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Dragon Age Rundown Part 2

On 02/04/2015 at 11:13 PM by Casey Curran

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So, first off I never played Awakening. I plan to some day, it's just I usually try after Origins and when I beat that game I need a break from it and just put off an Awakening playthrough. That said, onto Dragon Age 2, without a doubt the most controversial game in the series. 

So, Dragon Age 2 is not good. It's not bad and definitely gets a lot more hate than it deserves, but it's not a good game. Kayshire Cat once described it as if you turned the opening section of Kingdom Hearts 2 into a full game, which is by far the best summary of the game I have ever seen. There's a huge sense of nothing important going on and how you're just doing meaningless stuff with some occasional giant plot movement building up to something later on happening. And most of all, it feels unnecessary as a whole.

Which is a shame, as I feel the game did have potential. I actually like the idea of a game set in a fantasy world without being some epic quest or super personal story of growth. Maybe just a person's life and the politics of an area can be enough.

The setup isn't the problem at all. The execution is. The story and quests are mostly just filler, Kirkwall is not that interesting of an area, its outside areas are boring and repetitive, and the party members are by far Bioware's worse. Verrick was one of their best and Isabela was good but the rest leave a lot to be desired. Carver was insufferable, Bethany and  a little bland, Fenris, Aveline and Merrill had potential with a few good moments, but don't feel fleshed out enough. And then there's Anders....Anders.....

If only he was as cool as this Anders

See, this is a story that needed a character focus. And when the characters aren't that interesting, that brings up a lot of problems. Without that, all you have is zero plot, just a bunch of random stuff. There's no arc, no sense of progression, it's just stuff. 

The gameplay takes a dive as well. Weapon restrictions are the most initially obvious dumbing down, leading soon to a worse skill tree and the removal of weapon options such as Ice Arrows. The combat, while initially more fun than Origins', has much less to keep you interested as the game goes on. I wasn't excited by new abilities or weapons, especially when over half the stuff I find is labeled "Junk."

The time skips do offer a decently fun progression with a few side quests, however. I liked seeing how I changed Kirkwall and how my companions changed with me as the game progressed. I just wish that these qualities were the focus of the game rather than an afterthough. In fact, I have no clue what the focus of Dragon Age 2 was looking back. And that might be its biggest problem.

If you really loved Dragon Age, it may be worth checking out. Just don't expect to return to it once you're done, especially since EA made Inquisition not need a playthrough to allow you to pick your continuity.



Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/05/2015 at 01:14 AM

yeah i still want to give this a playthrough, even though it's not quite there.  the idea of doing a story where the main character is not "The Chosen One" is really cool, but it's too bad the execution leaves so much to be desired.  Still, I know people who swear by this game.  Very controversial indeed.  


02/05/2015 at 02:39 AM

The game was definitely abusive when it came down to recycling the same locations over and over. There actually wasn't much detail to any of the environments or characters either. It was all very flat actually. I don't know. I didn't hate the game at all. I had a female Hawk and an all female party and the villains were all female too which made the game kind of refreshing. I really like the lore of the series and it was enough to get me through all 60 hours of the game, especially the struggle betwen the Chantry and Mages. I got swept into all the drama. The game also ended (Spolier!) with a nine/eleven style attack which was completely shocking to me. I guess I'm in the minority on this, and it's true that you have to be pretty devoted to the lore and history of the game to really appreciate it. It has the most accessible combat system though. Not sure about Inquisition yet.


02/07/2015 at 03:07 AM

I played the demo for DA2 and wasn't overly thrilled with how it played, however, once I get to DA1, I'll give it another shot.


03/27/2015 at 02:22 PM

it makes me wonder if they tried to "oversimply" things in the sequel given all the menul driven options, making for possible interface overload? Much like how ME 2 got rid of the maco section seeing how people hated driving that thing?

it could just be me. I guess I'll get around to it eventually if I happen to see a decent priced collection somewhere.

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