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My MMO News Source is gone forever! : ( Bad#09

On 02/11/2015 at 11:11 PM by asrealasitgets

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This may come off as pretentious but one of the main reasons I started blogging was because one of my favorite gaming news sites closed down, I really enjoyed their personal blog style approach to the gaming industry and reviews, so I felt like I needed to keep that going in some fashion or another. I recently blogged about the closure of and While Joystiq covered news, reviews and gaming industry as a whole in a personal bloggin style, mainly stuck to MMOs, but with a similar writing style to and now they are no more. I've actually noticed the absense now and I have to rely on other boring news sites and newsletters from devs to keep track of all the changes and updates. It's pretty terrible. Massively did such a good job of covering so many MMOs at once, assigning one writer to each game and they had a really great way of streamlining and distiliing important information down to easily consumable personal blogs. I'm finding it nearly impossible to keep up with all the news and updates now, where before I just needed to visit their front page and have instant access to news. Good God!  They turned me on to a lot of my favorite MMOs after raving about them.




Super Step Contributing Writer

02/11/2015 at 11:50 PM

That's awful. Sounds like they were a great service.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/12/2015 at 03:07 AM

what game is that screen shot from?  

I'm sorry massively closed down.  it sounds like it's really chill.  using the "big" sites gets annoying...sometimes niche news sources are so much more informative.  

Cary Woodham

02/12/2015 at 06:04 AM

I'm still sad that 1up is gone.


02/14/2015 at 04:01 AM

I wonder what all these closures mean. Are people just not going to these sites anymore? Where are they going? I want to know.


02/14/2015 at 05:36 AM

People gather their gaming news from the source, twitter, facebook, etc. Gaming sites aren't making money. That's why they closed down in the first place,, Joystiq, Massively, etc.


02/17/2015 at 01:44 AM

That makes sense.

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