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BaD 07: So I finished Xenoblade Chronicles

On 02/07/2015 at 09:34 PM by Captain N

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Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2015

I'm Really Feeling It!

Xenoblade Chronicles

Hello Pixlbit, how are you? I wasn't going to write this one anytime soon, but I didn't want to write too many similar blogs after another since the last one was Smash related. So as the title implies, I reccently finished up Xenoblade Chronicles on the Wii. Last saturday actually, but I've been working on a post since because I didn't want to say I beat it so I can have something written in case someone wanted me to write about it. But here's that post, I'll write a much more detailed blog on it in the near future but here are my thoughts so far now that I've beaten it. And don't worry, I wont spoil a thing for those who haven't played, or beaten it yet.

First off, I'll talk about the characters. The playable characters you meet up in the game are great, some of the best written characters I've ever seen. Each character joins you for a reason due to the events of the story, but they all share one common goal. Each character has their very own unique personalty and their own special sets of skills. You can clearly tell how they are in battle depending on their personalty and you learn more about these characters through special dialouge options in the game. 

Gaur Plain

Next off the combat, the combat is really good actually. The game plays like an action-rpg when you initiate a battle with an enemy and you and your teammates each have a special role in those fights. I actually don't think I've ever played an action rpg, besides Fallout 3/New Vegas but that one you can turn into a turn-based rpg or an action-rpg at will. You have to pick your party members wisely because depending on your party setup can mean victory or defeat depending if the enemies or bosses are a few levels higher than yours. You can also set your party members with new equipment, gems that enhance stats, new weapons, and set up their special attacks known as arts. So there really is alot of strategy involved depending on how you set up your team.

                Xenoblade combat

Next off the world map. It's huge. There's plenty to explore and alot to see. The world map is divided by sections which each having a specific theme to it, like a grassy plain, to a marsh, and so forth. Plus, it looks really good for a Wii game, especially from a distance. And along with each location carries it's own enemies as well. Most areas even have their own settlements or towns. Heck, there's even merchants out in the wilderness selling stuff. But you really have to keep an eye out for enemies. Alot of the times they don't do anything to you if you leave them alone, but some enemies do attack you on sight. But the biggest problem here are the enemies that are a ton of levels higher than you. Like you may be at level 20 but you might encounter an enemy at level 80-90. One thing that's cool is that when you're near an enemy, you can see the level it is before you initiate combat or not. That's neat and incredibly useful, that way you can avoid biting more than you can chew.

             Gaur Plain

Lastly the story. Where to begin? I can't say much without spoiling it or giving away too much, all I can say that it's one of the best stories I've ever seen. I don't think I've ever played anything like this before, or if there's a game with a story like this out there. All I can say that it was really great and glad that I finally got to finish it after nearly 2 years of putting it off. Now I'm ready to play Xenoblade Chronicles X despite not being related to this game whatsoever. But the question is, how long did it take me to finish it? According to the hours, around 101 hours or so. Only because sometimes I was too stubborn to try and take down the bosses when I was clearly outmatched. And trust me, you're going to be level grinding alot. By them time I reached the end, I was at level 90, well all my party members too.

Xenoblade Chronicles

Final conclusions: It is an amazing game, and that's something I don't say often. It's a fantastic game, with a great cast of characters in an interesting yet cool world, with an amazing story with addicitve combat. I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't played it. Though finding a copy isn't easy, if you're willing to spend around 40-50 used, then go ahead, unless you want to spend around 250 to get a New 3DS and a New 3DS copy of the game new.

That's it for now. Did you play Xenoblade, if so, what did you think of it? If you haven't, would you like to? Thanks for reading and later.




02/07/2015 at 09:46 PM

So, is the game worth finishing? I enjoyed just exploring in the world and not necessarily focused on endgame. I played more for combat and exploration and that's what I took away from it. Is the story a MUST experience or should I just read a synopsis or youtube movie? Cutscenes are prettey bleh.

Captain N

02/07/2015 at 10:20 PM

For the story, then yes it's worth finishing. You know, alot of the times I found myself exploring the new maps and grinding mostly for the fights up ahead. It's a really great story but if you don't want to go through a 100 hour rpg just for the story, then youtube it if you want.


02/07/2015 at 10:37 PM

I loved this game more than any other I played during the last generation. I poured 120 hours into it and would play it again in a heartbeat.

Captain N

02/08/2015 at 12:47 AM

Wish I could of beaten it sooner, then again there was alot on my plate at the time so who knows. I'd play it again too, probably on the New 3DS though.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/07/2015 at 10:42 PM

i'm gonna play this one the 3DS.  Looking forward to April!


02/07/2015 at 10:43 PM

If I manage to afford a new 3DS I'll be right there with you. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/07/2015 at 10:45 PM

I'm lucky that i got a $50 gift card from my sister for xmas to offset to cost.  I'm really looking forward to it man.  

Captain N

02/08/2015 at 12:47 AM

Same, it'll make a nice late birthday present to myself.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/07/2015 at 11:51 PM

I'd like to play it, but it would have to be more action than RPG to suit my tastes.

