Happy official first day of BaD, everyone! I have several reasons for being happy today. First and foremost: Patriots won the Super Bowl. Any comments hating on the Patriots will be deleted. You can hate them, just do it elsewhere. It was an awesome game, against a great opponent, and to be truthful, I thought it was over when Kearse made that incredible catch. Butler should have gotten MVP instead of Brady, in my opinion, because he certainly saved them with that last minute interception.
My other reason for being happy...well, I dunno as I'm happy about it, but I'm certainly making the best of it... Third snowstorm in six days here in the northeastern corner of the USA. First one brought us about two feet, second one around ten inches, this one is supposed to drop a foot on us when it's all done. All I know is, all three storms have been accompanied by high winds and it's been the drifts that have been the worst part. Whatever. I'll shovel tomorrow morning, no point to it until then, it'll all fill back in by morning anyway. But - golden lining moment here, folks - today's storm has given me the gift of not having to leave the house, and I have spent the day playing Tales of Xillia 2.
Today is also Imbolc, the Celtic celebration of spring. It'll be a while before that happens here, but it does give hope for the winter-weary. Which I'm not, give me until the end of the month, and then I will be.
I'm going to leave you all with a video of my friend Troy Bennett singing a song he wrote during the blizzard last Tuesday. It sums up my thoughts about the so-called "storm of the century" quite well.