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I'm not going to get like Bill Nye with this blog. Just going to show you a few images and talk about this new technology and the possibilities for it's use. It is a very interesting topic for me because I do X-Ray. Specifically in nursing homes with a mobile unit and digital scanner. As you can imagine,I've seen countless broken bones. I've seen many lives change due to those fractures. A person goes from getting around fairly well to being in a wheelchair all day. So when I saw this news story it fascinated me. Got me to thinking about how revolutionary 3D scanners really are.

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One of the best things about it is the fact cells adhere to the material,something called peck,and the body is less likely to reject the fake bone. And it's cheaper and incredibly strong. If a person had bad osteoporosis they could map out the bone most likely to fracture. Then make a copy with a 3D scanner. It could then replace the bone if it gets broken in the future. Kinda odd to think about it that way. Like having a parts store for human skeletons!

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I think we all know someone who could have benefitted from this. Someone who now has to live with chunks of metal and screws in their body. The first person I thought of was a guy I X-Rayed nearly 17 years ago. I was still a student,working a rotation in the ER. A big biker dude came in with a shattered leg. He was pulling out of his drive and a drunk came flying down his street. Crushed his leg against his bike. It broke his tibia in 7 places. Broke his patella and also his femur[in 3 places!]. He was one of the toughest men I've ever met. Most people would have been screaming their lungs out. I know I would have,and I have a high pain tolerance. But he got through the exam without hollering a bit. Just winced and teared up at times. The thought that crossed my mind as I left the room was "He's gonna lose his lower leg". Probably had to live with one of those artificial kind you strap onto a stub. Just think if he'd had this technology available to him. He might have been able to have a new tibia implanted and been just as he was before.

Seems like whenever new technology comes along mankind always does the same thing. First thing they do is think of ways to apply it to warfare and weaponry. Example would be the fact 3D scanners are being used to make gun parts. Nothing wrong with that if you are a sane,responsible individual. But if you are a deranged criminal,it's another story. I'm just glad that someone is finding ways to use 3D scanners for good. In ways that help people and transform lives. Keep folks from living with constant pain as well. It's a new world we are entering. Sometimes scary,but always amazing.