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5 Best Pokemon Typings

On 02/20/2015 at 12:21 AM by Casey Curran

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Pokemon is a lot of things, but balanced not one of them. Don't get me wrong, with's rules and tiers, the game is damn well balanced, but you need to restrict it. At the same time, however, a mouse that shoots electricity probably isn't supposed to be on the same level as a giant sea serpent. But it's not just the Pokemon, it's their typings as well which are not all equal. Some are great offensively, some are great defensively, and some are just plain better than others. So here's my top five typings.

5. Fighting

It took a lot of thinking for the number five slot. Four through one are easy, but there are plenty of good types which could fit here, including Dragon, Ground, and Flying. But at the end of the day, even with its nerf from Fairy types owning it, Fighting is just so damn good. Great coverage, hitting a lot of key types hard, three weaknesses, only one of which is common, plenty of resistances, and a giant selection of attacks.

4. Ghost

Ghost is probably the best offensive typing, only failing to hit Normal or Dark Pokemon neutral or better. Meanwhile, only Dark Pokemon can tank a hit from them and strike back, as they're only weak to Dark and Ghost. Meanwhile, it has two immunities and resists Bug and Poison. These Pokemon are the reason Ghost and Dark moves are so commonly used for coverage.

3. Water

You want the best typing of the three? Well it's this one. Doesn't always mean you get the best Pokemon, as there are always a slew of great Water types to catch, but Water is a fantastic type. Only two weaknesses while resisting twice as much puts it as a solid defensive type. Offensively, it probably has the best neutral coverage of any type save Ghost, with plenty of moves to take advantage of this offensively.

Not only that, but it synergizes well with other types. Most Pokemon with a Water typing added are either given a solid niche or are improved as a whole. 

2. Fairy

Game Freak's way of balancing Dragons, Dark, and Fighting types worked like a charm. Perhaps too well as now Fairy types seem to be overpowering the rest of the game. Fairy types are so good that Steel and Poison, two of the worse offensive typings, are now common just to take these things out. Its neutral coverage is great, it sends many other great typing shivering in fear, and is hard to take down.

1. Steel

It has to be Steel. Created for Gold and Silver to offer another Psychic resistance to join Dark as well as, well, over half the types of the game. Even after it lost resistances to Dark and Ghost types, Steel still resists nine types and is immune to Poison. That second part is especially great since Steel can't be hit with a Poison status, a great immunity to have. 

Offensively, it was okay with little extra coverage, until Fairy types came. Now Steel is the go to way to take out Fairies (that came out wrong), and its offensive shortcomings don't seem to be as big an issue. Steel also outdoes Water with synergy as everything except Rock is improved or given a niche with a Steel typing. All these other types are good, but Steel is the only typing necessary to create a quality team. It's so good, that a Pokemon exists with no purpose other than to trap other Steel types from switching and take them out. It's just that good.



Super Step Contributing Writer

02/20/2015 at 01:25 AM

#2 Fairies :)


I like this list.

Cary Woodham

02/20/2015 at 07:30 AM

Have you tried Pokemon Shuffle yet?  It's out and it's free.


02/20/2015 at 04:24 PM

I always though that normal types were vastly underrated as far as typing goes. In fact it's one of my favorite typings. They don't have any real resistance, but no real weaknesses either save for fighting. They might be middle of the road, but I'll take a Snorlax  or Slaking who can tank hits any day of the week.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

02/20/2015 at 04:54 PM

Well, the biggest issue with Normal is their lack of coverage. Two resisting it and one immune to it would be acceptable if they hit something hard good like Electric does, but they hit nothing hard. Plus Steel/Rock and Ghost are weak to different things meaning you need different coverage moves. It's one of the key reasons Snorlax has been taken down a few pegs over the years. I'd actually say it's down there with Bug and Ice for the worst ones in the game.


02/20/2015 at 06:21 PM

I totally agree about Water. It's my favorite typing of the starters. I also have a fondness for Electric, altough that's more of a preference as perhaps it isn't the best and my favorite Pokemon is on that typing.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

02/20/2015 at 09:42 PM

Electric's actually a really good type, especially since it has such great synergy with Ice offensively. Its main problem is just that Ground is such a good, common type too and counters it perfectly and that Earthquake is one of the best moves in the game. But a good number of Pokemon are improved by an Electric typing.

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