused areas. I thought this was probably due to the limitations of the original xbox, so I bought Halo 4 and jumped in.
I appreciate that the story seems to be starting a new, but does anyone actually understand half the words they spout? I mean it is the worst kind of sci fi jargain: "It's a ferroelectric datafield! The promethean forerunners gagadideans ate the pineapple encrusted cortex of EMP intelligence!" It just seems like they throw random words together and hope that 14 year olds won't realise they're talking out of their ass.
But I said I liked it, didn't I? I guess I should talk about it's good points, which are mainly in the gameplay. The first thing I noticed was that I died - a lot. I'd just been replaying Dark Souls so I thought I was grandmaster shit and played on heroic. I hit the dirt, a lot.
However, it wasn't frustrating. It was satisfying. Everytime I died, I'd think "right, if I approach the fight from this angle" or "maybe if I use a grenade here" I'll make it!
So it's satisfying. I guess all of the Halo games play like this, but this is the first I've played where the guns don't sound like they're made out of lego, so maybe that helped my enjoyment.
More than that though, the added forerunner weapons and enemies are fun to use and fight. THEY DISINTERGRATE PEOPLE! The forerunners themselves are cool. I'm glad there isn't an Alien in this game that doesn't either look like Predator grabbed a rag tag group of buds and toned down their appearance to host Sesame street.
The driving is insanely addictive, and SPLITSCREEN MULTIPLAYER! Weirdly enough, I haven't seen split screen multiplayer OUTSIDE of PC in ages. And yes that is a weird sentence, so consoles: Step yo fucking game up.
Yeah, so last night, My two brothers, Bilby, and I played some Halo. We turned the speed up and the gravity down, and used grav hammers for the first match. Then we had the jump dialed back to 150% but kept the speed up and played rockets, and dear god was it fun. I forgot how ridiculous this game was in multiplayer!
Conclusions: The story sucks. I guess it always kind of has,but this time it's not the almighty bungie developing it, so we're allowed to say shit like that now without being disembowed by retarded 14 year olds.
The gameplay is ridiculously fun, and the right kind of challenging. Th added enemy variety is greatly appreciated, and I'm actually enjoying a Halo game. Seriously though, are all their stories this fucking stupid?