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BaD02: The Game Library - The Nintendo

On 02/03/2015 at 11:04 AM by goaztecs

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Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2015

Alright Pixlbit, it is time to take a look through my game library. I figured the best way for this little collection is to start with the one console that started it all but before that happens I still need to take some pictures for a handful of other systems.


This is what happens when you plan this out in January and don’t get started until last weekend. Oh well story of my life.

So the classic plastic, the Nintendo. I believe I got the NES around 5th grade and I had maybe 6 or 7 games which was a lot. Flash forward to a couple of years ago when I started picking up NES games from Thrifts and the usual game spots around the house. My games are not in order, so you might see a couple of doubles and I might talk about them twice. If so just nod your head and keep moving. Let’s get started!


Marble Madness was a game that would drive me nuts when I was younger. I couldn’t control that damn marble. Years later I picked up the game, and I’m a little better. John Elway’s Quarterback is an absolutely terrible football game but I bought it from the Swapmeet from this guy who sold every game for $5. I should have stocked up on big name titles. Oh well. I’m a sucker for Tengen carts and I bought the majority of my carts from GameCrazy when they were closing. I will refrain from posting my thoughts about GameCrazy and their cheating ass employees. SMB/Duck Hunt/World Class Track Meet Triple Pack was the first game we got for our NES. If you pound on the back of the power pad while someone runs in the front, you become The Flash. Kung Fu was one of the first games I beat. There wasn’t much to it but I thought it was a big deal.



Yeah I bought Ninja Gaiden II twice because I saw it probably at a thrift store and didn’t think I owned it. Another Kung Fu cart, that’s my brother’s. NES Golf was such a fun game we played in college. It always came down to the final one or two holes. Metroid is one of those games everyone should own. I can’t say I’m a huge fan but I have a lot of memories attached to playing that game in the summer at my friend’s house. Gyruss is the first flying game I got. I think I got it for getting good grades and I didn’t pass it until high school. Super Off Road is a game my brother and I actually played a ton of…on the Dreamcast thanks to emulation. I ended up buying the NES cart because I wanted a physical copy.



Top Gun. Seriously why is so freaking hard to land the damn plane? Yeah I never finished this game. Rad Racer is rad. Yeah I played through the game with both cars and played a bit in 3D mode (you hit select and wear the 3D glasses the game came with). Wrestlemania was serious around my house. It was all about Hulk Hogan. The funny thing was that we only owned the Hulk Hogan and Rowdy Roddy Piper Thumbwrestlers. We were a GI Joe house. As for the game I think the one mode we played a bunch of was Battle Royal. Actually I think that's the only mode my brother and I ever played on any Wrestling game.


Paperboy is another game I played a bunch of at a friend’s house. I didn’t actually play through a week until a couple of years ago. Super Mario Bros. 3. The only time I played this game was when my folks would take us to Pizza Hut. Apparently a quarter was gold to my folks because it was hard getting a quarter from them. There was a timer so you couldn't do much but play through the first level and maybe part of the second. I think I actually played through SMB3 on the PSP (at one point I played nothing but NES carts on my PSP). Tetris. Yeah I still love this game, and I think I have it on every console that it was made available on. The concept was simple but throw in the music and speed it up and the blood gets pumping. I really need to find the Tengen version. Spy Hunter. Yeah the Peter Gunn theme is playing, and I loved this game at the arcade. I don’t know why Robocop was so difficult for me but I did like the game. I remember there was some kind of Nintendo based game show on WGN where two  two kid teams would complete and the winning team got to go through an obsticle course that had NES games velcroed to the sides and they had a minute to run through and grab as many games as possible. I'm pretty sure that's where I saw Robocop the game for the first time.


10 Yard Fight was better than John Elway’s QB but not by much. Duck Tails I didn’t play until after college and I really liked it. Knight Rider was a game I got for my birthday and it was freaking amazing. You can jump over cars and it was freaking KITT! Skate or Die was another arcade game I was terrible at but liked. Super Jeopardy was actually the first Jeopardy game and I bought it at a Target when they were clearing out their NES games for $10. I played through that game, and later on I bought regular Jeopardy. SMB 2 was such an odd game. It was different from SMB and SMB 3 but I like it’s quirky gameplay. Again I played this game at a friend’s house.


I only have a couple of complete games (I might have another one floating around). I actually bought Star Soldier from one of these video game swapmeets in LA a couple of years ago. It replaces the game I lost growing up. I remember how I got my original: It was at a Winter Carnival at my mom’s work where if you were under 10 you got a gift from Santa. If you were over 10 you were in a raffle for $10 coupon at Warehouse Music. Well I won so naturally it was burning a hole in my pocket, and my mom’s friend said pick out a game and save your coupon and I picked out Star Soldier. I found out years later through an NES emulator on my PSP that this game goes on forever. Still it was a fun game and I can still remember that Warehouse Music store.


