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StarCraft 2...

On 03/14/2013 at 09:53 AM by FAF101

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Hello...I have come back from the relm of the shut everyone out and become a hermit mode...why was I in this mode you may ask well...I decided to just play SC2 Wings of Liberty the entire weekend and during the week I finally beat the last 3 missions last night. The smart me would have be all lets go through this on Casual and just wait to do the other missions. Well the real me was like lets do this on Normal...and then make like 5 different saves for mission choices then go back and do the missions I didn't do after I progress...just to see the other side of things. This made it longer...and then eventually got me to say screw it and switched to casual to beat the rest because darn it I wanna play Heart of the Swarm! Which I am proud to say I beat 3 missions last night...and there will be more tonight. 

I am actually pretty proud of myself for beating a RTS without's a first. I always use cheats but this time I didn't and I was all YAY ASHLEY! The first Starcraft game I cheated up the wazoo I never got the real satisfaction of beating the game like I did with this. 

Also I decided that I am gonna go MIA from buying games for awhile and beat the ones I do have...I have a lot of things needing to be paid off and I kinda wanna get to saving some money to get out on my own. So I came up with an idea to make a list of games I want to beat and here is what I have so far:

Black Sigil Blade of the Exile (DS) (at Temperance request for a review)

Cooking Mama 4 (3DS) (the recipies do not stop!)

Demon’s Soul (PS3) (Chirs helped me get pumped for this because he helped me out with how to do stuff)

Heart of the Swarm (PC)

The Book of Unwritten Tales (PC)

Call of Duty Black Ops (360)

Fallout 3 (PC)

Wild Arms XF (PSP)

Paper Mario Sticker Star (3DS)

Skyrim random missions and expansions (PS3)

Lunar SSSC (PS)

So that's what I have so far...I'll probably add more as I beat some!




03/14/2013 at 10:11 AM

well I know if your going into hermit mode to beat darksouls we may not here from you for a couple of years lol that game is as tough as a game can get but it is awesome, I have yet to start the dlc for skyrim still trying to wrap up loose ends in the main game which I did beat the main quest linebut working on fighters guild and dark brotherhood quest,and if Jeffrey requested you to play black sigil blade then trust me he knows what hes talking about lol.


03/15/2013 at 09:05 AM

Oh yes indeed I will be in hermit mode for that lol I have heard the many stories of it and I am mentally prepairing myself for the game XD

Skyrim, I am pretty much completed everything except for Hearthfire and Dawnguard. I just have the random missions in Dragonborn and in the original Skyrim. Also a need to finish up the Civil War and Mages guild items. Need to get all the shouts and stuff too, but I am trying to get all the trophies. I'll have to remake another character but I am trying to get everything done with this one first so I only have one path to go really.

I know Jeff said he couldn't really get into it but he wanted to see a different opinion, so I dabbled a tiny bit in the game and didn't really get a big feel for it so I am going to play it through and see if I have the same opinion or a different one from Jeff!

Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/14/2013 at 10:40 AM

I forgot about that Black Sigil game.  Is that good?  

Also, is Book of Unwritten Tales good?  


You make me want to play Starcraft and I've never played it before. 


03/15/2013 at 09:09 AM

Black Sigil I haven't really played it for too long so I can't really say. I know Jeff mentioned he might not have been able to get into it so I am seeing if I have a different opinion about it.

Book of Unwritten Tales is a lot of fun! It's one of those games where you go around clicking on things to get items and use them to advance further. But I like the story in it so far. There are 2 main characters you play as but they are in different areas so you get 2 different type of stories but they are looking for the same thing.

If you like Real Time Strategy games Starcraft is a great game to play. I am not a huge RTS fan but I do enjoy starcraft and some other RTS games as well!


03/15/2013 at 11:57 AM

Star craft is awesome now I dont know except what I have read on the new starcraft but I own battlechest and dont have a pc to play it i have a galaxy tab my wife has the pc but it was awesome I played the Zergs alot lol but if you have never played it get it its that awesome especially if you like RTS games like command and conquer,I really liked Tiberium war better then the red alert saga.


04/03/2013 at 08:55 AM

I am actually planning on getting the Comand and COnqure game bundle that has 17 games in it! I love the C&C series! I only have Red Alert 2 and Yuris revenge at the moment but seeing the bundle that came out with them all I am going in for that kill eventually!


04/04/2013 at 06:57 PM

Like i said you will really like Tiberium war it was the best of the command and conquer games,in my opinion of courseSmile


03/14/2013 at 11:23 AM

So that's where you've been! That's a pretty ambitious list. Good luck with it.


03/15/2013 at 09:10 AM

Indeed! I was all shut out the world and focus on Starcraft lol

Yeah I figured I will add as I feel the list dwindling down, but it'll be a good challenge!


03/14/2013 at 11:29 AM

Congrats Ashley! I never managed to finish playing Starcraft for some reason. I don't plan on buying anymore games for awhile too. Games are expensive, and what's the point when I have so many that I haven't beaten? Undecided


03/15/2013 at 09:11 AM

Yep! Thats my thinking! I figured if I want the game I'll add it to my wishlist and then when I am able to afford games I'll search for the cheapest copy to purchase. But right now I want to at least beat more of the games I own because I have only beat a few of them and I have a huge collection. 

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

03/14/2013 at 03:35 PM

Congrats on your Star Craft 2 win.  I've been much interested in that genre of game, but my friends joys are mine also.

Enjoy Paper Mario Sticker Star.  I'm looing forward to getting into that myself.


03/15/2013 at 09:12 AM

I'm am not a HUGE RTS fan but there are a few out there that I do enjoy to play!

Sticker Star I have already started and I really like it so far! So I am going to focus on beating it eventually XD


03/14/2013 at 05:09 PM

I went into Hermit Mode hardcore for Valkyrie Profile and Ogre Battle 64. You are excused. 


03/15/2013 at 09:13 AM

Those are some other games I need to beat...well I don't have Ogre Battle 64...but I want to get a ROM of it to try out eventually. 

I may be going into Hermit Mode for when I start playing Demon's Souls....


03/15/2013 at 11:35 AM

Naw, just go all-out on the Ogre Battle 64 cart proper. It's totally worth it =) 

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/14/2013 at 05:46 PM

I've been trying to get out of Hermit mode, but work isn't calling and dinner plans are falling through. Yell lol

That's cool you beat it with no cheats; I can't get past the first stage in most RTS. Embarassed


03/15/2013 at 09:14 AM

Usually I just use cheats but in Starcraft 2 they disable achievements when you use them so I was thinking damn I have to do this without cheats and I was actually super surprised I was able to beat it and it made me really happy XD


03/16/2013 at 05:20 PM

I got stuck in the Protoss campaign in the original StarCraft. I've always meant to go back and play through it all again and beat it. I can't justify buying SC2 till I finish the original lol. I've been trying to make a dent in my backlog recently too so I haven't been buying anything lately, though I plan to get BioShock Infinite at the end of this month.


04/03/2013 at 08:52 AM

I was debating about beating the first one before the second one too because I am like that with mostly any game. I hate starting in the middle and being lost lol. But I figured it was okay since I knew the story from the first one. If I didn't know the story then I wouldn't have gotten the second game.


03/24/2013 at 10:19 PM

Good luck

Given the content of half of those games, beating them in any fair order will be a proud undertaking indeed. Hopefully just as enjoyable than a bother. happy hunting.


04/03/2013 at 08:53 AM

It's going to take me awhile to beat them all for sure! 

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