I believe I played the first Kessen way back in the day. Didn't know about Ganghis Kahn. Thanks for dropping the knowledge!
This generation I absolutely "loved" Dynasty Warriors 7 and Warriors Of Orochi 3. Tecmo/Koei really did up the ante for me!
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![]() On 03/15/2013 at 12:54 PM by leeradical42 ![]() See More From This User » |
Genghis Khan for the Nintendo came out in 1989 and was the begining of my love affair with Koei, keep in mind that this game was a very unknown title at the time and Super Mario and The Legend Of Zelda were the Modern Warfares of the day, I was always into RPGs so one day I ran across this game I think the store was a woolco if any one remembers the old chain woolworth etc, but anyway Me being an advid WW2 / military history buff I saw this and said what the hell,when I got it home and loaded up I was one lost young man and had know clue where to start let alone how to play, and for the time it had a steep learning curve and as far as pcs were concerned they were for rich folks and I was far from rich lol so I didnt play many DOS pc games,so it took me a while to learn how to play but when I did I was hooked.
The battle screen which is pictured above looked like a chess game but was a far cry from chess it was calvary vrs soldiers vrs pikemen well you get my point, but was very addicting,and advanced but relly fun, I can recount weeks I spent playing this even when super mario 3 came out I was playing this matter of fact the only game I took a break from pkaying was for legend of zelda link which I might add was the best rpg in my opinion for the time, anyway the economic model for this game was incredible for the time I mean managing food,taxes,weapons,defense etc was extremely cool.
The fact that your a country surrounded by other countrys with the same goal as you were to take over allthe countrys in China was stressful to say the least but oh so rewarding when you took over a country and it did help you could delegate countrys you took over to generals but you had better make sure you keot your generals morale high or it would end up with a revolt on your hands and the same for your countrys you raise the taxes to high morale would drop and if the morale of your citys got to low they would revolt to. It was these little details that drew me in I mean not only did you have to strategicly watch your countrys and generals you han to handle diplomacy and the likes, this is why to thisnday I love these types of games My latest game was romance of the three kingdoms XI for the ps2 and around the same time they released Genghis Khan actually shortly after they started releaseing the Romance seriesnand then Nobunagans Ambition,all of these games are master peices as far as im concerned difficult to learn even harder to master but very very rewarding,and one of my favorite kind of games which is Strategy/Simulation and if you have never played any of these I strongly recommend trying them.
I just recently tried one of these types of games on xbox, Civilization V. How does Genghis Kahn relate? I've only played an hour but it seems like it's the same idea. At first I wasn't sure as I played it, but as time went on and I started learning more of the gameplay i was starting to get hooked, so I think I can relate to your experience.
Man, I could never get into strategy sims. They just seemed so boring to me, but I must admit that I also haven't given many of them a shot. No offense to the game though. There's plenty of folks like yourself that can strategize in your sleep. Me, on the other hand, not so much.
Hey Lee,I do play FPS type games a lot. But like you I'm not the greatest at them. Some better than others. I do okay in campaign,but online multiplayer is tough. Mainly because you find yourself up against 14 year old boys who are hopped up on Red Bull! And it's all they ever play. They have the reflexes of a cat that's been drinking espresso. So I have to play other games(easier ones!) to maintain my sanity. So is this game sorta like the board game Risk? Where you have to strategize and manage supplies. Guide your armies toward world domination? I saw a Metal Gear Solid version of Risk the other day at Barnes & Noble. I wonder if Gray Hair has it. Looked like a decent game.
LMAO!!!<well put Wayde A cat hopped up on expresso thats about right I get on call of duty and theyncall me a camper cause I like to snipe well hell last time I checked thats what a sniper is supposed to do is camp anyway lol yes thatsnthe best comparison I have seen yet yes you have a country manage political,economics,diplomacy etc and go to war with other countrys with your main goal being eliminate all countrys its really interesting cause you can ally with countrys steal other countrys generals etc while at the same time there doing this to you to. The only games I have seen are on the ps2 last one being Romance of the three Kingdoms