I beat the Arcade mode of Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- using Sol Badguy. I like this whole "actually knowing a character's moveset" thing I'm doing where I almost always just mashed buttons as a kid. I had a line going where people could not end my reign with Yoshimitsu in Tekken at an arcade once and I really was just hammering away on buttons and moving the joystick everywhere. One kid called me out on it and being the goodie two shoes I was then, I threw a fight after that. But the more I've thought about it since, I've considered the fact I got away with that the developers' fault. Oh well.
Anyway, I mostly just went from Sol's Viper attack into his Gun Flame attack to keep the PC cornered and rack up combos. I think I forgot what his DESTROY move was though. I thought it was two half-circles and the O-button for all characters, but that was doing something else and I definitely entered that state where you either do your special or get near killed trying.

The Arcade ended on a cliffhanger, so I'll play Story next or I might just see who else I can get used to playing as and beat their Arcade mode first. Ky-Kiske was my main in X2 and I'm interested to see how this new Sin-Kiske person controls.
I also got a bit further in Rayman Legends as well. I'm going to go back to using Rayman, I don't like how heavy Barbara feels and controls. I forgot to do the challenge today though. Usually my goal is just to beat TheMart22, which I did last time. I guess if he played today, he wins by default. 
I finally managed to wake up at a decent hour today, which is odd considering I went out and had some drinks pretty late last night. We played a game called Bananagrams, which I suck at because it's basically Scrabble with a time limit and I hate time limits. It was really fun though, since we were all drinking and having a good time. I just don't do well rearranging words quickly and always get stuck with too many consonants.
Another first yesterday was the Design Editor not even touching the Opinions Page I designed for the university paper last night. Aside from two minor things she reminded me to do, I actually had something she liked just fine. Made my night and I was actually finished early for the first time in a long time. I guess I'm finally getting the hang of this InDesign thing.
Before going out, I had only had 1570 calories, 135g of carbs and about 142g protein, so slightly over my carbs by 5 and slightly under my protein by 8. But who knows after the Blue Moon, Ziegenboch, and Jim Beam double-shot with Dr. Pepper I had ... and pieces of pizza and ceasar salad. Whatever, I jogged a 5k in 30 minutes Monday, still lift weights and do cardio and was still only 169 lbs (hilariously JUST overweight on BMI for someone 5'9" like me ... yeah, I'm definitely not overweight because of fat and the BMI can suck it) this morning. I can fuck around a little.
Today I need to do laundry and prepare for my thesis committee tomorrow, so wish me luck!
What are you all up to? Also, question: So Apotheon and Transistor were free February PSN+ games, but do I own them as long as I have PSN+ or only as long as I have PSN+ and it's still February? Because if it's the latter, I better get on those games.