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Cary's Top Five LEAST Favorite Kirby Games

On 02/18/2015 at 06:08 AM by Cary Woodham

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A new Kirby game is being released this week: Kirby and the Rainbow Curse.  I’m always excited when a new Kirby game comes out.  I like Kirby games better than Mario titles!  And usually when a new Kirby game comes out, I like to write a blog about Kirby.  So this time I’m going to write about my LEAST favorite Kirby games.  Why so negative?  Well, Kirby and the Rainbow Curse is actually a sequel to Kirby Canvas Curse, one of the games on this list.  But don’t worry.  None of the games on my list are BAD games.  There’s no such thing as a bad Kirby game.  I just like these games less than others.  And this list isn’t in any particular order either.  So let’s roll!

Kirby’s Dream Land

You’d think that since I’m such a big Kirby fan now, I’d be sold on the first game.  But that wasn’t the case when it first came out.  Sure, I was interested in it since it was made by the same folks who did Adventures of Lolo, one of my favorite NES series at the time (Lolo was even in the first Kirby game).  And I also appreciated that they made a platformer that all ages can play and enjoy.  But at the time when this game came out, I was a still a kid with a limited income.  So I didn’t want to spend money on a game that I had to pay full price for, and beat quickly and get tired of it.  Luckily, years later I did borrow the game from a friend and beat both quests in an hour, so I’m glad I didn’t get it after all.  And even though Kirby didn’t have his trademark copy ability in the first game, you could tell the gears were turning in the developers’ heads even at such an early start.

Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land

This game isn’t really bad, more so it was disappointing to me.  We were finally getting a Kirby game on the Game Boy Advance (it had been a long time since a new Kirby game came out).  And it turns out that it’s just a remake of the NES Kirby’s Adventure that I played to death already.  Don’t get me wrong, Kirby’s Adventure is one of the best Kirby games out there, I was just hoping for something new for Kirby’s first GBA outing.  Luckily, soon after we did get a great new Kirby GBA game with Kirby and the Amazing Mirror.

Kirby’s Block Ball

It’s basically BreakOut or Arkanoid with Kirby.  Which seems like a good idea, since Kirby is a ball and all.  This is one of the few challenging Kirby games to me.  One, I’m not very good at those paddle and block breaking games.  I love ‘em, I’m just not very good at them!  Also, you can’t carry over extra lives to new stages in Block Ball, which makes starting a new area extra tough. 

Kirby’s Avalanche

It’s just Puyo Puyo, which isn’t a bad puzzler by any means.  SEGA did the same thing with Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine.  It just doesn’t really have anything to do with Kirby or Sonic.

Kirby Canvas Curse

A lot of people name Canvas Curse as one of their favorite Kirby games, early DS games, or just creative games in general.  But I don’t know, it just didn’t click with me for some reason.  It’s hard to explain.  I had a hard time with the controls, and I felt that other early DS games made better use of the touch screen.  Like Pac-Pix.  Even Miyamoto said he wished he would’ve thought of Pac-Pix first!  But I will say that I did play through Canvas Curse, so don’t think I didn’t give it a fair shake.

But just because I didn’t like Canvas Curse as much as others, it doesn’t mean I’m going to go into Rainbow Curse with a negative attitude.  Now that I’ve had years of touch screen gaming under my belt with the DS, 3DS, iPad, and Wii U, I may do better with the controls this time.  Plus, I really like the clay animated graphics in Rainbow Curse.  I have a strong interest in clay animation and stop motion, and I even took a class on it once.  I liked it in the 16- and 32-bit days when many developers were using clay animation for graphics and non-computer generated 3-D models.  I’d love to see that style make a comeback.  Clayfighter is due for a remake, wouldn’t you agree?

Anyway, so those are my least favorite Kirby games.  In the comments section, let me know if there are any Kirby games you don’t like, and if you’re looking forward to Rainbow Curse, too!

Unrelated Stuff

Just wanted to get some stuff off my chest here because February is turning out to be a sucky month as usual.  First, the gym near my house is closing down, which I liked going to because it was within walking distance.  So I don’t know what I’m going to do now.  Life seems ten times harder when you can’t drive a car.  Even worse, my mom went to the doctor to have her allergies tested, so they had to scan her whole head to check out her nose.  They thought they saw a small anomaly in her head so they sent her to have an MRI.  It could be nothing at all, but they want to make sure it’s not a brain tumor or anything.  Waiting for the results is the hardest part.  Naturally I’m going to worry about it regardless, but please keep her in your thoughts and prayers anyway.  Thanks.  –Cary



Captain N

02/18/2015 at 07:53 AM

I haven't played 3 of these yet. I've played Nightmare in Dream Land think it was a great remake. I did think that it was a new game at the time. I do like Canvas Curse alot, not sure if its my most favorite though. 

