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BaD Community Blog Vol. 9

On 02/13/2015 at 07:33 AM by Blake Turner

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Americans: Watch this and respond. Non Americans: Prepare for the crazy.



Nick DiMola Director

02/13/2015 at 09:43 AM

Haha, that was a pretty fantastic skit. I'm cool with guns. I think they're pretty awesome and I think people should be allowed to own them.

However, I do think that we need more strict rules around screening people getting the weapons and that there should be adequate wait time to get any gun.

With most of these divisive issues, I usually think there's a pretty happy middle ground that nobody is willing to arrive at and it all gets totally out of hand. Whatever, that's people for you.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/13/2015 at 09:46 AM

agreed.  People should be able to have guns.  But if we license cars and dogs, why not boomsticks?  People are so stupid about this and many other issues.  

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/13/2015 at 07:19 PM

People are so stupid about everything. When I realise that I'm above average intelligence that really freaks me out. Because I'm not that smart, and that means over half the world is dumber than me. ME! Up until last week I just assumed electricity was magic!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/13/2015 at 07:16 PM

Yeah, I've heard people in America complain that wearing a seatbelt is an invasion of their civil rights, so I doubt those people would be okay with your happy middle ground haha.

Here's what I think people with guns should be subject to: Every 2 or three years, they should be checked out again. They should have to be mentally evaluated, because shit can quite seriously change. 

 If they have kids, they should have a government official come around every 6 months to ensure that weapons remain out of the reach of children.

 I am fine with people having guns, I just think with such a serious weapon there should be more systems in place to prevent bad things happening.

 Also, if your gun is an automatic, it should be locked up at the shooting range. If you own it, there should be a specialised locker at each range that you can put them in.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/13/2015 at 09:05 PM

the thing that frustrates me is people (like my conservative dad) complain gun control doesn't work, because cities like Chicago and DC which have very stringent gun control laws have the highest murder rates.  What these people just don't seem to get is people buy the guns in states where laws are lax and they smuggle them in.  It's not like they're cooking these guns in their basement -- they were manufactured and sold legally.  

But I digress.  What can I do about it?  Nothing. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/13/2015 at 12:50 PM

This is actually a cultural divide in America too, with the south (and to be fair, more rural areas up north too) being a much bigger gun culture than say cities. Most of it is just because people want to go to the gun range or go hunting, which I'm cool with. We shot bb guns at paper bears in Cub Scouts and we were fine. But I do believe in universal background checks. just because loons will get guns either way doesn't mean background checks won't lower that number. 

Anyway, check out this clip from Bill Burr to understand what I mean about the cultural divide. What he's talking about wouldn't be a big deal where I am in Texas either, but if we were in Boston, Massachussets (where Burr is from) it would be different. Skip to the 1 hour mark: 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/13/2015 at 07:37 PM

Yeah haha. I don't get the obsession with killing the criminal either. As he said a .22 will defend your house and make sure the fucker is at least in enough pain to stop what he's doing.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

02/13/2015 at 01:19 PM

Okay, that was great. You make me laugh at something I completely disagree with, you have some real fucking talent. I'm still pro-gun for America though. Like Nick, I'm all for stricter regulations. There's a Simpsons bit I'll never forget where Homer's labeled Potentially Dangerous for spending time in a mental asylum and punching George Bush Sr, which limits him to three handguns. That's too close to reality, we need better regulations than that.

One thing I do think he's wrong about is criminals only having guns. For one thing, Australia's an isolated continent. Of course it'll be hard to smuggle guns and super expensive. America on the other hand? We're connected to Mexico, where thousands of people illegally cross every day. It'll definitely drive up prices, but not to the same rate as Australia.

This still may be enough except for all of our gangs and organized crime. They're not as big or organized as movies and TV would have you believe and maybe Australia did have them in the same capacity as us, I don't know. What I do know from studying them in my major is that they like money and they're really good at taking advantage of opportunities to make money. It's too unsettling to think if they're the only ones with guns. Especially since so many go to Mexico all the time for drug trade and can find ways to bring guns back. It may not be easy, but if there's one thing to know about criminals, it's this: If they want something bad enough, they'll find a way to do it.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/13/2015 at 07:27 PM

Yeah that's what I was thinking when he said the black market thing. But still, if it stops school shootings I'd be all for it. The police would still have guns, as would SWAT teams (btw fuck swatting and every cunt involved in it) so I think that wouldn't be too bad. Realistically, the bigger crime syndicates would be more interested in bigger fish than the average citizen though, and those could have armed guards or something.


