Hey everybody. Sorry that I haven’t been as blog active these past few months. Things kinda got out of hand for me ever since my Octoberween Blog last year. Tried as I might to get back into the swing of things, my life situations just tended to get in the way and of course had to take top priority. I’ve tried my best to keep up with people’s blogs (and commenting when I can) but as usual I’m still behind by 15 days with my various inboxes. Better than 30 though!
But that won’t stop me in trying to participate in this year’s BaD’s. It may be one of the few vestiges of 1up.com that remains, besides the bloggers who once frequent the site that is. And it’s more important now than ever since 1up.com’s community functions have been disabled AND the site itself is getting buggy, thus making it harder to locate certain blogs/articles.
So far when I’ve taken part in Blog A Day, I haven’t been able to finish. One year it was disgust with the quality of my blogs, another year was my local internet crapping out due to the seasonal extremes of the cold weather in my area. Hopefully this year I can keep it up. But I’m not promising anything. Here are the reasons:
Weekend blogs are up in the air.
I know BaD doesn’t recognize weekend blogs, thus making it easier to keep with the BaD commitment, but I’ve tried to as “Bonus BaDs” if only to make my blogs a bit different. Though I’ll try to make “Bonus BaDs” this year I won’t push myself to do such if things get busy with my life like they usually do whenever I try to make a firm commitment to a set blogging schedule.
I can’t comment to every single BaD anymore.
The reason for this is simple. I just don’t have the time. I’m lucky I can READ all the BaDs, let alone write my own. Personally I like commenting to people blogs, to help nurture the spirit of the BaDs with community interaction and inter-personal understanding, yet tried as I might last year I just got so far behind. The best I can do is read the said blogs and perhaps write a BaD from the ideas I get from the said blog, if only to show that not only are your BaDs being read but that they are fostering ideas that might surprise you. I’ll try to comment to people who post on my blogs but I advise anyone not to feel obligated to do such. I’m sure everyone’s time is short and I’m just happy that people read what I blog. Knowing that is enough for me to foster the goodwill that comes with BaD.
Nothing too elaborate or fancy.
Though I’ll try to write something unique and interesting during BaD I can’t promise much. I have lots of ideas but as usual very little time to implement them. I do have some past blogs I could post that are prepped and reading (RWBY Tuesday, Online Pass Watch etc.) but fine tuning them usually takes time. I also have something in mind special for my birthday month but we’ll see what happens. I’m just looking forward to celebrating my birthdays this year…
So with that said let me finish this Bonus BaD with the usual thought of the day:

Frak the Patriots!