I would like to get the Wii copy of the KOF Collection. So far on Amazon, it's on a pricey but not exagerated price, so I still have some chances and I don't mind to get it used either way.
BaD 2015 #05: SNK PS2 Compilation Collection Completed!
On 02/06/2015 at 10:50 PM by NSonic79 See More From This User » |
Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2015
I was originally going to post a “MyBuys” blog but seeing that I’m a year overdue in telling of everything I bought since LAST FEBURARY, I may need some time to refresh my memory. I know that thanks to Microsoft’s Games with Gold program and Playstation Network’s Flash Sales, I have never known a time in my life to have access to so many free/cheap titles. But with that said I still have to consider scoring some select “retro” titles that I’ve been eyeing over the years. It’s one of those personal quests I have as a gamer when I happen to be in a retro game store and check out their “rare” cabinets.
But this time is different. Instead of finding the game I’ve always wanted behind glass, I was lucky enough to get “the” game I’ve been hunting for years as a gift last Christmas.
I’m not sure many may have noticed my instragram/twitter pic post of my “Christmas Loot” but here it is again for the subject of this blog.
It may not be much given all that I’ve acquired between February 2014 to November 2014 but they were significant. I’ve always wanted to try out the Star Ocean series but it was the PS2 title that excited me the most. After all these years and after all the online searching and retro store hunting, I finally had myself a copy of the last SNK Playmore PS2 compilation release to complete my Neo Geo retro collection: The King of Fighters Orochi Collection! “Teh Wife” was able to find a copy in her own way (she still won’t tell me where she got it from) and it came complete with instruction manual and case! The disc was in perfect condition as if it had never been played! During the years I’ve either had a chance to find this title or came away empty handed during my hunt for this game.
When I learned of these SNK Playmore Compilation game releases I was determined to own them given my love for SNK goodness. Though I would’ve preferred to have owned a Neo Geo system (and almost got one long ago) I ended up going this route given how I wasn’t made of money nor did I have the room to house yet another gaming console in my game rig set ups. It seemed like a wise, cost cutting measure given I wasn’t made of money. And even though these compilation releases were not perfect, they were near perfect enough for me to re-kindle those found memories of playing Neo Geo MVS titles at the arcades. Though I’m sure any hardcore SNK fan would find fault with these re-releases (like they have with the Neo Geo X handheld) or other gamers would prefer a free emulation program (MAME + PC = instarcade!) I myself can’t bring myself to either buy a Neo Geo AES/MVS over the cost, a poorly emulated handheld or bother myself in trying to learn the realms of PC emulation.
And besides it would seem that I’ve made my PS2 the 2D arcade machine of choice given all the other 2D arcade fighting titles I’ve bought for it. So I might as well continue the trend in making my PS2 the console of choice for legit emulated titles. It’s still quite an accomplishment on my part to be able to finally own all the SNK Playmore Complication titles after all these years. It’s just too bad that I’m not able to remember the story to each title in how I was able to acquire them. I can only recall getting Fatal Fury Battle Archive Volume 2 at a Gamestop in Nebraska before they no longer sold PS2 games. Samurai Shodown Anthology I actually got online new from the least likely of places: Walmart.com. What I can remember the best is how LONG it took to get all of these titles. I tried to avoid online purchases for I’d prefer to physically see the condition of the game before I bought them. Walmart.com was a risk that paid off but I wasn’t too keen on trusting ebay or amazon for the rest of the buys. I can remember how apprehensive I was in getting The King of Fighters Collection when I saw the asking prices online for the PS2 version ranging from full price to at one point up to $100+! To date I can find the Wii version online but it’s now selling for a high price in excellent condition yet the PS2 version is MIA. One day I might try to remember how I got each and every one of these compilations but for now I’m just going to enjoy the fact that one of my many gaming wishes has been fulfilled.
And before you say something, yes I know I don’t have SNK Arcade Classics Vol. 0 but that’s on the PSP so obviously no PS2 version. But now I have to see about getting all the SNK titles offered on the PS2 domestically. I know there are more King of Fighters games on the PS2 as well as other unique titles that aren’t included in these completion sets. You could say I’ve already started on trying to collect other SNK offerings. With one collection quest over, another one begins…..
As for how these games play? We’ll I might leave that for another BaD blog this year. I am feeling an SNK retro mood coming on.
BaD thought of the day:
Why do Neo Geo systems (or other certain retro systems) still go for high prices when you can find easier/cheaper alternatives in enjoying what the Neo Geo had to offer? And why does it seem that trying more legit means to enjoy these titles end up being more of a sub-par experience compared to the easier/cheaper alternatives?
I kind of know the answer but any thoughts?