Casey Curran Staff Writer

02/13/2015 at 08:32 PM

Perhaps. Either way, I'm getting a gun before they can change this.


02/13/2015 at 08:05 PM

Gun Control is one of the most controversial topics in the U.S. and is always a hot button issue. You are never going to get people to agree on anything except for a few minor compromises here and there that usually come after major tragedies. One problem is the size of the US, population density and culture. The rural areas like south and midwest, maybe some parts of the north have a gun culture that evolved from hunting enthusiasts and are sparsely populated, but larger cities on the east and west coast have densely populated areas which makes gun proliferation and urban violence a bigger problem. Gun Control advocates are usually more concerned with the effects of guns in urban violence and see it as a health issue, but it's the gun lobbyists and gun lovers that come out and squash anything they feel infringes on their right to ownership and usually site 'in case of gov tyranny' or whatever as the reason. But as the comedian stated, the second amendment was created when weapons were weak and cumbersome to use and now they are way overpowered. There is just no way that civilians can take on the government with their guns anyway, it's just a fantasy. There is also an issue of racism. White people are afraid of brown and black people and gun sales went through the roof when we got our first black president. It's not a coincidence. America is a racist as fuck country. 

I more or less agree with your ideas for gun control. I don't care for guns. They don't make me feel safe at all, and I would honestly worry about it falling into the hands of children if I did. I have a friend that blew a hole in his christmas tree last year while he was cleaning his shotgun. Luckily his kids weren't home, but he blew a whole in the neighbors window. I really don't want dumb as fuck moron owning guns next door to me that can stupidly blow a hole in my house so easily.  

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/14/2015 at 09:40 PM

Yep. And people inside of America wonder why everyone outside of America hates them.

 And that's why I'm glad Australia doesn't have guns anymore. It's like driving. You could be the most careful driver on earth and some fucking idiot who didn't look could side swipe you at the traffic lights. Same with guns.

 Also, what if you're trying to shoot someone who entered your hous and you miss. You miss, that bullet goes out the window, into your neighbours window and kills their dog/kid/grandma. If you were using something like a knife or a blunt object to protect yourself, that wouldn't happen.


02/14/2015 at 10:06 PM

I would say the US is probably the most divided it has been in quite a while, as long as I've been alive anyway and pretty sad actually, and we just refuse to work together or have proper discussions on anything important anymore. I've had to remove friends from social media for gross views on women, gays, muslims, minorites that I never even new they had. It's like the Twilight Zone, or some alternate reality timeline. 

I don't think Americans care what others think about them or their actions outiside of our borders honestly. I don't share that view, but I think that is a common sentiment. 

I only keep hockey sticks as weapons. I do my nightly patrols for the occasional racoons, possums, or whatever damned wild creature decides to wake me the fuck up in the middle of the night. Don't worry, I don't like hurting animals, but occasionaly just need to scare them off. 

As for weapons, I was looking into buying a sword and bow actually.  


02/14/2015 at 08:33 PM

I don't even own a gun and I think they should be around. 

As funny as that guys is, he's lacky in American history.  The 2nd ammendment isn't just for protecting our homes and hunting, but protecting ourselves from the government.  Yeah, fighting the government is crazy.  The government has all the power, but the people that founded this country were crazy and the people who love guns see many reasons why we should continue to have them.  The government can't be trusted.  Many politicians are bought and the people that swore to protect the people are too often going out of the way to protect & serve the government more and more.  This scares people.  If you can't trust the government and you can't trust the police that are hired to protect you, then what's left?  You fight for yourself and hope you don't have to use your gun.  Our laws are set up to keep things balanced and fair.  It's hard to believe things are fair when the people that were choosen to speak for you are changing the laws in favor of the people that don't have your best interest.  Guns aren't the only rights the government is trying to take.  They already violate our rights as it is.  If we allow them to openingly take away guns, then when will it stop.  Guns aren't just a right.  They have become a symbol.

Another thing that bothers me about people using the school shooting and such, is the fact that the guns used in those massacres weren't legally own by the shooters and ALL of them were are psych meds.  Drunk driving kills more people than guns (outside of war).  When people drink and drive, do we blame the car?  You blame the drunk person.  I find it funny that when a crazy person, on or off their meds, goes on a shooting spree and people blame the gun.  

