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BaD Wii Review #10- M&M's Adventure

On 02/10/2015 at 04:40 PM by NintendoFanJon

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Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2015

M&M's are a fantastic chocolate filled candy  shell delight. They've been around for quite sometime and for good reason. They're addictive on the go poppable candy. So of course Mars decide that because they have such a recognizable brand to contract a company to make video games. I mean what better way is there to get kids into a diabetic shock than video games? Today's review is a horrible maketing ploy atrocity. Today... M&M's Adventure.

Now M&M's Adventure is not the only M&M's video game. In fact, they capitalized on the Wii's casual fanbase success to release  M&M's Kart Racing, and M&M's Beach Party. The less said about thos god awful monstrosities the better, but I had to review at least one of the games. So Adventure it is. I wouldn't subject myself to the torture of all three titles. That there is how people commit suicide.

So now for the story...yes you read that right. There is a story in a game about M&M's...let's reflect on that a second. Okay...let's go.


The story deals with an M&M factory that's getting ready to close down for Christmas. However, something goes wrong and scatters 120 pieces of candy across different sections of the factory. The crew (Red, Yellow and Green) has to track down each piece before going home for the holidays. For some reason, different sections of the factory are decorated according to various holiday themes, so you'll have stages that are based on Valentine's Day, Halloween, Christmas, Easter and so on. The themes are generally limited to a few decorations in what is otherwise a fairly uninteresting  environment. Each area also has its own themed boss, so you'll be facing off against robotic versions of Cupid, the Easter Bunny and so on.

Now you'll start off as Red (the red M&M) who has the most interesting gameplay of the three. He can glide across long open areas in your quest to find M&M's and coins.  Yellow is slower, but has the ability to double jump, and green has the ability to use...a tennis racket... Now this might add some variety. It of course only adds needless backtracking in order to find all the missing candy.

So in this game you'll be going through some of the most boring and repetitive stages that I have ever seen in a platformer... and I've played Ninjabread Man. Your main goal is to simply reach an elevator is each stage. The overall graphics of M&M's Adventure don't look much better either. They're like an N64 title that has been slightly updated to run on the Wii. Environments have a muddy appearnce and lack detail as well as the enemies that you'll face within them.

Oh and the camera is god awful. It's so slow to react to your position. You'll find that you need to constantly hit the C button to flick the camera behind you to get it readjusted, which is really annoying when you're faced with a series of moving platforms, or even worse, exploding ones that require quick jumps. It's definitely difficult to pull off when you're stuck with a difficult camera angle. It is seriously frustrating, and since the game is based on platforming, this ends up ruining the game. On another note, enemies can't be killed. You can temporarily stun them, but I haven't found a way to kill them in the game. You jump on them, etc. but most often you'll get your  life bar knocked out and die. Not to say the game is hard as they offer lives aplenty, but enemies somehow always manage to find a way to home in on me at the worst time.

Analysis: Buy yourself a diabetic coma from eating M&M's instead of subjecting yourself to this game.

Hey you know what's great? I don't have to do Ninjabread Man next! Yes! Oh thank the sweet merciful heavens! No ninja games!




Super Step Contributing Writer

02/10/2015 at 05:09 PM

Until you described it as a platformer, I was thinking the Game Grumps played this recently ... but that was actually a different M&Ms themed Wii game. A party one.


02/11/2015 at 04:26 PM

Yeah they played beach party...It's god awful.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/10/2015 at 05:32 PM

enemies can't be killed eh?  that freakin blows.  

I remember there was a 7-Up spot game back in the genesis days.  I think i played it in emulation but never actually owned it.  Why do they make games like this?  


02/10/2015 at 08:57 PM

Cool Spot?

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/10/2015 at 09:05 PM



02/11/2015 at 04:26 PM

Don't forget Pepsi Man and the skittles game!


02/10/2015 at 08:58 PM

Bland plataformers, i've experienced those.


02/11/2015 at 04:27 PM

I've experienced too many lol!

Cary Woodham

02/10/2015 at 09:02 PM

Too bad the game isn't very good, I really like the M&M's characters.  Which is strange because I'm not really a big candy person.  I don't like most candy, although M&M's I can tolerate.  I do like the peanut butter ones quite well.  When I was in Vegas I went to a five story M&M's store!

Did you know the current M&M's commercial characters with the colors with different personalities (snarky red, dopey yellow, sassy green lady), were done by the same advertising agency that did the clay animated California Raisins and The Noid ads back in the day?


02/11/2015 at 04:29 PM

Yeah the characters are pretty cool. And that's interesting to have been in a five story candy store! And once again I learn some new things!


02/13/2015 at 02:07 AM

Take any horror movie franchise and do a M&M video game version. Imagine it. The M&Ms get sliced, crushed, melted, eaten, glued together into one giant multifaced monstrosity, get pasted into some sick macaroni art project. . . The possibilities are endless.


02/14/2015 at 06:51 PM

Sounds like a movie I'd watch Laughing


02/17/2015 at 02:16 AM

I was thinking of that game Naughty Bear, but with M&Ms. Naughty M&Ms. Humm. . . That could go a different direction too, I think.

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