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BaD 14: Favorite Nintendo Female Characters

On 02/14/2015 at 11:19 PM by Captain N

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Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2015

Because it's Valentines Day

Yep, it's Valentine's Day. This day always makes me sad for alot of reasons. But whatever. Well with that out of the way, today's blog will be about my favorite female Nintendo characters and yes it's obvious who's going to be at the number one spot. When you think of a female character in a Nintendo, people will be quick to asume it's a princess getting kidnapped or something along those lines. I can see why some would asume that and it's quite understandable, but there's more characters that don't fall under that category if you look a little closer. Well here are my favorite female Nintendo characters:

Captain Syrup

Captain Syrup

Captain Syrup is from the Wario platformer games and while she's been around for a long time, I saw her for the first time in Wario Land: Shake It! She's the leader of a band of pirates and is just as greedy as Wario. To this day, she's the only character I know to have ever pulled a fast one on Wario.



I haven't even played the Fire Emblem game on the 3DS so she shouldn't even be on the list. However she seems like an interesting character... for obvious reasons from what I've read on the internet. I'll admit that I like her for her design but her personality is pretty interesting and alot of people say she's a bit on the interesting side. Seems like she might be an interesting character to see in the game.


Pokemon Sabrina

She's always been one of my favorite of the Kanto region Gym Leaders and she is the only one of them with powers, psychic powers. I remember watching that episode of Pokemon where Ash had to get a ghost Pokemon in order to defeat Sabrina's psychic Pokemon and he got a Haunter. The thing with that Haunter is that he didn't act serious and always goofed around, so that battle went as well as you have thought. In the manga, well I don't want to spoil a thing, but it's a neat twist. Back in the Gen 1 games she was probably one of the tougher Gym Leaders considering psychic Pokemon were overpowered. Also she looks like Rei Hino from Sailor Moon, well at least in Sabrina's original artwork.



The Goddess of Light and one of the main characters from the Kid Icarus games. The first time I learned about her was in Pit's Final Smash, but that wasn't much to go by. It wasn't till Kid Icarus: Uprising that I got to know more of her. At first glance she might seem like your typical goddess, but she's far from it. She's really helpful in the game, providing help and hints tp Pit whenever she can. She's also quite funny and a bit cheeky at times. I really enjoyed her conversations with Pit or any other characters in the game, and it's often quite humorous. She actually seems like someone pretty approachable, as in you can talk to her like you would to any friend and generally have a good time. Just don't think of anything naughty because she'll know.

Zelda and Midna

Zelda and Midna

I couldn't choose between the 2 so I just grouped both of them here. Zelda isn't your typical princess as alot of you are aware if you've played the games. She gets kidnapped sometimes only because she has the Triforce of Wisdom, but she actually goes out of her way to help you on your quest despite being kidnapped. She even helps you in the final fight of the game sometimes, rather than just breathing a sigh of relief and waiting in the sideline. My favorite incarnations of her would probably be Twilight Princess and Wind Waker.

Midna on the other hand is quite opposite of Zelda's personality. She is one of those characters who wont stop at nothing till they get what they want no matter how. She is pretty self-centered and only cares for her own needs and gain at first, she also treats Link like a servant. But eventually she starts to open up and care and she even treats Link like a friend. She's also pretty helpful and important to the plot of the game. I think she's probably one of the better side characters in Zelda games.


Pokemon Cynthia

The Pokemon Champion of the Sinnoh region and she also makes an appearance in the 5th generation games. I think besides your rival in the Gen 1 games, Cynthia had a really diverse team of Pokemon in her team. I think she might have been the hardest of the champions, at least up to that point. I also like the fact that she is researching Pokemon history, myths, and legends, so she's like a professor, except that instead of being in a lab, she travels and does research first hand.  I like history and the like so that seems really cool to me. Also I do like her design because it reminds me of a certain character.

Samus and Rosalina

 Samus and Rosalina

They are by far my most favorite female Nintendo characters, perhaps even my most favorite female video game characters in general. They are both opposites in terms of personality and appearance but they do have a few things in common. Samus is the lone space bounty hunter who travels the galaxy to take down alien threats. Rosalina is a lone space wanderer who travels the galaxy in search of Lumas who need a home. And she might be a goddess. 

They are also different in terms of powers and abilities. Samus has a highly advanced suit of armor with an entire arsenal at her disposal, and has the firepower to destroy an entire planet. Her suit is also pretty versatile as not only is it equiped with every doomsday weapon known to man, but it's also equiped with different abilities to traverse any planet as the suit can be modified with a different assortment of equipment.  Her visor is also equiped with different assortment of different HUD displays,like scanning for info, enemy weakspots, thermal visors, x-ray, and more. Plus she isn't totally defenseless when she losses her Power/Varia Suit. What she lacks in power when she losses her suit, she makes up for in speed and athletic ability. She also has a ship for travelling from planet to planet and it's equiped with weapons as well.

Rosalina on the other hand is more of a magical character and has the ability to change size, fly, travel through space, reflect projectiles and more. She travels the cosmos in the Comet Obsevatory which is her home and home of the Lumas. And I think she might have stopped aging due to travelling in space, or she is a goddess. She's not really a princess despite wearing princess like regalia. 

Samus is the badass tough as nails bounty hunter while Rosalina is the kind and motherly type character. They also both share a tragic past, as they have bost lost their family in one way or the other, and that could be a reason why they travel in space. They are both mysterious characters but they are both my favorite when it comes to female characters. Both are different in terms of personality and powers, but both share a tragic history but that only makes them tougher. Inner sorrow but outer strenght.

So, those are my favorite Nintendo female characters, who are your favorites? Thanks for reading and happy Valentines day.

Captain N Valentines Day



Super Step Contributing Writer

02/14/2015 at 11:35 PM

Samus is probably my favorite. Don't think about it much. And yes, VD sucks.


02/15/2015 at 12:36 AM

I totally agree with Zelda, Midna, Samus and Rosalina. These four are among my favorite Nintendo gals. Outside the list, Peach is also among my favorites odly enough despite her inconsistent status of being a capable character or not. Saria from Ocarina of Time i'm also fond of due to feeling like a friend and the support she has for Link.

Cary Woodham

02/15/2015 at 01:33 AM

Even though I didn't like Kid Icarus: Uprising, I enjoyed the dialogue between Pit and Palutena.  She's funny and she has green hair, so I like her.

I liked it at the end of Twilight Princess when Midna revealed her true form and the expression on Link's face was all like, "Duh..purdy...girl..."  I agree with you that Twilight Princess Zelda is awesome.

Impa from Hyrule Warriors and Agitha from Twilight Princess were also cool.

My favorites are Captain Syrup, Samus, and Princess Zelda.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/15/2015 at 02:24 AM

I'll always have a crush on Zelda.  Wink

Cary Woodham

02/15/2015 at 07:11 AM

My Mii married a Zelda Mii in Tomadachi Life.  We had a baby.  I named him Zelda Jr.  Only in videogames... :)

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/15/2015 at 10:01 AM

ha ha!


02/17/2015 at 02:28 AM

Zelda and Midna are totally gonna get it on. They just look right together.

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