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BaD 13: My Top 7 SSB Wii U/3DS Newcomers

On 02/13/2015 at 11:16 PM by Captain N

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Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2015

Warning, New Challenger Approaching!

Howdy everyone. Today's blog will be about newcomers in Smash. Everyone always loves speculating which characters will be in the new Smash. Me too, and actually some of my predictions came true which was great. That seems to be an almost-official thing with the series and Sakurai trolling everyone with characters, but that's Smash for you.  They did add quite a few this time around and some pretty good ones. Well here are my top 7 newcomers in Smash 4:

Little Mac

Little Mac

I'm pretty sure alot of people might of saw this coming. There's a reason for that, that I will write about in a later post. I've used Little Mac, and boy is he strong. Once you charge a Smash attack with him there's no stopping him, heck he doesn't even flinch when you hit him while you're charging the attack. He's also really fast, not Sonic fast, but fast. Alot of his moves are lifted from the Punch-Out games, and that's where his biggest flaw comes to mind: his jump. His jump is terrible, and so is his recovery move. I know what they were trying to do since in Punch-Out and in boxing, you don't jump or kick, but this is a game afterall. He is really strong and really fast, but in a game where your air recovery move means getting back on stage, or a K.O., that really means nothing. At least it's worth hearing Doc Louise in the taunts and seeing him in Little Mac's victory screen.



Before anyone writes off Lucina just like everyone on the internet, hear me out. Sure she is basically a clone of Marth like Ganondorf is a clone of Falcon, sure she has the same moveset, like Ganondorf ripping of Captain Falcon, but she is also more different than Marth. Only a bit. Remember that bit I said about Marths sword having a sweet spot at the tip of his blade? Well Lucina has the exact same thing on hers. Only that her whole sword gives damage no matter how you swing it versus the tip of Marths sword for maximum damage. Other than that her moves are identical. I could go on to say that she may be a bit superior to Marth, only for the sword. Unlike Ganondorf...



I didn't want to add another clone character here like Dark Pit so I opted for Palutena because she isn't a clone of an already existing character. Her moves are directly lifted from the Kid I carus games and the more recent Uprising one. One of the things that sets her appart from the other female fighters is that not only can she reflect projectiles, but she can also counter physical moves as well.



I got to say that as much as I like Mega Man, my award for best SSB WiiU/3DS third-party character goes to Pac-man. You see the thing is that Mega Man might be a bit tricky to use, I know I've played as him a few times and he is tricky to use because the way his moveset is designed. Whereas Pac-Man feels like a much better rounded character, like Mario. The cool thing is that Pac-Man not only has moves from his game, but he also has moves from different Namco games which makes him stand out from the rest. It seems like they put alot of care into crafting his moveset. 

Duck Hunt

Duck Hunt

Duck Hunt is one of those classic characters they add into Smash, like Ice Climbers, Mr. Game and Watch, and R.O.B. He was a really neat surprise to have and his moveset is borrowed from the game of the same name and more Zapper/Lightgun games. Plus Sakurai went the extra mile as to make him laugh at you in his taunt and in one of his victory poses. His moveset also makes him unpredictable to people who have never gone against him, that and the fact that he can hit far or really close.



She has always been on my most wanted character list ever since I started making them, and she was really the character I really wanted to see in the game. My wish came true and I couldn't be happier. What seperates her from Peach is the moveset really, and the fact that she is taller. Her moveset is quite interesting and do involve alot of what Galaxy had. Her b move is launching Luma at enemies at a distance, but the best part is that Luma can attack too, even when seperated from Rosalina. That is neat. Side b move is Starbits that she shoots in 3 different angles. Up b is a Launch Star from the Galaxy games that launch Rosalina high up in the air which is one of the best recovery moves in the game. And lastly, down b is the Star Pointer thing you used in Mario Galaxy to collect starbits. What's interesting is that she can pull items towards her with it, which is nice. But the best part is that you can stop projectiles or items that are being thrown at you. And the icing on the cake? You can even stop projectile moves from assist trophies and Pokemon in Pokeballs. So, you can either make her a close range or long distance characters with moves to make her unpredictable.



This one was a bit of a surprise, and around the time I started up Xenoblade so I could beat it. To a normal observation, Shulk seems like another normal sword user but in reality, he's way different from every sword user in the game. Shulk has access to Monado Arts, which are special attacks from Xenoblade. But in Sm4sh they actualy affect his stats. Speed Arts makes you faster, Shield makes your defenses more better so you wont get thrown out of the arena fast, Jump makes your jumping much better, Buster increases your attack damage, and Smash makes you launch enemies faster. The problem is that they have a drawback like hindering your other stats. But the cool thing about that is that it completly changes your other moves as well, in fact if Kirby get's Shulks abilities, did you know that his stats also change too? Shulk even has a pretty cool counter move that I wont spoil to anyone who has never played the game.

So those are my favorite 7 newcomers. I haven't given the rest enough time since I only use my faovites anyway. What are your favorite newcomers? Thanks for reading and later.

Images courtesy of me, Super Smash Bros. Wii U and my Wii U.




02/14/2015 at 12:03 AM

I can only say that once I get Smash 4, I can't wait to play as Rosalina and Mega Man. Duck Hunt, Pac-Man and Little Mac alse seem very interesting to play as.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

02/14/2015 at 01:26 AM

I'm almost entirely Greninja with a little Shulk on the newbies.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/14/2015 at 02:03 AM

I've enjoyed using Shulk and Pac-Man, but Little Mac always kills himself with that super punch of his he can't recover from ...

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/14/2015 at 08:41 AM

man, this blog really makes me want to play this. I will probably buy it in time for my nephews visit in April so they can play.  

Cary Woodham

02/14/2015 at 08:50 AM

Like I said before, my favorites are Pac-Man, Kirby, and Princess Zelda.


02/14/2015 at 01:24 PM

Love Little Mac. DeDeDe's still my favorite character overall though.


02/14/2015 at 07:06 PM

Little Mac is great. It sucs when you get edge players though and you just want to smack some fools and rely on using Mac's grab. I'll say that Mega Man is underrated for his moveset. He has quite a bit of range and while you can't quite get up in anybody's face with him you can always surprise them with an uppercut/air tornado or slide/flame pillar combo


02/16/2015 at 01:13 PM

Since they took Solid Snake away, when I have played I have gone with Little Mac.  They seem equally powerful and slow.

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