As a fun change of pace from a typical top five favorites list, I decided to pick my favorite game on each console (and handhelds). I kept it to only to systems I’ve owned however, so the Wii, Genesis, Gamecube, and even the classic 3DO were left out!
SNES – The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
The SNES was my first console, but unfortunately I wasn’t reading game magazines back then so I didn’t get to play most of the best games until later. I had the foresight to pick up LTTP at a pawn shop, but it ended up being a French copy! It wasn’t until five years later that I realized how truly awesome this game is.
PS1 – Final Fantasy VII
I can’t believe it has been over ten years since I first played this game. When I got the game, it was already hyped as a classic… though I’m sure a lot of FF fans still consider this game “new.”
N64 – The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Somehow, I forgot how great this game was until I played it again many years later. Nothing feels better than being knocked off your feet like that.
GBC – The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
Four entries in and we are already pretty overloaded in Zelda titles! Not a huge surprise given the quality of the games, but still! Second place in this category would probably be Zelda: Oracle of Seasons!

GBA – Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
I have fond memories eyeing this game in the bargain bin as I saved up for a used GBA. It was the first GBA game I bought and it’s easily my favourite. I had already beaten the game five times a few months after I bought it!
PSP – Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Such a great ending in this game. It even makes the story better in the original game. If only more prequels could do as much.
PS2 – Final Fantasy X
I will never forget my gaping jaw when playing this shortly after finishing FFVII. I thought to myself, “When did games start looking like real-life!?” And I wasn’t thinking about the CG! FFXII is an incredibly close second. I think XII might even be better, it’s just that X left such a huge impression on me.

Xbox – Ninja Gaiden
I was gonna choose Halo: CE, but arguably Ninja Gaiden has aged better. NG still looks great today and unfortunately, later games in the series haven’t come close to this one.
PS3 – Uncharted 2
I borrowed a PS3 and this game from a friend. It arguably sold me on buying the console myself a few months later.
Xbox 360 – Halo: Reach
Halo: CE may be the better game, but at least Reach still feels just as good today. I put over 200 hours into this one and I’m still going back for more.
How about some of you guys mention what your favorite game is per console? Limit them to three consoles to avoid having to spend half an hour on your comments! And maybe mention the consoles I missed too!