I played a few minutes of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link on the Internets today. It wasn't bad. The site was a bit slow though, so I stopped.
I'd get up and get my DS to play some Ace Attorney, but once I get cozy in bed, all bets are off.
Earlier today, I dealt with an e-mail that stressed me out way more than was worth it it turns out. Just needed one correction on my IRB-H form needed for any research involving humans. Of course, I think the form is a bit too much red tape for just sending out a survey. Don't get me wrong, I think myself and other researchers need to be held accountable for keeping things anonymous, not harming subjects etc. but I just think the form is too long and technical when all I'm basically asking to do is see if some college students have 5 minutes to tell me random, non-identifying crap about themselves.
Anyway, I was completely reworking that form until the meeting with my thesis chair and then found out all I had to do was add a phone number. Well then. But then he suggested I add more questions to the survey, so I'll need to get on putting those in and sending the updated version to the IRB, so we'll see how that goes. E-mailed what I have now already.
Then I "ran" a 5K with the run club I joined. I have blisters on both feet and really need new shoes, but at least I got some good cardio in. Not gonna eat today.
About to go to sleep in fact. The cat just hopped into bed. Good night all. Think I'll buy that panda game mothman mentioned on Steam and the PS4 bundle tomorrow, The Lord of Video Games willing.