Fun fact: Chicago, Illinois, where our president started up from, has the toughest gun laws in our country and it also has the highest gun violence.  In many small towns, many people own guns and have little to no gun violence or accidents.  There is more going on than "guns kill people".  

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/14/2015 at 09:32 PM

I'm sorry, I don't want to act like a douche, but watch the whole video. He spends about 5 minutes on the man against the government thing.

 Also, read Asreal's comment. He makes some good points on your last point.



02/15/2015 at 04:06 AM

Dude, I wouldn't of commented if I didn't watch the whole video.  It's comedy, so it's not like he did actual fact checking.  There are a lot of "facts" in his bit that aren't true.  To understand why many Americans want to keep their guns, you have to know American history.  Many Americans don't know American history.  Example: Lincoln's plan was to send all black people, not just slaves, back to Africa.  Yeah, some "hero".

No disrespect to Asreal, but he is free to think and say whatever he wants because of our 1st Amendment.  You change amendments out of fear, then when does it stop.  Our government has gotten together and manipulated many laws, resulting in innocent people recieving healthy prison setences.  It's naive to think our other rights, including our freedom of speech, won't be attacked next.  Hell, some people agrue for government control and don't realize it. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/15/2015 at 06:33 AM

Firstly: Sorry. I'm just used to dealing with idiots who attack people or opinions without even reading/watching. It's the internet, people are cunts :p

 And no, he probably didn't do heaps of fact checking, but his argument was more one of logic. I don't think you know history to know something is a threat now. As he said, when this ammendment was made, we didn't have assault rifles. More importantly, we didn't have modern civilisation. People owned guns because they needed them to hunt food and protect their crops from animals.

 We don't hunt our food now. Most of us aren't farmers. As far as I'm concerned the only people who should have guns are farmers and police officers. If you want to do hunting for sport, fine, own a rifle. Not a shotgun. Not magnum. You want to protect your home, use a low callibre gun. That way if you miss you're not going to kill your next door neighbour. And if you want to shoot these weapons at a range, keep them their in a locker. 

 I'm not against ownership of guns. I'm against people being stupid with them. Yeah sure, own a gun. That's your right. But maybe be sensible about it and don't own something that can rip a dude in half.

 Why do you need to kill someone to protect your family? You can maim or injure them. You don't have to kill them.


02/15/2015 at 05:32 PM

If someone was harming my family, I'll do everything in my power to make sure that person doesn't do it again.  If they kill someone in my family while I'm there, you bet your ass they are dead.  I'm not even joking about that.  Not a joke.  I guess you never felt "the rage" when someone jackass is purposely screwing around with the people you love.  With your own children, it's even worse.  

As for guns, most of what you stated is reasonable, but there is this lie going around that all these people in America have military weapons.  They don't.  The weapons we see in most movies and video games aren't owned by a lot of people in America.  The first problem with these weapons is they are EXPENSIVE.  2nd, you're not going into a Walmart and mom & pop gun store and walk out with them.  These weapons aren't openly sold.  Which makes them EXPENSIVE.  There are guns that have been modified to look like them though.  They are usually semi-automatic.  The real military weapons are most likely sold illegally outside of the military.  And I'm sure the CIA is involved. Laughing  Also, there are plenty of people that hunt for food and there are people that just want to collect guns.  Shotguns aren't like they are in the movies.  There's pumping and loading involved.  The person getting shot has to be at the right distance to do crazy damage.  A person too far can get away with a maybe a couple bucks in them.  Some shotguns do less damage if the person is too close. Laughing  As long as they're not breaking any laws, I don't care what they do with their guns.  I'm not afraid of guns. 

"Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it." - Edmund Burke.  It's a famous quote for a reason.  


02/16/2015 at 01:09 AM

I saw that movie Lincoln a while back and there's this scene where one guy gets angry at another guy and goes for his gun, except it's a mid 1800's hand gun and you have to put the ball in it and use a ramrod to stick some gunpowder in it too. He took like almost a minute to load the thing while the other guy ran away and got far enough to very likely not get shot (those guns are also very inacurate). I wish gun technology had just stayed at that point. Today's guns are just so powerful. An instant of emotion can get someone dead really quickly. For me, I don't want any part of a gun except maybe at some shooting range just to experience how it feels to shoot one. I never want to own such a thing. I know how impulsive I can get sometimes.

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