Captain N

02/08/2015 at 12:48 AM

It's an rpg, but it's more action than turnbased actually. But that's really up to you.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

02/08/2015 at 12:13 AM

"Final conclusions: It is an amazing game, and that's something I don't say often" That's a lie and you know it man. Anyways, I liked this game a lot. Think I'll pick it up again when I get around to buying a N3DS. Like my RPGs portable. Really excited for X too

Captain N

02/08/2015 at 12:51 AM

Yeah, I don't normally call all the games I play amazing, only a select few, maybe I probably should have worded that better. But yes, it's a great game from start to finish. Like I said before, I need a New 3DS because mine is broken and Nintendo isn't stocking the batteries on their site which sucks. That and the new games it'll have, so if t wasn't broken, I'd buy it either way. Like them more portable too and looking forward to X as well.


02/08/2015 at 02:27 AM

Ever since Shulk got into Smash, i've been interested in trying it. The thing is, I don't know if i'll ever get the new 3DS and i'm still sour that the rerelease is not compatible with the original 3DS. Maybe i'll see with an used Wii copy.

Captain N

02/08/2015 at 11:53 PM

Xenoblade was alreadya great game, but thanks to Smash, the game has gotten more exposure. It does suck that the normal 3DS can't play it. Not sure if it ever got released in South America or Colombia, but it's worth finding a copy if you don't want to spend almost 250 USD on the game with a new system.


02/08/2015 at 07:03 AM

A great game. I loved the exploration in the game. Most of the time I'd forget about the story and just dick around exploring every nook and cranny. And then finding secret spots, etc. That was the best part for me.

Captain N

02/08/2015 at 11:54 PM

Yes, that was one my favorite parta of it. I love exploring in games so that was right up my alley. Secret location finding was really cool too.

Cary Woodham

02/08/2015 at 08:00 AM

I probably won't ever play this game, but you can pick out a character that you think I'd like.

Captain N

02/08/2015 at 11:56 PM

You can if you're planning on getting a New 3DS, if not get a copy of it for the New 3DS incase it has a limited release. As for a favorite character, I'd say Rikki. He's the little guy who appears in Shulks final smash and as an assist trophy. He's really funny and apparently one of the best characters to have in your party.


02/08/2015 at 09:37 AM

I bought Xenoblade when it released and I still hadn't played it yet.  It's not even opened.  I bought a lot of good games for the Wii and hadn't played many of them.  I play most of my games on the 360 and PS3 and I forget I own a Wii.  I really hope that can change this year.  

Captain N

02/08/2015 at 11:57 PM

Same, except I played it for a bit and didn't touch it again till last year. Regret not playing it sooner. Play it, you wont regret it.


02/08/2015 at 04:19 PM

Ahoy, Cap'm! 

Glade you enjoyed it,i've been singing this games praises for soo long my throat hurts.

I like how I felt small compared to the world, when I first ran next to a giant long neck dinosaur type thing looked at the level thinking "How the hell" There's this big red troll looking creature that attcks on sight that I want to kill but I can't remember if he had friends,

The story is very unique, I starts out typical but becomes more complex, however the idea of creatures living on colosi (at least for a game) is the most creative premise. But that twist was... I expect a "Betrayal" but the reason for it was just so out there, I couldn't see it coming.

The combat took me some time to get used to at first, never had to organise my characters position in an RPG since maybe Advannce Wars, plus changing stratergy with commands and buffs, it a good mix.

My speed run beat the game in 30hrs, I so excited to play "X"

PS. I have my game signed by the voice actor of Shulk and I was such a fan, I bought the archive file book

(Why is it only capcom localise their material? Western ones is a given but they seem to be the only Japanese company other than Sega that translate their game booksFrown)

Captain N

02/09/2015 at 12:03 AM

Ahoy V!

Yes, it's a really great game and glad I got to experience it. I really haven't played that many console rpgs so I can't really compare the story to something else, but it was really different from what I ever played. And that plot twist, I never saw it coming. Yeah I don't normally change my party unless it's a Pokemon game but I only had to do so only once in Xenoblade. I don't think I could speed run it in 30 hours, I may if we're talking about starting at the level you left off.

And damn, that's really neat, you went all the way to show me that. Really awesome! It also reminds me that I should open The Last Story and get Pandora's Tower at some point. Wish I knew on that last part.


02/08/2015 at 05:01 PM

Really like Xenoblade a lot. Lots of stuff to do and the in-game world is fun to explore as well.

Captain N

02/09/2015 at 12:39 AM

Yes, it's now one of my new favorites too. I don't think I did everything the game had, so I may return to it at some point either on the Wii or the new port.


02/08/2015 at 09:35 PM

This is one of the games I'm hoping to play this year. Everyone says it's so good but it's easy to put off because I know it's so long. Gotta start it!

Captain N

02/09/2015 at 12:40 AM

Yeah, it is pretty long. It took me 101 hours only because I was too stubborn to level grind sometimes. But give it a go, you wont be disappointed.


02/10/2015 at 02:36 AM

I remember choosing between Xenoblade Chronicles and Pandora's Tower the year they came out and going with Pandora's Tower. I got frustrated with the controls and traded it in, but now I regret it because I liked the art design in that game and want to see it again.

Captain N

02/13/2015 at 12:24 AM

i missed out on Pandora's Tower but I heard mixed things on it. I want it only for the sake of owning all the Op Rainfall rpgs. The only thing I do regret on Xenoblade is not playing it sooner.


02/15/2015 at 04:01 AM

It's a game I keep thinking about because I had such high hopes for it. I think it would've been perfect with a standard controler. If I ever see it around for a reasonable price, I'm going to buy it again. Stupid me for trading stuff in. I always regret it later.

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