I think I'm gonna order that Multiverse comic, that looks amazing!
Comics Run #6: EXPLOSION!
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![]() On 02/03/2015 at 06:12 PM by V4Viewtiful ![]() See More From This User » |
This is a week or so overdue but now I have more than enough comics to share (well not really, keep your hands off!) And it's steeped in epic sauce!
FINALLY, i bought a second one so I could keep the other sealed and I've finally read the stories
And they are quite good, Morrison's story is about Kid Miracleman's return after defeat at the hands of Miracleman. When Miracleman and the world suffered amnesia Kid Miracleman kept his powers however created a dual personality, one in his true form as a child and the other as the Evil Power hungry monster he had become. This story is one of those foreboding glimpse of things to come. The art is Fantastic some of Quesada's best.
Milligan's Story emulates the first Issue of in that it starts off with a typically lighthearted story but then ends with a close up of the last panel as an homage to the original artist, Garry Leach. The Allred's art, I've always liked and it suits Peter's story, But the last page he rights is a very ominous one.
Overall great.
Best Lines - Young Miracleman: MORE serious? In the last few weeks we've fought Death Rays, Evil Dolphins and Amnesia Vapors. Heck, Miracleman. How Serious do you WANT it?
I haven't been happy with the Spider-universe since One More Day and with the exception of Scarlet Spider and the odd few issues like Amazing Spider-man 655, ASM has been pretty lame.
In this issue S-man and Lady Spider go to a universe where Spider-man is a Giant Super Robo, which is cool and we go to Lady Spiders universe where we get a fight from the Steampunk Sinister Six, which is also cool. But it goes to show that all this has no impact as there's a scene near the end which should have had more weight ends up being negligible because there's no space to properly write any impact.
But it ends in a wonderfully goofy image
The recent crossover is interrupting the story progression of S-Man's own story and it's annoying because most of the Stuff is just going from universe to universe seeing dead spider-men killed by the Inheritors. This issue was fun but i'd prefer it would be free of this crossover as my interest is fading.
Best Line - Spider-Man 2099: No Questions for twenty-seven seconds, a new record.
I've been out of the Avenger's for some time however as I understand Johnathan Hickman has been masterminding most events since or after the whole Phoenix Fiasco (don't ask) and the Multiverse and Timelines are not just being destroyed but are disappearing, The Incursion.
Think of it like the worst case scenario of the Higgs Boson, to masses Atoms of the same density collide at a high velocity causing a chain reaction essentially destroying the universe. Heavy stuff.
. The *Illuminati have been world hopping and time-skipping trying to stop or at least slow the apparent destruction of the Marvel Multiverse at the moment the best way which is the worst way they had come up with at this point was blow up one world, which they did. But Steve found out and helped them come to the conclusion they can't do that again but as the cover suggests "Time Is Running Out!"
Even though this brings the strained relationships of Captain America and the heroes as a whole, This issue however focuses on Black Panther and could be one of his best single issues. This issue is about choice and consequence. See Namor and Some other mutants had the Phoenix Force and Namor just about Destroyed Wakanda (because Doom making Vibranium inert wasn't bad enough) and the first time Panther was let into the Illuminati with Namor he swore retribution.
He got it. Or so it seems.
This is a Damn near perfect single issue, the only problem being those who know nothing of the Status Quo will be completely lost (which is why I recommend Hickman's work in Graphic Novels), The dialogue is tense and witty, the story well paced. I've been a fan of Stefano Caselli since the Secret Warriors, it's clean and expressive and nice to look at
*a secret - not so now - group comprised of several smart or powerful heroes controlling certain aspects of Earths threats behind the scenes since around no more mutants or earlier
Best Lines - Black Panther: To fully realize there's no forgiveness for what he's done. That there Is a price and he's finally going to pay t -- That's there's no mercy for men like him, and even if there was, he doesn't get any.
I Want him to Know this is how it ends. And more than that... I want him to know... It was me.
We get things escalating here, the politics of Diana thrusting democracy on a people so used to Royal rules is proving toxic, the stress o being a God, Queen and Super hero is affecting her dreams, unlike in other comics where she's mostly capable, in this comic we see the cracks showing and it's a very good move, it's just a shame those cracks don't translate outside the comic (for synergies sack).
We get a good look at Donna Troy now, decent look too bad Finch isn't all that with faces though... but he's getting better.
Best Lines - Eris: Tsk, Tsk, I don't know if that blood will ever wash out, Lil sis. But I'll see what I can do to make sure those stains are permanent.
I haven't bought Batman in the Nu52 in years, Snyder is a good writer but he keeps dragging his Batman on and on stretching One issue in to to or even 3, I compare his Zero Year to Year One and Y1 got to the fippin' point in fewer pages for a cheaper price. It's Boring and the pay-off to all that waiting was lackluster, his Detective was far better than this. So Buying an issue in the middle of a new story line I found myself liking i quite a bit.
