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BaD #1: January 2015 Recap and a BaD Introduction

On 02/02/2015 at 08:08 AM by daftman

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Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2015

Games Beaten

-The Unfinished Swan (PS3)

The Unfinished Swan is a neat game about exploration and discovery. The game starts in a white world that you navigate by revealing the environment by flinging globs of paint. Even after the world gains visual definition in the later levels (the wonder of shadows), it's an enchanting world to explore and I enjoyed my brief time with it. There isn't much reason to return, other than some collectables, but I don't mind. It was an experience worth having. And there's a talking hippo!

Games Bought

-Shovel Knight (Wii U)

Everyone has talked about this game so much, I'm excited to finally play it.

-PS+ games

inFamous: First Light for the PS4, DuckTales Remastered and Prototyple 2 for the PS3, Woah Dave! for the Vita, The Swapper for all three systems, and Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition for PS3 and Vita

Now Playing

-Final Fantasy II (GBA)

This is a very odd game. The leveling system is easy to exploit and kind of breaks the game. It's not a bad game and the GBA version is very user-friendly (you can save anytime!). It's just not terribly compelling.

-Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (PSP)

I've finally made it to the G-ranked quests, which is where I've been told that the game "really" begins. We'll see. So far it's been a noticeable jump in difficulty.

-LEGO Marvel Superheroes (Wii U)

We need to get back to playing this regularly. I checked a guide online and we're only a third of the way through Undecided

-Super Smash Bros. (Wii U)

This one ought to go without saying. Super fun stuff right here.


The dreaded BaD is upon us! I'm very interested to see what everyone (who is participating) has in store for us. For my part I'm going to play things very similar to last year and write about the backlog of iOS games that has accumulated on iPhone. I'll pick a game, play it for maybe 30 minutes or maybe spread out throughout the day (if I'm off work)—you know, try to get a feel for what it's like— and then right a paragraph or two about it. I'm also resurrecting OCR Spotlight for the following three Mondays and might throw in some other random stuff later in the month. I've got some blogs written already but they won't last long o_O

So good luck to everybody! May we not have to resort to funny cat pictures (unless that's your plan)...though I'm looking forward to mothman's pandas Wink



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