I'm dreading this but, it's gotta be done. While Costume Quest 2 does have its nice qualities it's bad ones shine the brightest. It carries most of the original formula but somethings added just made the experience bleh.
Combat wise it's still the same, it's quick time event like play with each character having 1 button you press to do their attacks, dodging, and counters. It's pretty simple and while you might occasionally press the wrong button most button mistakes aren't really mistakes but choosing the wrong character to power charge and counter for. However leveling seems to not make the biggest of differences other then adding more health because I through my entire playthrough had to constantly go to a fountain to heal. I mean after every battle. The enemies were way over powered and with too much health in the start and only get worse as ya go. They removed the liberty statue costume which was the healing one in favor of a clown one. His special attack heals the whole party but let me tell you unless you buy the costumes special enhancement item the healing doesn't do much at all in the beginning. While normal monsters are quite ridiclous in strength the boss battles are easy as hell. The final boss was practically a pushover compared to some of the battles ya get into. This game is such a let down in these areas compared to this first game. I don't remember having to hug myself to a healing contraption has much has you have to in this game. They also changed the battle stamps to creepy cards. You carry 3 in battle but once you use one it's not usable again until after a certain amount of battles.
The costumes were all actually good but at the same time ur practically forced to keep the clown on one of the characters which leaves you with 2 to change back and forth. They all have a special item you can buy to enhance their special abilities or attacks while some are definitely useful others aren't because unless you make some special effort to switch costumes or remember to you will probably only use certain ones.
Story was pretty good and not to mention characters from the first game make appaerances. Remember the villain and her brother from the first game? There in this one and you see them at 2 separate times. Maybe you will catch the first time you run into them because I sure didnt. The story has a time traveling theme to it and it's wasn't a bad use of it either. You still play as wren and her brother but the third character changes through the game though.
This game...it's a 5/10. This effing pains me. I had so much excitement built up for this game. I loved the first one so much....