The story goes, Joker has restored his face after it got cut off (don't ask) and after Death of the Family (another long winded event with no payoff) Joker has turned the city insane who only want to attack Batman and Batman is doing his best to stop the chaos.
The end is the most interesting as Snyder has written a new origin for the Joker, that he is a god of madness or something. Now clearly this isn't real and it's the Joker doing what he does best, messing with people. Crazy Quilt gives this revelation before he kills himself and it's very clever, Joker always likes to infect people with his madness, he did it with Harvey Dent in TDK, he did it to Harley Quinn and it seems he's trying to do the same with Batman. So it seems to be going to cool places.
I'm Impressed by just how long Capullo has carried this series, it's like the old days where artist could do monthly's for years with only the odd fill-in, He really does some visually engaging work due to his panel compositions.
Even though I liked this story I must confess it's overshadowed by an out of Continuity Back-up. Drawn By Sam Kieth written by James Tynion IV. It's like being back into the 90s with a obscure story telling and exaggerated grotesque art pioneered in the 80s. Kieth's arts is energetic, weird, very detailed and expressive. Plus Batman has guns, Thank Tynion
Best Lines - Crazy Quilt: Heh. Doesn't feel like a Batman story anymore, does it?
This is getting better and it was good to start with, special police task force dealing with the supernatural cases in Gotham has just recruited a Nun to help combat the forces of evil. in this issue we face an infected Shadow.
If you like the Gothic, obscure and creepy, this comic is for you. Some interesting concepts and it has a very oppressive atmosphere almost Silent Hill claustrophobic. Which is attributed to the artist, he's good at that.
The Issue has two stories, 1 main one and another set in the past about how Detective Corrigan (The Specter) recruited the first member of his supernatural Task Force during a drugs bust. While the main story address the unique nature of demons the other reveals a cast members power.
It's a great issue, I like the final pages of these issues as they are very foreboding of things to come. So it works better as single issues but I'd say it'll be a damn good Graphic Novel.
Best line - Detective Corrigan: No Sidhe, it's a Faerie thing. It... Never mind.
Oh I saved the best for last, this issue is absolutely fantastic! Grant Morrison has been given the keys to the Toy shop and is having fun, so am I.
This over-sized issue features the Sivanna's from other universes trying to take out every JL members across the multiverse and we start with the (I suspect) the JL8 and the Little Sivanna doesn't like the image of his enemies being killed in front of him, it's gruesome at first but the tone picks up. It seems that the Sivanna's have essentially the same book i'm reading ad are trying to take out the good guys universe by universe together (where in the last issue, the Sivanna's where so evil they couldn't even stop braying each other).
Now you might be wondering why it's called a guidebook if there's so much story? Well, a bunch of pages in the center list all the Earths Grant Morrison decided to keep with about 7 yet to be revealed, We get golden age, Silver age, horror, animal, future, animated cartoon versions, quite a few fan favorites have survived the reboot, the pages leading to the list is an homage of particular story lines written and drawn by past DC contributor to illustrate the constant flow of change and it's nice to see the writers and artists respected.
We Get a 2 page spread to the Map of The Multiverse, where the Earths are, what colour indicates what the positions mean in the area they belong, wonderful to see that level of detail. The other guidebook pages just list off the earths version of Protectors (or villains as the case may be), Earth 0-51. If it wasn't for DCs dumb decision to fuse the Wildstorm universe, they'd have their own Earth but I might be speaking too soon.
Grant Morrison is giving us all the information yet keeping the end result a complete mystery. Marcus To and Paulo Siqueira approach the two coinciding stories (Batmen and Komandi, respectively and it's good work, switching back and forth between different worlds isn't all that jarring for me.
Grant Morrison is crafting what could be his Magnum Opus in mainstream comics, it's that good. He's one of the few that can make the wonder and silliness of comicbooks compelling without taking itself too serious or over the top. 'Can't wait for the next issue!
Best lines - Voice (hand of god?): Get up. Reset. You have died before, and you shall die MANY TIMES before I am DONE with you. See how my hand is EMPTY. Empty is thy hand!
We've met all the modern gods now and the dead are catching up. We begin our story in what could be considered London's Geek Pilgrimage. London Excel center with Daft Punk as a guest appearance (sorta).
The art is as great as ever but with the news that Phonogram (a Graphic Novel series by the same creators I highly recommend) is get a third volume, which means we will be getting a set of new artist for this book soon. It's a Shame but I want my Phonogram!
Best Lines - The Morrigan: I'M NOT O-FUCKING-KAY!!!
Some more Spacey-wacey, timey-whimey stuff as we get to the bottom of why a unlikely reporter got sucked into a cosmic event only the powerful know of. Essentially, the Supreme universe was reboot but some problems have surfaced, suspecting someone is causing it or that there even is a problem many Superheroes who are frankly hiding in plain sight... in this universe. The Supreme universe goes under many revision apparently and The Supreme's of different periods in a bid to preserve their legacy created a space where every time the universe reset they'd have a place to survive (or at least their memory). Those who are in tho know are getting impatient things are getting to a close.
