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2 BaD or not 2 BaD

On 02/03/2015 at 08:28 PM by mothman

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For my second blog I'm going to put something out there for discussion.

Are We Still Important to the Console Manufacturers?

Many of us here play all kinds of games. We play JRPGs, WRPGs, whatever other pidgeon hole you want to create RPGs, Platformers, Point and Click Adventures, Survival Horror and some of us play Shooters of both the First and Third Person persuasion. In fact there are many here who will give anything a try at least once.

Then there are the gamers who buy consoles only to play the latest CoD, Battlefield, Assassin's Creed or whatever else has a yearly or in some cases semi yearly repaint.

These people complain about indie games, call Nintendo a kiddie system and won't play anything that isn't hyper realistic and full of blood and gore lest they lose their macho standing with their peers.

The more I look around the internets, the more it looks to me like those people are becoming the majority. Maybe it's a younger generation who just don't get that games can be fun even if they are cartoony and simple.

I know I push the far edge of the demographic but I also know that a lot of you are very broad minded when it comes to gaming.

Not to be all doom and gloom because I think there's still a lot out there that is fun coming from indepent developers and of course Nintendo but are we still part of the core audience or are we now a minority?

Those are my thoughts for the day. What are yours?

and to end on a high note.......

 "Don't Worry Kids I'm sure Tami's place is around here somewhere."




02/03/2015 at 08:31 PM

Well, I think you know my stance on this matter lol. I'm just tired of developers releasing half finished games all the time. I had to stop looking at the internet awhile back because it made me feel ill.


02/03/2015 at 08:37 PM

Really as long as we still enjoy games that's good enough. I just look at a lot of this me too crap and all the half assed bug ridden crap and wonder how they're getting away with it. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/03/2015 at 09:42 PM

Eh. I think  it's always been this way. Teenagers are still a huge demographic, and teenagers are fragile people who are constantly emotionally abused by societal pressures. They're at that age where they think they're supposed to be mature, but don't quite know what maturity is.

 When I was a teenager, I was really into anything that was dark, violent, or looked like what adults would be into. Call of Duty is constantly trying to be controversial, so to some young ones it could be that "adult" experience they are looking for. 

 It could also be that for the first time video games are acceptable enough that teenagers can openly talk about their hobby - but with the catch that they can only play the popular games. When I was at high school, popular kids played games, but they were a select group of games. It was either Halo or Grand Theft Auto. You were allowed to play those games without being considered a freak. Anything else? You're a nerd and a social pariah.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/03/2015 at 10:02 PM

Yeah, I think games like JRPGs (not named Final Fantasy VII) have always been seen as a bit more nerdy than say, something like Street Fighter. I actually have an article coming for plus10damage (assuming it gets published, cause I kind of rushed writing it) that touches on this a bit, inspired by someone at the Super Bowl party I was at Sunday saying games like Game of War are for people with no life after the Kate Upton ad for it played.


02/04/2015 at 08:32 AM

I take it Game of War is one of those one note casual phone games?

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/04/2015 at 11:04 AM

Here's the ad that made the guy (and several around him) say it:


02/04/2015 at 08:31 AM

Then nerds we shall be. 


02/03/2015 at 11:39 PM

I think there will always be a market for a broad spectrum of games. My now 18-year-old nephew took a break from whatever CoD (or similar game) that he was playing to check out Journey the summer after it came out. I watched him play, and then when it was all over, he sat back and said "whoa" quietly to himself, and just sat there for a few minutes. They'll play other things, they just won't admit to it to their peers.


02/03/2015 at 11:49 PM

And I saw what you did there, lol.


02/04/2015 at 08:15 AM



02/04/2015 at 08:29 AM

I think I taught my kids by example. They grew up giving anything a chance and experiencing many different types of games. My son didn't touch a CoD or Halo until he was 18 and wound up getting bored early.


02/03/2015 at 11:50 PM

You are looking around the internet, is the problem.  A majority on the internet is not a majority in the 'real world.' I have never seen evidence that forums are anything but echo chambers for loud minorities. The top sellers are rarely the games that the media and forum droogs circle jerk over. Mario Kart 8 blew the doors off of multiple GoTY winner Dragon Age: Inquistion. Minecraft pwns everything, and I see mostly hate in the gamer centric channels. Last generation, Nintendo had several 20 million dollar sellers between the Wii and DS, while the media and "real gamers" did their best to tear the former a new one.  Can you say "out of touch"?

Last generation, each major console sold at least 80 million units. You don't get to those numbers via the internet people. The masses are unaware or don't care about these little battles and agendas that go on in forums and in the media.


02/04/2015 at 08:25 AM

You know what I like about this place? You can post something and get intelligent responses. :)

I know what you're saying about the loud minorities but if you see enough of it, it starts to get to you. These days of 24/7 access to peoples thoughts it starts spilling over into real life.

You're right though, it just seems more widespread than it probably is.


Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/04/2015 at 03:56 AM

I cant type much on this ipad but i basically feel smaller games now dominate instead of bigger games.  This might not be entirely trule on new consoles but it will be on mature ones especially in the future.  By mature i mean the consoles life.  


02/04/2015 at 08:36 AM

Try typing with your nose. :P

I am getting the feeling that there are a lot more smaller independent games coming out on all platforms and I think it's a good thing. There's a lot of acceptance but I see a ton of rejection. I think Machocruz is right in that I should stop taking crap I see on the internet as being a reflection of real life.


02/04/2015 at 01:10 PM

Like to think I'm able to try out anything once when it comes to games. I also like to think that gaming has become large enough to support just about anything if there's an audience for it, at least I hope so.


02/05/2015 at 03:03 AM

What you say is very similar to what Jeff Strain (x Blizzard programmer) said in an interview on IGN's Podcast Unlocked. He said that it's great that there are so many gamers out there today, because you can always find an audience for a well made game of any type.

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