Well there you have it, my NES collection. If I find my other games I’ll post them. I know I own a copy of T&C Surf, Tecmo Bowl (Bo Freaking Jackson) among other games. I think they are in the back of my closet somewhere. I had a big reorganizing push a couple of months ago where I moved the games to under the closet but I don't think I moved everything so those games might be under some stuff. Oh I hear the cringe of my game collector's who are wondering why aren't they displayed. Sorry about that.


That’s all for now, more tomorrow!




Super Step Contributing Writer

02/03/2015 at 11:36 AM

Actually, is there a shark Pokemon now?

And hell yeah, 10-Yard Fight! That feet shuffle noise is deep in my memory.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

02/03/2015 at 12:36 PM

Two, Sharpedo and Garchomp


02/04/2015 at 11:10 AM

Oh nice good to know there are Shark Pokemon. I don't think I got far enough into the game to give you an answer.

You have the foot shuffle noise, I have the music and the sound effects from Tecmo Bowl stuck in my head. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/03/2015 at 11:40 AM

goddamn dude that is a sweet collection!  I wish I still had my old NES carts and system, that would be rad.  I'd like to collect carts like that, but other expenses always come up, and plus I have space/organization issues.  

I say once again, Goddamn!


02/04/2015 at 11:12 AM

Thank you sir! I used to keep them in order but now they sit stacked in a closet. I started buying a lot of them during the PS2 era because everyone was trading them in, or donating them to thrifts. I was lucky to find a lot of them for a couple of bucks each. 5th grade Chris would go nuts at all the classic plastic.


02/03/2015 at 11:53 AM

Nice NES collection Chris. Mine's almost all gone. :(


02/04/2015 at 11:13 AM

Thank you and sorry to hear about your NES games.


02/03/2015 at 01:17 PM

We had inherited a massive NES collection when I was younger, but most of that was sold off to whatever GameStop was before.  I went back and picked up a copy of a couple of my favourite games over the years.  My NES collection currently consists of Journey to Silius, Nija Gaiden, Simon's Quest and Tecmo Bowl.


02/04/2015 at 11:14 AM

Damn that sucks. Was it EB Games or Funcoland? The positive is that you bought some of your favorites. I really need to find my Tecmo Bowl.


02/04/2015 at 11:36 AM

It was Funco I think.  On the bright side, that credit went towards a copy of A Link to the Past, which is possibly at the top of my all-time favourite games.


02/04/2015 at 11:42 AM

Cool something positive did come out of you trading in those games. 


02/03/2015 at 04:50 PM

Haha. I cracked up at the pokemon reference. Great collection too!


02/04/2015 at 11:14 AM

Thank you!


02/03/2015 at 06:13 PM

I never had a NES, so the first carts I ever bought were when I bought one of those NES/SNES/Genesis combo consoles. I have Dragon Warrior 1, 2, and 3, and Wizardry. I keep looking, but the all the reasonably priced places ever have are sports games. I found some at Good Will the other day, but they looked beat to crap and doubtful if they'd play.

Thanks for sharing your collection. I need to do this myself again at some point.


02/04/2015 at 11:18 AM

I'd love to get one of those combo consoles but I can't get myself to spending the money on one. One day I will get one! Yeah the drawback with the rise in video games is that people are driving up the price of older stuff. Like I wrote on Matt's comment, I got lucky and started buying a lot of these games during the PS2 run when people were donating them to Thrifts or selling them to GameStops. Now the majority of swapmeet vendors think a SMB/Duck Hunt cart is worth $10 and up even if its beat to hell. I respect their hustle but their product isn't going to move at those prices.


02/04/2015 at 02:42 PM

I think I paid $30 for mine off Amazon. It's not the greatest quality, but I haven't had a problem with it yet.

Cary Woodham

02/03/2015 at 07:34 PM

Lots of good games there.  Legacy of the Wizard, Lolo, MappyLand, Marble Madness, and many others.  I may have missed it, but do you not have a copy of Little Nemo: The Dream Master or DuckTales?  Those were some of my favorites.


02/04/2015 at 11:20 AM

Thank you! I actually have both games. I think Little Nemo went MIA with my Tecmo Bowl among other carts in the back of my closet. I dig them out this weekend as well as any other games I may have missed. 


02/03/2015 at 07:49 PM

Nice collection! My NES collection is sitting pretty at around 60 games. There's a few more that I would love to own, but they go for way too much. Like Metal Storm, Mighty Final Fight, etc. I had got Dragon Spirit not that long ago. That was a fun little shmup.


02/04/2015 at 11:21 AM

Thanks, and it sounds like you have a great collection as well. The pricer games I'm trying to wait on as well, and hoping I would run into them at swapmeets. I'll be on the lookout for Dragon Spirit, I do like a fun shmup.


02/04/2015 at 01:41 PM

Yeah. Finding them in the wild is probably a much better option. I mentioned Dragon Spirit because it's in the top photo in the top right corner. I guess you haven't played it yet. Thanks for sharing though. It's always fun looking at other people's collections.


02/04/2015 at 04:40 PM

I've kinda got the nostalgia bug for NES now, even though I didn't have one when it came out. It's a neat system and the one I'll never get rid of because of Wizardry.

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