The art is Fab.
Best Lines - Diana Dane: EXCUSE you? I haven't had a straight answer to a simple question out of anybody for DAYS. Am I being an Asshole? Am I being awkward? Am I asking complicated questions? No. I am being reasonable and kind even understanding and instead I get THIS.
Oooooooooo Yeah! I've been waiting for this comic for about a year or more. The premise is simple, what happens when the heroes are killed and all are left are the side-kicks? This comic continues from a very gruesome conclusion.
We get so much thrown at the reader here as the main guy on the cover died the last issue but he's back but for a purpose as we uncover a secret of cosmic proportions, it address the nature of comic book reboots, how when the universe is destroyed it's built upon the remains of old? Well it seems there's a limit to just how many times that can happen before something goes wrong, but the cause of this is very unclear but we get interesting concepts as a result.
The main character Kid Vigilante (how he survived the issue he died in I won't tell you) is on a last ditch effort to reboot the universe after he Father Red Vengeance, the last Superhero is forced to give him the power to change reality maybe one last time, not to save universe, not save all his friends but to stop something even worse from coming into being. What I like is that these reboots keep leading to the same conclusion and feels like a commentary on the big two but without out right pointing a finger rather, using it as a story element.
I'm really impressed by the writer Landry Q. Walker, he'd be perfect for DCs Teen Titans or maybe the Secret Avengers or something cosmic, he gets a feel for grand scale ideas.
The artist is really sharp here,I mean it's consistent from the last 5 issues but here he has 2 great pages that show off he's skills. The opening page gives off a silverage Jack Kirby style, it's dynamic and the faded colour pallet (Garry Black different from the main colourist, Michael "Rusty" Drake), it's dynamic, visually interesting very classic looking. The second is the image of a devil like creature rising from smoldering smog. because of the use of colours ink placement. It has cool effects.
I'm glad this comic is back and that I don't have to wait again for another volume, I recommend you get the first volume BTW.
Best Lines - Red Vengeance: You read Weisinger's Theorem of Multi-Dimensional Transcendence?
Last time I described this comic as the X-men with thin morals, or something. But the more I read, the more I thought, I think it was a bit inaccurate. This comic is more comparable to the Greek gods than the modern ones. They are beings with extraordinary powers looking on humanity but never engaging directly, hiding there presence, indulging in hedonism and freedom and manipulating the lives beneath them.
Now we'd hope that if a bunch of people woke up with superpowers they'd go and do a bit of good, this comic takes a more honest approach to it, would you embrace a world that don't understand you or would you seclude yourself with people just like you? It also goes to touch upon the price of privilege and what it takes to keep it. cool stuff.
Simon Gane is a very respected artist and this is looking to be one of his best work, it's visceral and energetic. Him and Stephenson though has done something that comics rarely do, utilize every page to tell the story, something I barely noticed till a forum buddy elsewhere informed me.
Se most comics tease the story on the cover, like what happens in the middle but this comic? The very story starts on the cover and continues to the very back, so the buyer starts reading the moment he looks at the cover. That's clever and a privilege I suppose the Stephenson, the Image publisher is allowed to have Regardless it's a very good story telling technique i'm a little glad isn't always used.
I dont know where this'll lead, but I want to see where this goes.
Best Lines - Street Tagger: Look, take my money -- take whatever you want, but please -- I need -- I need my phone.
I haven't read a phantom story in years so when I heard he's black now, I had no choice but to get it
Well, to try and offset confusion. After a global invasion the 22nd Phantom died and one of his allies has taken the mantle till he finds the 23rd he feels is worthy. But right now, Piracy, Greed and Cruelty is rampant. Oh and there are animal people walking around.
The artwork matches the pulp style of story telling quite well, very reminicent of Darwyn Cooke, I love the grainy look to the pages, like a film, the panels are very cinematic. I particularly like the final page, very "Batman"
This number one is very new reader friendly, you might not no what happened before but you can follow the comic on it's own terms just fine, it's a good introduction to the classic hero and brings something fresh.
A shout out to the Letterer as well, often I don't notice the lettering but here it has varied styles of font and colour and non of it melds into each other, it's at the level of Richard Starkings (well known comic letterer and creator of Elephantmen, which I recommend)
Best Line - The Phantom: Hopefully we're all out of space emperors.
Well that's January over with, I would have finished this sooner but at some point there had been a save error and I had to write this long blog all over again.
Still I think I did alright, I hope I didn't drone on for too long but saying that i'm not worried of writing a lot in the Anime blog coming up now I stole a thing from the escapist of best lines, just exerps of dialogue that happened in the comic, not a bad Idea actually.
It's interesting that so many of these comics involve in all this Timey, Whimey stuff and most take it in different directions, comics are getting better
This is V saying " I bought Smash Bros for the 3DS, Shulk is better here than on the Wii U"