I'll pray for your mom Cary, hopefully its nothing serious.

Cary Woodham

02/18/2015 at 07:56 AM

Nightmare in Dream Land was a good remake, I just wanted a new Kirby game at the time.  And thanks.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/18/2015 at 11:24 AM

Hoping the best for your mom! 

So let's see, your least favorite Kirby games are: the first entry where they didn't have everything quite "there" yet, a re-release of an old title on a handheld system, two re-skins of other games, and a DS game with a control system that did not click with you. Makes perfect sense to me that your least favorites are mostly the ones that aren't really new Kirby games when they release, and from one whose stylus controls were the issue.

If you need a gym alternative, what my consultant friend told me to do when I couldn't make it was to do lunges and push up as fast as I could at home and some bicycle crunches or planks at the end depending on the day. 

There's also a lot of YouTube trainers who present some good stuff. Check out ZuzkaLight and DavidsFitness. This ZuzkaLight workout really does help you lose fat rapidly and she's not hard to look at:

Again, best wishes to your family and hope all goes well!

Cary Woodham

02/18/2015 at 09:13 PM

My mom got the results back.  It's a cyst on her pituitary gland.  It sounds bad, but it's really not, and way less worse than a tumor.  So I'm happy.  Please continue to keep her in your prayers, though.  Thanks.

This weekend I'm going to look at the local rec center and see what they have as far as a gym.  It's a little farther to walk than the other gym, and they may not have as good hours, but I'll see this weekend.  Might also get some equipment to use at home.  Thanks for the tips about videos to watch and such, though. 

And you're right, that lady in the video is not hard to look at all.


02/18/2015 at 12:49 PM

Best wishes to your mum Cary.

Cary Woodham

02/18/2015 at 09:13 PM

My mom got the results back.  It's a cyst on her pituitary gland.  It sounds bad, but it's really not, and way less worse than a tumor.  So I'm happy.  Please continue to keep her in your prayers, though.  Thanks.


02/18/2015 at 02:12 PM

For me, Canvas Curse was the first real vindication of the DS's touch screen. Sure, WarioWare Touched! was fun but Canvas Curse was a full-fledged game, not a collection of touch screen tech demos. I loved it and am definitely looking forward to Rainbow Curse, though I won't be getting it right away (that's become the story of my life). And yes, cool graphics! Is it just me or is Nintendo the only one doing anything interesting graphics-wise these days?

Cary Woodham

02/18/2015 at 09:14 PM

The DS game that I thought really first made good use of the touch screen was Pac-Pix.  Have you ever played that one?

I don't know if Nintendo's the only company doing cool things with graphics, but they are one of the only ones making games that interest me right now.


02/19/2015 at 05:25 AM

I haven't played Pac-Pix but I did buy a copy of it...last year? I think it was last year. Anyway, I found a new copy of it at Old Navy, of all places, for $5 and couldn't pass it up. Still need to play it though.

Cary Woodham

02/19/2015 at 08:05 AM

You should really play it!


02/18/2015 at 08:08 PM

My condolences to you mom Cary. Hope she gets all right.

If you'd like to know about another modern game with clay animation, look up Dominique Pamplemousse.

Cary Woodham

02/18/2015 at 09:15 PM

I've never heard of that game.  I don't know if I can remember a name that long! :)

My mom got the results back.  It's a cyst on her pituitary gland.  It sounds bad, but it's really not, and way less worse than a tumor.  So I'm happy.  Please continue to keep her in your prayers, though.  Thanks.


02/18/2015 at 11:32 PM

There really isn't much to Kirby's Dream Land. It's only like four stages long. The sequel improved on it quite dramatically. I've played a lot of Kirby games, but really couldn't say which one was the worst. Kirby's Adventure on NES will always be my favorite. Are there any on DS that you'd recommend? Preferrably non-stylus eccentric?

Cary Woodham

02/19/2015 at 08:06 AM

Kirby's Dream Land 2 was fantastic!  The only two Kirby games that were exclusively on the DS other than Canvas Curse were Kirby Squeak Squard and Kirby Mass Attack.  Squeak Squad was more traditional, but even though Mass Attack used the touch screen, it was a brilliant game and you shouldn't pass it up!

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