Three more weeks of high school basketball. Its crazy how this school not really known for its prowess at the sport takes it so seriously. Maybe I'm mistaking enthusiasm for virtually every parent with a student using it as family time, regardless of the skill involved. It'll take a while to get there but it'll die soon. In the meantime, I hope boys stop pissing on the floor in one of the restrooms. Go outside to the nearest tree, you little shit.
I'm done with Destiny or how it is in its current form. I think I'm done on grounds of MMO reasons: I have no time right now (if ever) to participate on Raids. I'm never online when my friends are and there is no matchmaking system for them (not right now). All I have time to do is bounties, strikes and crucible matches and all that shit is meant to prepare you for the raids. If I can't do the raids, what's the point? I've enjoyed this game. I feel like I got my $60 worth. I've held on to it longer where others have given up (for other reasons) but I've found a stopping point very similar to the one I found for World of Warcraft three years ago: if I have no time for the endgame content, I should stop. Perhaps MMOs just don't work with my lifestyle or schedule.
Yesterday, I bought the deluxe edition of Titanfall for the 360 via Xbox Live. It's part of the EA sale and is currently under $13. It includes all of the DLC. I've only done the tutorial part but for a last-gen port, it runs pretty damn smoothly. I wonder if anyone else will jump on this? I'd like to play with some friends.
Gamefly sent me 3D Dot Game Heroes for the PS3 this week. I love the look of the game and I'm astonished how much it cribs from The Legend of Zelda series in almost every way. I'm still playing through Shadow of Mordor, which is still a bigger game than I expected and so worth it. Maybe one day I'll actually get to my copy of Dragon Age: Inquisition....