I didn’t bother with any “Bonus BaDs” this weekend, given how I was communing with my new Wii U, but I decided to start fresh anew this weekend.
But as I was all set in blogging last night, the next thing I knew I had fallen asleep on my netbook’s keyboard. “Teh Wife” had to wake me up to put me to bed at that point. Sadly work yesterday took it out of me. But it’s because of that that made me realize that I haven’t exactly spoke of my daily/weekly/monthly routine that is the life of The Virtual Reality Sociopath. Normally I don’t talk about my life outside of gaming on here, given how the sites I blog on are “game-centric” blogs, but I have seen others speak of what they do besides game. So I figured I should do the same, if just one, for this yearly session of BaD. You’ll forgive me if I don’t get too personal. As much as I’d like to share who I am, I still need to maintain some form of anonymity on here due to the prearranged agreements I’ve made years ago.
So without further delay, here is the life and times of NSonic79 outside of being The Virtual Reality Sociopath:
I wake up early in the morning so I can take my long commute to work. Given that I live in the rural areas of the great state of Nebraska, I have to travel to where the work is. As much as I’d like to work in the same rural areas that I live in, I sadly haven’t been able to find a job locally so thus my daily commute. For the most part it’s not that bad. I’m use to driving long distances, I kind of consider it my “me time” when I am alone with my thoughts. It’s usually during this time I come up with some great blog ideas. And if nothing comes up I usually listen to news radio given that I don’t care much for what’s on the radio these days.
And what is my job exactly? Well to put it bluntly I work in a warehouse. Yep I’m your average blue collar worker. What may make this shocking to some is that I’ve also been a white collar worker as well. Name your average white collar job and there is a good chance that I’ve done it before. From accounting to computer programming, from Human Resources to the cubical farms of the corporate world, I’ve done them all. But for the most part I didn’t care for them. I’m more of a man who prefers to be on my feet and active instead of being chained down to a table/phone/office desk. Sure the pay is better, and I get to work office attire, but I usually find myself going stir crazy. Kinda like this…
Though I’m a warehouse working, I work most of the time on the road being a delivery guy. Personally I like this job a bit more given how I’m away from work most of the day. For those who don’t read my “AFK” blogs, things have gone downhill at work to the point where I want to find other employment in the foreseeable future. I work my usual 8 hour day like the rest of us, climb back into my car and make the long commute back home. From there I usually have dinner with “Teh Wife” and spend time with her and/or do other basic household chores during that time till it’s time for bed around the 8 to 10pm mark, only for me to do the whole routine all over again for the next five days.
When the weekend comes I find myself either doing the basic household chores like laundry, light housekeeping, food shopping or outings with “Teh Wife” if it fits our fancy.
Now if you’re thinking that sounds rather dull I will have to admit that it is. It doesn’t seem to have much going on in the middle but I find ways to keep things interesting. It may not be grand or extravagant but it breaks the monotony of the work week. But I bet you have noticed that I made no mention of gaming during any of that time. And I will admit that over the years my time for gaming has waned a bit over the years. Besides the long drives to and from work and what little time I have left in the work week, I don’t have much time to dig deep into any games particularly. When I usually game over the weekend it would be mostly during my lunch break at work with either the PSP or the 3DS, or I opt to go online with my 3G capable netbook and catch up on blogs to current gaming news. If I do game at home it’s either late at night or early in the morning before I go into work, and that usually may consists of some flight time with Ace Combat Infinity. The weekend is when I game the most, which is if I have the time after all the usual household chores are done.
So there you have it. I maybe a “Virtual Reality Sociopath” in the gaming world, be it online or otherwise, but in real life I’m just your average joe trying to earn money to get ahead in life. Nothing special to see here really. Sure I have leaving a lot out but it’s best that I keep those exploits quite given how the internet likes to disseminate information. I won’t go into detail of my past years, my years in New England, or other adventures I had long before I met “Teh Wife”.
I’ll save that for another time. (maybe)
Bad thought of the day
I probably shouldn’t celebrate too much upon seeing how New England is slowly falling apart after all the snowstorms it’s received should I?