You look like you're enjoying that new console. Congrats.
BaD XI: To Boldly Sit At Home
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![]() On 02/16/2015 at 03:53 PM by Super Step ![]() See More From This User » |
Yesterday was pretty much PS4 day for me as I downloaded another PSN+ freebie in Transistor, bought Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- and Rayman Legends on sale for a total of $34 and played a demo of How to Survive: Storm Warning Edition. Also watched trailers for Tomb Raider and the Temple of the Osiris and Knack, which I decided against getting.
Knack looked good, but it looked like the trailer was in 3:4 ratio for some reason and call me a "graphics whore," but I do want to enjoy things in the highest resolution and screen ratio possible when I buy a $432 system. I realize the game itself is likely in better resolution etc., but to be honest I wasn't looking seriously at this game before the PSN+ sale anyway, so I passed. Looked like a cute Pixar movie in game form, but eh. Rayman Legends already kind of fills that quota, even if the characters don't talk (which let's face it, is usually a good thing in most games).
Tomb Raider and the Temple of the Osiris was clearly meant to be played online and I wasn't about to get something I didn't know my friends had for online play, so pass on that.
How to Survive: Storm Warning Edition was simple fun and looked pretty nice, and I like the humor in the survival guide books, but since I'm still getting through a zombie game in The Last of Us Remastered, I passed. $8 still in my pocket.
Then I downloaded Rayman Legends and Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- simultaneously and later downloaded Transistor which oddly seemed to take longer than those two and I didn't have any other applications open. Weird.
Anyway, I played Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-'s tutorial and realized just how deep these games can be. Some of the stuff took me a second to figure out in terms of timing, especially causing a clash to happen by making Sin Kiske (the "professor") and Sol Badguy (character you play with in training mode) hit each others' weapons at the same time. Did a bit of "Challenge" mode with my favorite character Ky-Kiske and went off to an online match. I was in a beginner lobby, but got my ass handed to me by someone playing as Chipp Zanuff. That character always gives me trouble because he's so fast. I was playing with Ky-Kiske, but probably should have stuck with Sol Badguy, considering I learned his entire moveset in training mode. Played with Venom in aracde mode and really liked the animated cutscenes. In general, I love the style of the Guilty Gear series and Guilty Gear X2 was one of my favorite PS2 games along with Sly Cooper. I own X2 on Steam.
Then I played a bit of Transistor. I like these controller effects like blinking when the robot guy is talking to me and the flashlight clicking on and off in The Last of Us and the announcer coming through the controller in Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-. Yeah, it's not necessary, but it feels all futuristic, especially the way it's used in Transistor. The way the controller lights up when your guide is talking is very HAL 9000.
The game itself is a fun, technically kind-of-turn-based RPG, but instead of taking turns exactly you run to safety then press R2 to plan your moves. So far it's a bit simple and repetitive, but fun and incredibly stylish. I just hope I can figure things out once the difficulty ramps up. I just got the motorcycle. The game's art style is just awesome though.
Finally, I capped things off with Rayman Legends, where I had a lot of fun beating the first level and saving the blue people. I also did the online challenge, in which I got a gold trophy for collecting 150 lumites in about 35 seconds, but geez TheMart22, slow down so I can catch up to your time! I really like the concept of daily challenges, it makes me feel like I'm getting more out of the online community experience I missed out on by skipping last generation (and I really don't play online on Steam often, though I should; as far as I'm concerned, my laptop is also a 360).
So I dove headfirst into this new generation of gaming with my PS4 purchased Friday, some free PSN+ games and some games from the Valentine's Flash Sale. What about you?
Oh and my computer froze at work while typing this, but a bit of digging through my blog drafts that said [DRAFT] revealed that my work was indeed saved, so thanks Nick for making the site function how it does!