The last 7th grade basketball game was last night. It will be missed. Oh wait, no it won't...
Two more home games left: tonight and next Tuesday. Then the nightmare is over and I can worry about something else that's not a sporting event. It could've been a worse year. This school could've hosted a junior high tournament but I was spared.
Renewed my Amazon Prime membership, mostly for the recent additions to the Instant Video service but I plan to order more stuff from the store. I queued up Under The Skin and watched the first 20 minutes in some hypnotic state (which is normal, that movie has that effect on me) before going to bed. Amazon are truly making this service worth our time and money.
Also bought two modern epic books via Google Play store: Clive Barker's Imajica and Stephen King's The Stand, both under $5 right now. I own both on physical copies but they're big, unwieldy tomes and I like having them on my Nook which will always weigh the same no matter how much content I add to it.
Right now I plan to head back to bed for another hour and then wake up, clean up and head to work. I want to finish early, get home and sleep early so I can make it to a local theater for Jupiter Ascending, one of my most anticipated films of the year.
In the meantime, keep fucking that chicken. be safe and warm.